Probably didn't explain it well - two times in the last two days I've accidentally activated something so that when I hit, say, the D key my IME spits out ち or と or something instead (as far as I understand it's acting as if my Eng-layout keyboard is a Japanese one). I fixed it by jumping into the control panel and reverting from... I think it was 'kana input' back to 'romaji input', but I wanna know what I'm hitting that's making it switch inputs.
I don't think there is a keyboard shortcut to switch back and forth between between direct kana-input and romaji input. Rather than going into Control Panel everytime, if your IME bar is visible you can just click off the KANA setting directly.

I'm not sure what makes Windows get it into its head that you are masochistic enough to want direct Kana input but for some reason it occasionally comes to this conclusion. Once you turned it off, you should be able to alt-~ back and forth between input modes without it coming back on again...until Windows decides once again that you should be using direct Kana input again.
If someone does know a keyboard shortcut to kill that shit it would be great. It seems to happen at the most inopportune times, like when in a full screen game with no visible access to the IME bar.