I know right. Jesus Christ.omg....
I know right. Jesus Christ.omg....
I know right. Jesus Christ.
Please guys tell me once you finish Persona 5 if it has a better ending than Persona 3.
Nothing has beaten that ending for me from an emotional standpoint. If it gets beaten then that'll be a huge achievement for me personally.
Yeah, it's pretty much my one and only complaint about the game. Doesn't make it any worse as a package, but I'm just surprised.
You people have no idea. I'm only about a 1/4 through and I can't stop gushing. 25 hours straight. And I only understand a small portion of the dialogue.
This is honestly lining up to be one of the all-time classics. I adore P4G, but this just improves on every aspect to the nth degree.
i see.
also unrelated early may music spoilerbeneath the mask vocals ver. when
Persona5 first week sales: 337K
PS4: 264K
PS3: 73K
Persona5 first week sales: 337K
PS4: 264K
PS3: 73K
Persona5 first week sales: 337K
PS4: 264K
PS3: 73K
It is essentially the Witcher 3 of Persona games in terms of overall quality.
I think the second half of Persona games is when everything goes to shit, so I'll be interested to see if it holds up on the back end or if the final 20, 30, 40 hours just feel like a grinding monotony to find out who or what the evil entity is.
I really only enjoyed the first half of 3 and 4 when you're meeting the cast members and helping them overcome their personal little problems.
I'm hoping someone who feels similarly can give their thoughts on P5.
Really? I liked the 2nd half of P3 and P4.
MGS5 sold a little over 400k from what I remember reading somewhere. This is pretty good, right? And it's gearing up to be a pretty good seller overseas as well. Good for them.
2nd dungeon spoiler
is it possible to retry the rare shadow that came out of the gold cup?
I mean, I'm sure I'm in a thread full of hardcore Persona enthusiasts who think my opinion is terrible, but I figured I'd ask!
There were about 30 hours or so of pure grind in P3 until the penultimate month or so. P4 I couldn't even finish, the monotony was suffocating. I used a guide to get the true ending, realized how shitty it is to have to use a guide to get a true ending, found out who the killer was and never returned.
I'm hoping that P5 is thematically more interesting or tighter paced. It's good to hear the dungeons are better. I know I can enjoy this type of game because I kinda love Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
You don't have to use a guide to get P4's true ending. Simply knowing that "Reach out to the truth" is the game's message and realizing that some plot threads aren't resolved should be enough to tell you that there is more to this game. I do agree though that P3 and P4 had severe pacing issues.
So freaking awesome.So on a scale of good to ludicrously good, how would the people playing rate it so far?
Well.So what's the consensus so far guys? Has Persona 4 been dethroned?
Yep . P4 was fine , but P5 is just superiorEasily. It's not even a competition.
Could someone tell me if I'm understanding what's going on? I still get kinda lost in the dialogues outside the real world. I'll spoiler it, I'm right after the point when Ryuji gets his persona.Did I get something right? ç_çSo, when he was talking with Kamoshida, he kept talking about a "betrayal ace" or somethign along those lines right? Was he talking about Ryuji past? I also believe Ryuji was saying he wasn't able to join the Track and Field Team. Morgana was saying that the people they saw, Ann included, weren't the "real" people right? And then Morgana also tried to explain that he wasn't a cat, but Ryuji and the protagonist didn't believe him. Lastly, when Ann was talking with her friend, this girl was sad that she couldn't partecipate in the event because of an injury and then she was called by Kamoshida. What the Protagonist and Ryuji are trying to do is find a witness on Kamoshida's use of corporal punishment.
Thanks, then I did get the gist of it. Glad to hear I wasn't to far from what actually happenedWell , euh ..spoilers i guess. for the start of the first arc (april events )
About morgana :Ryuji couldn't handle kamoshida training and behavior. In short , kamoshida is an asshole that treat his students like shit. So ryuji quit the team. ( He did it despite the fact that he like sports a lot )
When they explored the castle the second time they saw the punishments on the students , but the characters aren't real.. they are manifestation of people resentement and feeligns regarding a certain issue.( short version ) And in this case, the issue is kamoshida. Morgana was saying that you can't save those students that kept being tortured because they aren't real. The real course of action would be to deal with kamoshida who control the place.
Morgana introduced himself to the duo and they asked him what's the deal with him being trapped in the dongeon (being a cat ) . Morgana answered that he isn't a cat , he's an human, but he lost his human body. Why ? How ? When ? morgana doesn't know. He forgot. You have some dialog choices and you can choose to believe him or not. ryuji has a hard time to accept this.
About Anne :
You're basicly right about this part, that's what happenned in that scene.
Well , euh ..spoilers i guess. for the start of the first arc (april events )
About morgana :Ryuji couldn't handle kamoshida training and behavior. In short , kamoshida is an asshole that treat his students like shit. So ryuji quit the team. ( He did it despite the fact that he like sports a lot )
When they explored the castle the second time they saw the punishments on the students , but the characters aren't real.. they are manifestation of people resentement and feeligns regarding a certain issue.( short version ) And in this case, the issue is kamoshida. Morgana was saying that you can't save those students that kept being tortured because they aren't real. The real course of action would be to deal with kamoshida who control the place.
Morgana introduced himself to the duo and they asked him what's the deal with him being trapped in the dongeon (being a cat ) . Morgana answered that he isn't a cat , he's an human, but he lost his human body. Why ? How ? When ? morgana doesn't know. He forgot. You have some dialog choices and you can choose to believe him or not. ryuji has a hard time to accept this.
About Anne :
You're basicly right about this part, that's what happenned in that scene.
I was somewhat right in my thoughts.Well , euh ..spoilers i guess. for the start of the first arc (april events )
About morgana :Ryuji couldn't handle kamoshida training and behavior. In short , kamoshida is an asshole that treat his students like shit. So ryuji quit the team. ( He did it despite the fact that he like sports a lot )
When they explored the castle the second time they saw the punishments on the students , but the characters aren't real.. they are manifestation of people resentement and feeligns regarding a certain issue.( short version ) And in this case, the issue is kamoshida. Morgana was saying that you can't save those students that kept being tortured because they aren't real. The real course of action would be to deal with kamoshida who control the place.
Morgana introduced himself to the duo and they asked him what's the deal with him being trapped in the dongeon (being a cat ) . Morgana answered that he isn't a cat , he's an human, but he lost his human body. Why ? How ? When ? morgana doesn't know. He forgot. You have some dialog choices and you can choose to believe him or not. ryuji has a hard time to accept this.
About Anne :
You're basicly right about this part, that's what happenned in that scene.
Thanks, then I did get the gist of it. Glad to hear I wasn't to far from what actually happened![]()
Thanks for this. I'm around the same point and had similar questions and this was what I was feeling but wasn't sure. Figure it will become more clear as I go on.
I was somewhat right in my thoughts.
Well , euh ..spoilers i guess. for the start of the first arc (april events )
Ryuji couldn't handle kamoshida training and behavior. In short , kamoshida is an asshole that treat his students like shit. So ryuji quit the team. ( He did it despite the fact that he like sports a lot )
When they explored the castle the second time they saw the punishments on the students , but the characters aren't real.. they are manifestation of people resentement and feeligns regarding a certain issue.( short version ) And in this case, the issue is kamoshida. Morgana was saying that you can't save those students that kept being tortured because they aren't real. The real course of action would be to deal with kamoshida who control the place.
I just completed the fourth dungeon, and while exploring Mementos I suddenly discoveredI have the ability to ram enemies from behind, and I will instantly get a persona from them without a battle. I don't remember gaining such an ability, unless it's the effect from Ryuuji's Social Link? One of them states it allows for insta kills if I initiate a battle.
Uh, my understanding of what they represent is different. I thought they're supposed to bewhat Kamoshida thinks of his students. Like how he sees Anne as nothing more than a sex object.
Lots of great impressions but this is the only one that I needed. TW3 is my favourite game of all time and I can't wait to play another RPG with that quality.I'm starting the run to the end of the game and depending on how things unravel from here, this game could easily be in my best games of all time list, not just RPGs.
It is essentially the Witcher 3 of Persona games in terms of overall quality.
Playing super slow. 10 hours in save file and i just did thein the first dungeon. Not sure how much I have left in this dungeon.library book puzzle FUCK THIS SHIT
On your own scale, how do you gonna rate it?
Hey guys, I have a few Mementos missions with question marks... Am I right in assuming these need to be incestigated in the real world?
You don't have to use a guide to get P4's true ending. Simply knowing that "Reach out to the truth" is the game's message and realizing that some plot threads aren't resolved should be enough to tell you that there is more to this game. I do agree though that P3 and P4 had severe pacing issues.
But yes, close enough.
Would you say the pacing is better in 5?
After completing the fourth dungeon, I'm beginning to find the game to be too easy.Ryuuji, Yusuke and Makoto just need to spam their aoe physical attacks and I can take out most mobs with no retaliation. Then it's just a matter of healing up which is really cheap in this game. I grinded 4 levels in a single incursion to Mementos. Then again, I can probably expect to see Arahabakis and Rangdas in the next dungeon to screw my physical strategy...
I tried a crossword.
I should've just studied.
That's a bit disappointing if true, but then again P3 and P4 weren't particularly difficult either outside of a few bosses. Which difficulty are you playing on?
Just starting dungeon 5. Music is tremendous, once again.
I fearjoins too late on, which is a shame. P-Studio still can't quite balance their events right. Give us all the characters, then the free time, please.Haru
I can see Normal being a bit of a push over but Hard has been pretty nasty so far.