Really that seems strange to me. Assuming the amount of money you earn is the same and decrease as the difficulty goes up then?yeah you can switch back and forth if needed and no you get less money on easy
Really that seems strange to me. Assuming the amount of money you earn is the same and decrease as the difficulty goes up then?yeah you can switch back and forth if needed and no you get less money on easy
I can't say if they are better handled than Persona 4 since I can't remember that game very well, but still as I said other than few select characters, the cast disappear in the background.
Maybe it's because of how long the game is. Cause from the third palace to last one, there is like 70-80 hours of gameplay and some characters like Yusuke and Ann, take a back seat during majority of exchanges in the main story. Like, I can't really remember Yusuke, Futaba, Haru or Ann, saying anything of note in the last 8-9 hours of the game that I played. Other than that one scene, they were just there.
Again, this might be true of Persona 4. I don't remember that game very well, but for Persona 5 that was certainly a problem.
Also, in regards to what you said about characters having a consistent personality between confidant and main story, I agree, as long as you do those stuff at a good pace. I did Ryuji's confidant like half way through the game, and the disconnect between what you see in his later confidant events and his personality mid-game through the main story, is very very jarring. He eventually gets there, but yeah, you have to keep doing them at a specific pace.
That's why I was so disappointed that confidants were still happening in an isolated scenario.
Really that seems strange to me. Assuming the amount of money you earn is the same and decrease as the difficulty goes up then?
Start Palace 6 to Palace 7 and similar calendar dates spoilers.
They don't even try and hide Akechi is the traitor. He gets all his party member skills at once (which Haru very much does not at this point) but they don't hide that he doesn't get Endure / Protect and he has no misc skill unlike literally everyone else. And his weapons are armor are relatively better too but that's more subtle.
Also a lot of his DLC costumes are the opposite of subtle too, as well as some of the omissions, that wouldn't​ make sense for a permanent party member.
I'm actually a little sad about it, a light / dark party member would have rocked.
One time though I was in a fight with them for thirty minutes as they kept summoning reinforcements lol---can't use that as a level trick exactly because the EXP. was super minor, only 4000 in the end, and on occasions I had to check in when run attempted to run or one asked for forgiveness.
Palace 5 wasn't that bad, though admittedly I used a guide on the Airlock part...
Yeah, I think you are right about that. I can totally see people (like yourself) who are interested in the Phantom Thieves as a group, picking up on little details and moments like the one you linked with Yusuke. But if you are like me and don't care about the group, then the characters themselves don't really standout much. Like, I remember the moments that you mentioned in 7th palace, but those didn't really stand out to me especially the ones with Ann and Haru.There definitely weren't that many outstanding moments for the main cast like in Persona 4. No "Kanji losing his swimming trunks", no "Operation up close and personal", no "shenanigans at the Amagi inn" etc. Honestly, I think the argument that the Persona 5 cast as a whole isn't as memorable as Persona 4's is pretty legitimate. That said, I strongly disagree with the idea that the characters themselves fade into the background. The Phantom Thieves shine during small, individual moments interspersed throughout the game. In the 7th dungeon alone, you have things likeThere's no equivalent of moments like that in P4. No one in that game really got to do anything by themselves. It even bleeds into group discussions, which feel far more varied in Persona 5 than in Persona 4. Whereas everyone more or less agreed with each other pretty much all the time in P4, disagreements, arguments, friction and the like are things that actually happen. Maybe Yusuke doesn't have Kanji's bombastic, but he does have a sharpness to him that made me go, "okay so he's different from the rest." I think that's where our disagreement comes from. The characters in P5 pretty much devote their entire being to the Phantom Thief cause for better or for worse. I was really invested in that, but you obviously weren't, so the characters stood out to me much more. I also think the Phantom Thieves are far more dynamic as a group than the Investigation Team, but that's pretty much by design.Ann's "Ann Windsor" moment, Ryuji saving the day, Futaba haggling with the 3rd rate computer guy for information, Yusuke has his moment with the Yakuza guy, Makoto ordering Fois gras, and Haru's beef with that dude who insulted her dad.The Investigation Team never really had a moment where their backs were to the wall and they had to cooperate with an obvious scumbag.
Also you should finish Yusuke's Confidant some time. It's too good.
Can you change your party's attack order?
Really? They're even color coded! It's basically a linear loop around each floor, unless you want to get all the treasures, then it's just a matter of activating an extra one at two points and going to the extra room before moving on!
Oh can you elaborate on the DLC? Agreed that it's not handled very well on the spoiler though. It was obvious. PlusAkechi was suspicious from the beginning because he's a detective. I immediately thought of Adachi. I suppose maybe some people thought of Naoto, and indeed, they are both light/dark users.
Oh, and yeah, it sucks that they changed bless and curse to have attacking moves but took away the party member who could use themI also wanted to get a better look at Loki
Really? They're even color coded! It's basically a linear loop around each floor, unless you want to get all the treasures, then it's just a matter of activating an extra one at two points and going to the extra room before moving on!
Anyone known where I can get the Magaru skill card?
Really? They're even color coded! It's basically a linear loop around each floor, unless you want to get all the treasures, then it's just a matter of activating an extra one at two points and going to the extra room before moving on!
Do memento requests go away after certain dates?
Like I have one request right now, but I'm wondering if it'd be more efficient to wait until I have a few stacked up and then tackle them all in one day. As opposed to using up three separate days.
But her bike..Damn, Makoto's evolved Persona is badass looking.
Oh shit. I may have missed one then. Damn!Requests never go away once you get them, but you can miss getting requests if you ignore Mishima's phone msgs and they get lost in the phone buffer over time. It's most efficient to wait until you have at least 4 requests before going in. Especially if you wait for a rainy day, literally.
Kinda upsetting this is a side thing. I guess it's normal for the series? Ann was the first of the actual party I got maxed and I was super disappointed when I realized this was something to be achieved on the sideDamn, Makoto's evolved Persona is badass looking.
Kinda upsetting this is a side thing. I guess it's normal for the series? Ann was the first of the actual party I got maxed and I was super disappointed when I realized this was something to be achieved on the side
I think you can itemize Sudama for it
Damn, Makoto's evolved Persona is badass looking.
guardian of the pond
stupid achievement for getting plat :/
It's okay. My favorites are Haru and Morgana, funny enough. Hecate has grown on me too.
Man I wanted to max her out first, but you need max charm =[ stuck on rank 5Damn, Makoto's evolved Persona is badass looking.
guardian of the pond
stupid achievement for getting plat :/
Man I wanted to max her out first, but you need max charm =[ stuck on rank 5
I tunnel visioned maxing my party members first and got max Charm ASAP when I hit that wall. Turned out to be a big mistake since leveling other confidants (Devil and Sun I believe) gave some hefty Charm boosts.
Not if you are trying to raise a certain confidant tho. If you wanna max confidant, then do its request as soon as you get it.Requests never go away once you get them, but you can miss getting requests if you ignore Mishima's phone msgs and they get lost in the phone buffer over time. It's most efficient to wait until you have at least 4 requests before going in. Especially if you wait for a rainy day, literally.
Yeah, I just started the two charm confidants. And am using the bath house bonuses. Only at rank 3 though and I'm at the end of July already.I tunnel visioned maxing my party members first and got max Charm ASAP when I hit that wall. Turned out to be a big mistake since leveling other confidants (Devil and Sun I believe) gave some hefty Charm boosts.
Not sure if you want this hint so
The time it takes to catch a fish in the gauge portion is based on their distance from you
Fish move towards bait they like.
You can recast without penalty if you do it before they actually bite.
I already knew about that.
but I was kinda using the default fishing rod. I forgot to buy the casual but apparently i got it after like 25th try......................................
I am NOT gonna enjoybattling cage
Not if you are trying to raise a certain confidant tho. If you wanna max confidant, then do its request as soon as you get it.
Though, it'll greatly help if you already have the max level for Temperance.
Not if you are trying to raise a certain confidant tho. If you wanna max confidant, then do its request as soon as you get it.
Not if you are trying to raise a certain confidant tho. If you wanna max confidant, then do its request as soon as you get it.
Though, it'll greatly help if you already have the max level for Temperance.
Dakini doesn't learn High Counter to 52 , Seth is 51 so it's a minor delay. The other High Counter leaners are like 59+.
I tunnel visioned maxing my party members first and got max Charm ASAP when I hit that wall. Turned out to be a big mistake since leveling other confidants (Devil and Sun I believe) gave some hefty Charm boosts.
What's a good level to go into the?mementos depths thing
I'm at 64 right now after making it to the first safe room there.
If you made it there you should be enough level for it, and level shouldn't be a problemWhat's a good level to go into the?mementos depths thing
I'm at 64 right now after making it to the first safe room there.
What's a good level to go into the?mementos depths thing
I'm at 64 right now after making it to the first safe room there.