A lot of the tracks in the game are really good and then you hear Rivers in the Desert and nothing compares to it. Absolutely my favourite.
I've probably listened to it like over 200 times. God damn is it good.A lot of the tracks in the game are really good and then you hear Rivers in the Desert and nothing compares to it. Absolutely my favourite.
is when the girls beat up Ryuji after it turns out he's alive. I mean just what the fuck? He saved them all lol.
Really poorly timed joke there and went with the absolute worst anime trope (girl beats up guy for laughs) to do it!
Oh damnit. I had my first fusion go bad.![]()
Oh boy
Shit is gonna go downnnnnn isn't it...
Man are you kidding me?
Palace 2 spoilersI was at the part where it's super distorted and you're having to figure out the real Sayuri. Was getting them all first time and then on what I am assuming was the last one I get it wrong, get ambushed by 4 Jack Frosts because of it, and am hit by 8 Mabufu's in a row since Ann is with me killing everyone.
Is there an easy way to tell which is real for that last part? Cause they were super close and I'm not losing all that progress again cause of that.
Oh damnit. I had my first fusion go bad.![]()
It is... so fucking weird. The male characters are never more predatory than in the anime cutscenes.
I kind of hold a little hope that P6 has a female lead, if only because that might put a damper on the male-gazey moments.
Man are you kidding me?
Palace 2 spoilersI was at the part where it's super distorted and you're having to figure out the real Sayuri. Was getting them all first time and then on what I am assuming was the last one I get it wrong, get ambushed by 4 Jack Frosts because of it, and am hit by 8 Mabufu's in a row since Ann is with me killing everyone.
Is there an easy way to tell which is real for that last part? Cause they were super close and I'm not losing all that progress again cause of that.
The big problem is that they feel really out of place and aren't very funny. And they don't even make consistent sense. I mean you have (pre-palace 4)then at (post palace 4)Ann getting mad and calling Ryuji a pervThe worst offender by far though big post palace 7 spoilers)the beach she's joking with him about it? Then again the whole Beach boys vs. girls gag is pretty shit.is when the girls beat up Ryuji after it turns out he's alive. I mean just what the fuck? He saved them all lol.
Really poorly timed joke there and went with the absolute worst anime trope (girl beats up guy for laughs) to do it!
Man are you kidding me?
Palace 2 spoilersI was at the part where it's super distorted and you're having to figure out the real Sayuri. Was getting them all first time and then on what I am assuming was the last one I get it wrong, get ambushed by 4 Jack Frosts because of it, and am hit by 8 Mabufu's in a row since Ann is with me killing everyone.
Is there an easy way to tell which is real for that last part? Cause they were super close and I'm not losing all that progress again cause of that.
I had trouble on that too butMan are you kidding me?
Palace 2 spoilersI was at the part where it's super distorted and you're having to figure out the real Sayuri. Was getting them all first time and then on what I am assuming was the last one I get it wrong, get ambushed by 4 Jack Frosts because of it, and am hit by 8 Mabufu's in a row since Ann is with me killing everyone.
Is there an easy way to tell which is real for that last part? Cause they were super close and I'm not losing all that progress again cause of that.
>normal healthy hetero male behaviour
If I recall, the trick on the last one is to.look at her hair
Haven't had this happen to me yet thankfully. In Persona 3 this would happen to me all the fucking time.
Yep yep.A lot of the tracks in the game are really good and then you hear Rivers in the Desert and nothing compares to it. Absolutely my favourite.
>normal healthy hetero male behaviour
I'm hoping it has a choice of male or female at the start so that I can have my 'male gaze moments' and straight females/gay men can have the opposite without ruining eachothers' fun
Yep yep.
When I heard Whims of Fate I thought nothing could top it and then hoooooo booooy.
Yep yep.
When I heard Whims of Fate I thought nothing could top it and then hoooooo booooy.
Do you lean over car seats to stare down your lady friend's shirt? That's kinda uncomfortable, dude.
Atlus already went on record stating they haven't done choices between protag gender again because the cost of changing dialogue, redoing anime scenes, etc is prohibitive. I'd like a choice too but for now I expect they're either doing one or the other.
And thats strange in what way?
the though that he actually saved them was secondary at that moment. they "beat" him up for pulling such a stupid stunt in the first place (and making them worry so much in turn).
Might be me but I don't see how it's incongruent, at least the first 2 parts anyway. I mean,the difference is how Ann feels about it. Ryuji is just being lecherous while the situation is rough, pre-palace 4 but at the beach, Ann probably felt a little embarrassed putting on a swimsuit, so seeing Ryuji's reaction made her feel confident in herself and that's why she ribs him instead of being angry.
I got nothing on Ryuji getting walloped in the last part though. That's just pure anime. lol
I'd prefer a choice for Persona 12 or whatever too. But since we aren't getting it, I kinda want a girl for the teen school simulator 6.Do you lean over car seats to stare down your lady friend's shirt? That's kinda uncomfortable, dude.
Atlus already went on record stating they haven't done choices between protag gender again because the cost of changing dialogue, redoing anime scenes, etc is prohibitive. I'd like a choice too but for now I expect they're either doing one or the other.
It is brought up often. Are you saying that it isn't?
alas the animation scenes wouldnt be much of a problem. Either dont show the mc or make it first person most of the time or a mix of both. But alas since most Animations are made digital now its almost done with swaping the modell and adjusting the movements.
I'd prefer a choice for Persona 12 or whatever too. But since we aren't getting it, I kinda want a girl for the teen school simulator 6.
Then college kids for 7. That'd be nice.
Is there any gameplay reason to choose love stuff over platonic in co-ops? Like does any of it matter at all functionally?
good point but then again there also is the option to make everything in engine.To my knowledge they've always show the MC in the anime cutscenes, don't know how "weird" it would be to never see them (or to have the videos from a first-person perspective, which is something I don't think I've ever seen anything do for an extended period of time before).
so how does therank 1 thing work? I go get myfortune, wont that use up time?fortune read in the day and choose a stat to boost
I ssume I got at night for?memento missions
Considering I have finished the game and don't even know where it plays I would say it's not up there with dungeon 3/4/6/7, the battle themes and the more sombre music that plays elsewhere when you are out and about.yup rivers in the desert is the stand out track to me.
still curious where it plays in the game, bet it will be an epic scene when i get to it lol.
good point but then again there also is the option to make everything in engine.
Considering I have finished the game and don't even know where it plays I would say it's not up there with dungeon 3/4/6/7, the battle themes and the more sombre music that plays elsewhere when you are out and about.
perhaps it is that that 'normal healthy hetero male behaviour' walks a very thin line between being harmless and predatory
Do you lean over car seats to stare down your lady friend's shirt? That's kinda uncomfortable, dude.
Atlus already went on record stating they haven't done choices between protag gender again because the cost of changing dialogue, redoing anime scenes, etc is prohibitive. I'd like a choice too but for now I expect they're either doing one or the other.
Just finished the 7th palace, rivers in the desert is so good plus it switching from instrumental to vocal is just perfect for it.
There is that option. I'd like it to happen, trust me, but it's not up to me or any of us to find ways for them to fit it into the budget.
Being a bit of a pervert is not the same as being a predator.
Looking forward to it this game just keeps on delivering.then you could like "our beginning" its so damn fitting the scene.
so for new game + will your social stats carry on over?