Post game :
FFS game,it seems I missed/forgot the visit to the Velvet Room in the after game section? Meaning, I missed my Fool S-Link item, fucking hell. Why did you let me do this game? WHY?
I know you get save slots and I know it asks you twice "Are you surely-sure-sure?" that you did things but fucking hell. It's not the end of the world but it fucking sucks to miss the bonus for the NG+ still.
Fucking fuck fuck fuck. Someone, please save day by telling me that I didn't do that kind of stupid mistake. Shit
Mishima's the Yamcha of the group.
There is no Fool S-link item. There is one from Strength though. The Prisoner's Cell Key
That's a disrespect to Yamcha there was at least a time Yamcha could pretend to be relevant
That's a disrespect to Yamcha there was at least a time Yamcha could pretend to be relevant
Now proceed to rank 10 asap.
I've been really digging this, but now that I've reached the museum dungeon, it really feels like the game is starting to hit it's stride.
In hindsight, I feel like the escalation is even slower than P4's, which I didn't even think was possible, haha!
Is there anywhere in a dungeon that I can find a Matador, or do I need to fuse a new one? The one I have doesn't have the skill I need to appease the Strength Confidant.
Is there anywhere in a dungeon that I can find a Matador, or do I need to fuse a new one? The one I have doesn't have the skill I need to appease the Strength Confidant.
Yea, P4 opening was mainly story scenes. This one weaves the gameplay with story more. But it's def slower because of it.
I like it, gives you a more tangible link to the world early on, whereas P4 wants you to strap in just be accepting of it's plot-dump.
I can see where the complaints about this game's pacing come in, though - between the conclusion of the castle dungeon and the introduction of the next antagonist, there's been a whole heap of exposition, with some really severe restrictions on your free-time.
Had I not cleared the castle as soon as possible, I know I would have been a bit bemused at how little I've actually been able to 'play' since that part on.
But it's such a good game, you guys. Fuck!
12/24 spoilers:
Made it to the depths of Mementos. Seriously, does this game ever end?Thank god you have the option to go to the clinic and shop.
Where do you get trapped, basically? If you want I can give you a general idea as to how far the next safe room is.
Yep I'm surprised there is no option to switch off the tutorial messages now that I'm in NG+.It's a pain for NG+ tho. Gotta play through all the tutorial stuff all over again. I wish they let us skip that.
I never had to bother with it because I had already gone as far as it was possible in Mementos before beginning the 7th Dungeon. So I just fast travelled to the end. But it made me wonder how one would react to getting to the depths if they never did Mementos past first few levels.
But you aren't as close to the end as you think.
The depth is another dungeon but you must have realised that already anyways.
Just delete your Matador and fuse a Nekomata and a Obariyon, to get a new one. But before you do this make sure to go to the compendium and lock the Matador so that the new Matador with less skills doesn't overwrite your existing one.Is there anywhere in a dungeon that I can find a Matador, or do I need to fuse a new one? The one I have doesn't have the skill I need to appease the Strength Confidant.
I used the coffee and rushed through to the section i was in, got to the last save point. Then was able to trade out two peeps and ended up getting all the way through to calling card.
Yea, that felt super knife edge. Now i need to soend some nights making coffee.
Just delete your Matador and fuse a Nekomata and a Obariyon, to get a new one. But before you do this make sure to go to the compendium and lock the Matador so that the new Matador with less skills doesn't overwrite your existing one.
If you don't have those persona then get them by fusing something else. You can find what persona you need to fuse to get a specific persona here.
The problem I have is that these lines only appear in mementos as it's the only place where you get non story related commentary. And since it's the mementos it can get interrupted by pretty much ANYTHING, including opening a door.Oh man, there are some good Futaba lines in Mementos:
How do you delete Personas? Looked for it the other day in the Velvet Room and couldn't find it. Is it in the menus?
Menu > Persona > scroll to the one you want to get rid of > Option button for deleteHow do you delete Personas? Looked for it the other day in the Velvet Room and couldn't find it. Is it in the menus?
You would still need SP recovery even with the SP accessories later in the game. Its mostly because Makoto will be the first one to run out of SP, followed by MC. Ideally you should be avoiding MC from using SP abilities as much as possible because once you start using them it drains like crazy. Makoto on the other hand is an even bigger SP drain because her abilities are even costlier.Oh. I assumed all your teammates' were out of SP. Also, you don't have to worry about coffee if you get the SP 3 accessories from Tae. And Rank 7 to get them half off.
Nah you're alright.
There is also another path down the road but the one that you need to take to get the best ending is incredibly obvious.
Yeah. It's in the menus. I think it's square when examining them.
The problem I have is that these lines only appear in mementos as it's the only place where you get non story related commentary. And since it's the mementos it can get interrupted by pretty much ANYTHING, including opening a door.
It also doesn't help that the dialogue box further takes up parts of the screen on top of the UI and you really need the top half of screen to be clear (because of the layout of mementos) while exploring mementos otherwise things become hard to see. But because it's hard to see, you might end up bumping into an enemy easily and the dialogue simply cuts out.
Goddamn this fourth dungeon music got me all
Indeed. There are some good banter in mementos, but man that was so messy. We have to basically not doing anything to hear them, and in mementos everything happens so fast. Why did the choose mementos only but not for the palace?
You would still need SP recovery even with the SP accessories later in the game. Its mostly because Makoto will be the first one to run out of SP, followed by MC. Ideally you should be avoiding MC from using SP abilities as much as possible because once you start using them it drains like crazy. Makoto on the other hand is an even bigger SP drain because her abilities are even costlier.
The outside one or the inside one? Because the inside one is my favourite followed by the one that plays in a late game dungeon.
Spoilers through 11/30, complaint about the writing in a scene.
The exposition scene between Akechi and Shido in his office has to be the worst writing in the entire game. They just stare into space while telling each other exactly what they've been doing up to that point besides being already completely aware of that. You can't even call it a conversation or reminiscence since they're barely reacting to each other. Feels like it was written as two inner monologues that were cut up and thrown together, really horrible. Phew, needed to get that off my chest.
Is there anywhere in a dungeon that I can find a Matador, or do I need to fuse a new one? The one I have doesn't have the skill I need to appease the Strength Confidant.
I don't use MC's SP for attacks, it's for party wide buffs and debuffs. And what are you talking about bosses can absolutely be weakened.My MC went pure physical at that point.
I specced for Cripple, Snipe, One shot kill, Riot Gun, Arms master, Charge etc. Bosses can't be weakened anyway and I figure i'd save the SP for heals and buffs.
Spoilers through 11/30, complaint about the writing in a scene.
The exposition scene between Akechi and Shido in his office has to be the worst writing in the entire game. They just stare into space while telling each other exactly what they've been doing up to that point besides being already completely aware of that. You can't even call it a conversation or reminiscence since they're barely reacting to each other. Feels like it was written as two inner monologues that were cut up and thrown together, really horrible. Phew, needed to get that off my chest.