Speaking of, I noticed your twitch starts from part 6 - are you going to re upload 1-5? I was slowly making my way through those...It's PS4 streaming so there's not much that can be done. They haven't stopped me from streaming the game on twitch through an external cap device though. I have a ton of hours of it.
The only channel I saw taken down was one that started prior to the launch date.What do you mean they're "strong arming" let's players? They're taking the videos or channels down?
The only channel I saw taken down was one that started prior to the launch date.
No spoilers but can you join clubs in this game? I've been watching a few streams and haven't seen anything about it.
Also, apart from Mementos are there any side-quests similar to the quests in P4?
Who's the Riddle Master? (Answer NPC's riddles correctly)
The Girl on the Rooftop. (Find out the hobbies of a girl some boy likes.)
Please Feed the Cat (Well, you know, you kinda feed a cat.)
Haven't seen anything like these sorts of quests in p5 so far, are they there?
Clubs :___No you can't___
Sidequests :___No___
Well it did prevent most people who got it pre-release to stream it, but at some point you want to disable that stuff.I wonder if that works like flipping a switch. I am certain japanese twitter would be flooded by videos of the menus. Since the PS3 doesn't have the lock feature that version can still take pictures.
Also anyone wondering about challenge mode, it's finally announced for the 13th october and free as expected.Some more costumes including Raidou costumes. copy paste for famitsu links and maybe tiny boss and later game stuff spoiler.
Well, that's really disappointing...
Speaking of, I noticed your twitch starts from part 6 - are you going to re upload 1-5? I was slowly making my way through those...
Hmm, with the new challenge mode coming next week, I think I might hold off going further in my NG+ to do it from scratch in that setting.
Oh... are they doing that thing where they lock a difficulty mode behind timed DLC again? That is such a bad practice with no justification whatsoever. Just let me choose the thing day 1.
Joining clubs was just a way of forcing you into S.Links anyway and to be honest I never did any of these sidequests in P3 and P4.
What do you mean they're "strong arming" let's players? They're taking the videos or channels down?
Same.Only have a few hours to play a week, so i am slowly moving forward. Just got to the start of the second dungeon. If i keep playing for 5 hours a week I'll probably finish right when the US version hits.
Really having fun with it. Mostly using remote play to my Surface 3, and when i hit Japanese beyond my ability that i really want to work through, i copy the screen to onenote to translate later. I don't do that a ton, but it's still part of the fun.
コスプレガンマンSometimes the enemies will taunt you in battle by saying something like "来いよ、コスプレガンナ!", any idea what's the actual quote?
Not really in the age of smartphone. It just means less high-quality lets-plays and screenshots, and more shitty spoiler pics taken with phones. I don't see how that's a win for anyone.I guess they don't want ANYTHING spoiled about the game, which is understandable.
Which is pretty damn stupid, since WoM and videos like that are what's going to sell this thing in the West.They're sending take-down orders to people who are doing Persona 5 lets plays.
As far as I understand, according to the Japanese law, derivative works are only allowed if the maker allows them. I assume that not turning off the PS4 stream feature can be treated as an OK, but if it's disabled and the opening screen states that you are not supposed to stream it (I think it had a line about 配信i'm a little angry right now .because i had uploaded small sniplets of gameplay from P5 ON my youtube channel , the videos weren't long ( 5 mins ) and there was only 3 of them and 1 was mostly battle gameplay.
And i got copy right strikes.
For what exactly ?
Ps: atlustube are morons , i can't even make a video showing the gameplay of this game?
コスプレダンナSometimes the enemies will taunt you in battle by saying something like "来いよ、コスプレガンナ!", any idea what's the actual quote?
Well it did prevent most people who got it pre-release to stream it, but at some point you want to disable that stuff.I wonder if that works like flipping a switch. I am certain japanese twitter would be flooded by videos of the menus. Since the PS3 doesn't have the lock feature that version can still take pictures.
Also anyone wondering about challenge mode, it's finally announced for the 13th october and free as expected.Some more costumes including Raidou costumes. copy paste for famitsu links and maybe tiny boss and later game stuff spoiler.
55 hours in and only just finished the 4th dungeon. I don't know how you guys got through this game so quick lol
One thing I kinda miss from Persona 4 is (Minor spoilers for P4 and the first half of P5 follow)the group events. Like in Persona 4 how you went on a school excursion to the city, went to a summer festival, had a school culture day, went camping, went to a hot spring together, got a scooter liscence and went to the beach together, etc. I feel like a lot of the slink events in P5 are a lot more one to one rather than everyone getting together as a group. I mean there's been a buffet dinner, dinner at a sushi restaurant but not much. I was so bummed that the fireworks festival got rained out as well
Can anyone who's finished the game give a yes/no answer on whether there's more of this later on in the game?
Is the MC the best Persona MC? Can I have some spoiler free impressions about him?
Ahhh that's unfortunateIt got erased before I remembered to highlight them unfortunately.
i'm a little angry right now .because i had uploaded small sniplets of gameplay from P5 ON my youtube channel , the videos weren't long ( 5 mins ) and there was only 3 of them and 1 was mostly battle gameplay.
And i got copy right strikes.
For what exactly ?
Ps: atlustube are morons , i can't even make a video showing the gameplay of this game?
It almost seems like a conscious effort to tone down those kind of scenes dramatically, probably because they don't want it to feel like "another Persona 4"
Okay, I have a question, wondering if I screwed this up. This is for December.
So there was nothing to do on 11/27 so I decided to just go ahead and finish the dungeon and then finish the final Empress rank I need to reach max a couple days later, but after securing the route, all the party member coops have disappeared and I have to send out the card now.
My question is, after I send out the card, do I still have time to do coops after that or am I just utterly screwed here?
You should have time.
There is more, but they aren't quite as good IMO.
So barring the 20th anniv disc 5. How many new vocal songs are there that we haven't heard yet?
I've been sick so I made it to the start of dungeon 4.Glad to see them shaking up the formula - the episodic "go reform the bad guy" can be satisfying but I was definitely feeling diminishing returns with Kaneshiro.
So far I've really enjoyed the game, more than I was expecting TBH. I don't think it'll dramatically change anyone's minds if they're not buying the Persona 3 formula but I'm enjoying playing a AAA JRPG for the first time in a long time.