Are there any significant differences between the ps4 and ps3 versions? I don't have a ps4 and was looking to play this game since it looks really great. I've only played part of P3P.
For Ryuuji's co-op I'm kinda stuck at a part...rank 6->7
Ryuuji's ready for a rank up, but it's kinda grayed out at the moment cuz I don't think I unlocked the requirements yet...I think I read somewhere it's supposed to be activated by end of June, but I don't think I got a phone call from him to look for this friend of Ryuuji' there some place I'm supposed to go by myself at the start or something?
October the 15th or 16th:
I wasn't expecting the targetto die and I'm now in the aftermath of the situation. I knew they were going to do something about the phantom thieves , though.
I'm struggling to manage my time in the game: I've unlocked tons of social links, spending time with some of them give points for my status but right now I'm lacking strength and other than going to the clinic or doing the challenge at Big Bang Burger I don't get enough points. Is there a more effective way to gain strength? There are a lot of activities and businesses I haven't tried because I prefer to spend my time with my S links.
Time management in these games can be a little bit stressful.
I'm struggling to manage my time in the game: I've unlocked tons of social links, spending time with some of them give points for my status but right now I'm lacking strength and other than going to the clinic or doing the challenge at Big Bang Burger I don't get enough points. Is there a more effective way to gain strength? There are a lot of activities and businesses I haven't tried because I prefer to spend my time with my S links.
Time management in these games can be a little bit stressful.
I love how in Akihabara you canI swear Mijima has disappeared from my game. I opted out of one invitation and he's disappeared from Shinjuku since. I read that he also appears in central Shibuya, but no luck.
Edit: Nevermind, finally found him in Akihabara.
I love how in Akihabara you canclearly tell that the NPCs walking around are otaku.
Question : does anybody know the title of the track used in the PV03 or even if it is available on the soundtrack ? Thanks !
Question : does anybody know the title of the track used in the PV03 or even if it is available on the soundtrack ? Thanks !
Question : does anybody know the title of the track used in the PV03 or even if it is available on the soundtrack ? Thanks !
when i first got there i thought their fake kotobukiya store was based on the street i went to![]() - notoriously harsh French video game site - review of the game just went up online. Some lights spoilers of the very beginning of the game.
The Bad :
- NG+ doesn't keep everything and can be brutal.
I think it is. Also, they have their own version of Super Potato as well XD
This month (October) felt like a rollercoaster D:
man teacher slink is soooooo gooooooood
i just really like the teacher god damn
Final dungeon spoilers (I basically just have to beat the last boss)
So,what happens if you don't have all of Mementos cleared before 12/24? They wouldn't actually make you go through the rest, would they? If so I can guarantee there are gonna be folks in the English OT who are just like "I hated doing sidequests and stopped at level 2, wtf!"
Also, the big bad's gotta be an aspect of Nyarlathotep or something even if they don't say it, right? I mean, replacing Igor, playing a game to determine the fate of humanity and then rigging it in his favor, trying to lead the protagonist into a seeming victory just to crush it at the last second, using the power of rumors and mob psychology, combining the collective unconsciousness with reality as his grand finale... yikes. I'm almost gonna be a little disappointed if I get to the top of all these bones and don't see him wearing a pinstripe suit.
Aaaaaand all (non-story) co-ops maxed on 12/5, first playthrough. I feel more accomplished about this than I probably should.
Guess I'll spend the rest of the game's free time achievement hunting, lol
EDIT: This palace's gameplay gimmick is straight garbo lmao
Hey does anyone know where I can find footage or screens of the Akihabara sections, preferably spoiler free (I don't mind muting the sound if needs be)?
Went there last year and found it to be amazing, would love to see Persona's virtual spin...
Is it easy to max all coops without following a guide of sorts?
Any advice on what to prioritize? Like stats or certain coops?
Is it easy to max all coops without following a guide of sorts?
Any advice on what to prioritize? Like stats or certain coops?
Hey does anyone know where I can find footage or screens of the Akihabara sections, preferably spoiler free (I don't mind muting the sound if needs be)?
Went there last year and found it to be amazing, would love to see Persona's virtual spin...
I did it without following an explicit guide. That said I did know several tricks for efficiency going in (and discovered more as I went along):
tl;dr it's very doable, you just have to be proactive about pursuing stat gains and try not to spend too many extra days in dungeons/Mementos.
- The Temperance and Fate co-ops can be huge time savers once you get them up to high enough ranks. Fate in particular will let you pay once a day to increase your affection with someone, which can be a lifesaver for avoiding "wasted" SL days. Fate also lets you pay to increase the efficiency of a stat gain for a day. Fate also lets you pay to get a pretty big cash bonus on all-out attacks.
- Death is also good for efficiency because it eventually lets you buy SP-restoring accessories, which'll make it possible to do early-midgame dungeons in one go if you're so inclined. (Note that having done that for a few dungeons I don't necessarily recommend it - there are no short dungeons in this game, and I wound up with about ten extra days at the end.)
- I know you have to finish the Sun co-op by mid-November, and I've heard a few others need to be done by then as well. Not sure though.
- Once you get close to the deadline for a dungeon (or reach the point where you need to send a notice/fight the boss), you won't be able to raise co-ops with your party members until you finish it.
- Batch your Mementos missions. Many co-ops will block partway through until you finish a mission for them. May as well get a couple done in one go!
- In my game courage was the toughest stat to raise. Several other stats have at least one co-op that gives a decent bonus, but courage just gets a small bonus from doing the Death co-op.
- A big chunk of knowledge is gonna be getting the questions right in class. (This is where I did use a guide sometimes I admit)
- For kindness, make sure you keep watering/feeding the plant in your room. It doesn't take any time and if you use the best fertilizer you get 3 points a go.
- You will eventually need all 5 stats maxed to complete the co-ops. Hanged Man and Empress are harshest about this - you need 4 courage just to open Hanged Man (and 5 halfway through) and you need 5 courage to get to rank 2 for Empress.
- You can buy a drink on Sunday at the Shibuya drink stand that will raise one stat one point. Small, but every bit helps.
- I found a book that increases the effects you get from watching movies.
- I didn't find out about this until it was literally too late to matter, but if you finish all the rare books at the dedicated book spot on the map you can buy a speed-reading book which makes it so one period of time spent reading knocks two pieces off a book's progress bar.
- Games and DVDs will raise stats for each "piece" you use them, whereas you have to finish all of a book to get the benefits.
How many endings are there? Are they easy to figure out without a guide?
Is that the bookstore in shinjuku ? i think i've read them all but i don't recall that bookI didn't find out about this until it was literally too late to matter, but if you finish all the rare books at the dedicated book spot on the map you can buy a speed-reading book which makes it so one period of time spent reading knocks two pieces off a book's progress bar.
SPwiki has a guide up to get all Social Links maxed in a single playthrough: it easy to max all coops without following a guide of sorts?
Any advice on what to prioritize? Like stats or certain coops?
SPwiki has a guide up to get all Social Links maxed in a single playthrough:
Arrived at the fourth dungeon, which looks amazing.
I actually do have a problem with the game I'd like to address. This thread is filled with enthusiasm and people loving every minute of the game, but I've rarely enjoyed that sentiment throughout the game. It feels like I'm just going through motions. Dungeons are simply sneaking up on enemies, hitting their weaknesses and firing off all-out attacks while the daily life consists of weeks of stressful time management with an excellent story beat every month. I regularly reload a save game to spend my time differently. Does this sound familiar? Am I (subconsciously) focusing too much on collecting everything?
tl;dr: help me enjoy Persona again - I've waited too long for this game.
SPwiki has a guide up to get all Social Links maxed in a single playthrough:
Arrived at the fourth dungeon, which looks amazing.
I actually do have a problem with the game I'd like to address. This thread is filled with enthusiasm and people loving every minute of the game, but I've rarely enjoyed that sentiment throughout the game. It feels like I'm just going through motions. Dungeons are simply sneaking up on enemies, hitting their weaknesses and firing off all-out attacks while the daily life consists of weeks of stressful time management with an excellent story beat every month. I regularly reload a save game to spend my time differently. Does this sound familiar? Am I (subconsciously) focusing too much on collecting everything?
tl;dr: help me enjoy Persona again - I've waited too long for this game.
pretty good guidelines here to winging a blind max slink run.
Dungeons are simply sneaking up on enemies, hitting their weaknesses and firing off all-out attacks while the daily life consists of weeks of stressful time management with an excellent story beat every month. I regularly reload a save game to spend my time differently. Does this sound familiar? Am I (subconsciously) focusing too much on collecting everything?
i still have the first time i went there in my archived streams
1:24:30 ~ 1:28ish in the full video (spoiler free as long as you don't click around the archive lol). it's at night tho so the shops are closed.
It's just a very small section, the best Akihabara I've seen so far is the one from Akiba's Trip, although the gameplay may turn off a lot of people. Probably Akiba's Beat will have the best Akihabara once it comes out.
Thanks a lot for the tips, guys. I was already focusing on said Social Links, but had no idea about some of the other little things on the side that almost passively boost stats (like the plant).
I'm having a blast in the fourth dungeon. The setting is so, so good with many of my favourite demon/persona designs showing up there.
About infiltration tools...
I'm short of materials to make the.perm lockpick
Anyone know what materials do I need and which shadow/shop should I get those from? Thanks!
Take the ailments/debuffing route. Rakunda works wonders and with Tenterafoo, Marin Karin and the likes they can't even pose a danger.Thatenemy though. Mrgrgrgr. Hate it whenAnubisI barely made it through when I encountered two of them in the same group=/ had to hope for lucky critsenemies don't have elemental weaknesses that you can take advantage of/can finish you off with instant death spells
I don't have good memories of the ennemy either. Quite a bit of life and he can counter with 1 hit Ko spells.Thankfully i had teammates willing to take the hit for me so i didn't get instant game overs but still.Thatenemy though. Mrgrgrgr. Hate it whenAnubisI barely made it through when I encountered two of them in the same group=/ had to hope for lucky critsenemies don't have elemental weaknesses that you can take advantage of/can finish you off with instant death spells
just reached the start of the alibaba and my head is spinning. too much vocab for my tired brain