Pie and Beans
Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.

Bad End.
Finished dungeontoday and just got to (late December spoilers) the7.Mementos final dungeon or whatever
My questions:
How big is this place compared to dungeon 7? Are there any more opportunities for s-links when this is done?
Finished dungeontoday and just got to (late December spoilers) the7.Mementos final dungeon or whatever
My questions:
How big is this place compared to dungeon 7? Are there any more opportunities for s-links when this is done?
I'm halfway through it according to the first safe room check in. That took about 90 minutes. So I'd say it's y'know, dungeon sized. Apparently on the small end but that's still several hours. Loads of enemies...
And no, social links are over now as I understand it.
Nah man ohya is the worst.k but we all can agree that mishima is the w o r s t
k but we all can agree that mishima is the w o r s t
Nah man ohya is the worst.
I will never understand the people who side with, hahaha.Ryuji
Only if you agree that Yoshida is the best
Only if you agree that Yoshida is the best
Now now guys, both Ohya and Mishima are trash
Don't place any trust in that, you're maybe a quarter done with that dungeon by the first safe room.
Yeah it hasn't been too accurate in the past. Ah well, it's okay anyway - I didn't play for a few days cos I'm pretty tired of the game, but I do want to see how it ends, so I'll just chip away at it in pieces.
Weirdly the turn the plot has taken in this last dungeon is the first time since Kamoshida I've been curious as to where it is going. I like the design of the place, the way the whole prisoner thing is actually relevant and there is a sense of foreboding which is cool. When Kamoshida showed up in the cell it was like seeing an old pal. 'Hey it's me, back from when the game held so much promise!'.
It also is reminding me a little bit of Nocturne. Dungeon feels like something out of that game and I'm pretty sure I remember the stepping on light tiles to unlock the doors being in that game too...
I'm pretty down on P5 overall but hopefully it ends at its strongest. Things are looking all right at the moment. The entire Shido arc was very boring and rough to me.
The weird thing about Ryuji is that most people focus on the later but forget something:, also his whole social link subplot is aboutRyuji is the first one of all the phantom thieves to actually want to save people,
in fact he is the one who drags Joker back into Kamoshida's palace because he wanted to free all the "slaves", sure he didn't know they were not real people, but the point is he wanted to do what was right and save people, the fame thing just starts about in palace #3helping out his former team mates even tho they pretty much abandoned him after Kamoshida broke his leg.
I think people are super ready to hate Ryuji because Yosuke and Junpei were kind of assholes in P4 and P3, Ryuji was much more of a good person than them.
The weird thing about Ryuji is that most people focus on the later but forget something:, also his whole social link subplot is aboutRyuji is the first one of all the phantom thieves to actually want to save people,
in fact he is the one who drags Joker back into Kamoshida's palace because he wanted to free all the "slaves", sure he didn't know they were not real people, but the point is he wanted to do what was right and save people, the fame thing just starts about in palace #3helping out his former team mates even tho they pretty much abandoned him after Kamoshida broke his leg.
I think people are super ready to hate Ryuji because Yosuke and Junpei were kind of assholes in P4 and P3, Ryuji was much more of a good person than them.
This is all true. That's why I like Ryuji so much as a character.
k but we all can agree that mishima is the w o r s t
What is this opinionNah man ohya is the worst.
I honestly felt Ann was one of my favorite Confidant stories. I lovedmeeting up with Shiho again, and seeing how much Shiho clearly inspired Ann. It'd be so easy and lazy to make Shiho this sad, tragic figure, but to Ann she's the strongest person in the world. I also appreciated that the game called Ann out on taking her looks for granted in the modeling industry, and showed that being a model is actually a really difficult and competitive job. I think a lot of people unfairly dismiss the modeling aspect of her confidant because they think of modeling as frivolous and dumb, when the whole point is to show the opposite.
What is this opinion
k but we all can agree that mishima is the w o r s t
December/Late Game Mementos question
I'm clear of Mementos quests right now with like 18 days to go until the deadline for palace 7. Is there any more chances for doing the Mementos confuse trick or have I past them all? I don't wanna go too crazy with my money if that's the case.
Have you fought Mara as a boss there yet? I think his quest is available post Palace 7 and I'm pretty sure he can be confused. That and you may still have some confidant-related quests with useful bosses in them.
You people all probably chose "Ryuji's a phantom thief," didn't you?OH BOY! I SURE DO LOVE BEING A PHANTOM THIEF!
You people all probably chose "Ryuji's a phantom thief," didn't you?
uhh, whatI did... But he definitely would have said it if i hadn't.
Also, Sojiro is best dad... Felt bad turning down Futaba, but no way was i going to run the family dynamic by making it incestual.
You people all probably chose "Ryuji's a phantom thief," didn't you?
... It just hit me that the name change from Pyro Jack to Jack o Lantern was probably a localization mistake in the sense that they didn't care about consistency with past games rather than Atlus correcting a traditionally inaccuracy name lmao.
I mean I was playing P3P the other day and surely yakisoba bread was called as such, and not yakisoba pan.
Charge learned from a skill card cannot be inherented right?
... It just hit me that the name change from Pyro Jack to Jack o Lantern was probably a localization mistake in the sense that they didn't care about consistency with past games rather than Atlus correcting a traditionally inaccuracy name lmao.
I mean I was playing P3P the other day and surely yakisoba bread was called as such, and not yakisoba pan.
Right, at first I simply assumed it was just Atlus USA deliberately giving him his "correct" name at long last, since Pyro Jack was most likely just a byproduct of strict character limits in older games, like "Nyalatotep" in Devil Survivor. I also believed that given that this is probably Atlus most 'mainstream' game ever in the west, they were treating it as a soft reboot for Megaten as far as skill and demon naming consistency goes.
But after finding so many localization errors and inconsistencies with past games, I can't help but wonder how many of these changes were truly deliberate and which were simply more oversights of a flawed localization. Pyro Jack in particular was very weird to me because inaccurate or not, he's such a recognizable demon in the series that it was obviously going to confuse many fans and IMO the change isn't worth it.
Then again, I could be completely off but it sucks that we'll probably never know for sure.
this shadow gets it..
Anybody with the JP version know why Jack frost is the same name for both Black Frost and Jack Frost?
It says ジャックフロスト for both Personas.