Madarame is kicking my ass.![]()
For the final boss...i just killed them as they spawned with 2 of my 4 party members who wouldn't be reflected and had the remaining deeps the boss until it got to 4 arm mode near the end. Then it was a dps race,
which I won.
She takes a while to get to that point. She can't Baton Pass until you progress further into her Confidant (which isn't an option for everyone) and her initial skillset is pretty average, so she's nothing special when you get her initially.
At her peak, she's definitely amazing. Triple Down is flat out the highest damage dealing move for your party outside of Charge/Concentrate, and One Shot Skill is obviously insanely good for minibosses. Dunno why people mess around with Tetrakarn/Marakarn. Those skills are useless.
Madarame is kicking my ass.![]()
Would I need to follow a guide in order to get a platinum in New Game+? I already maxed my social stats, have a ton of money, but I'm assuming I have to still get all confidants to Max in the second play-through (not just the ones I missed)?
I fused a Matador who could use a multi target physical attack. It seemed to do the trick.
Madarame is kicking my ass.![]()
Went from 55-92 in 45 minutes.The Reaper flu season exploit is so disgusting lmao
I went from level 52 to 72 in like 20 minutes
Physical attacks that target all enemies work great here. Yusuke / Ryuji / (Ann or Morgana) is a good set up.
Stock up on powerful healing items from Takemi's store, especially if you don't plan on using Morgana for healing.
Spam physical attacks to kill most of the portraits, ignoring the physical attack-immune portrait alive.
Wail on the physical attack-immune portrait with magic. Using Ann's Tarunda can help mitigate damage.
Make sure Ryuji has Rampage and Yusuke with Vicious Strike.
Fuse Matador, because it picks up Swift Strike, an AMAZING physical that targets all enemies.
I'll try to avoid spoilers, but are there any strategies for making it through 12/24 when you had no idea what was coming?
While I won't ruin the story for anyone, I just wish that I had known that I needed to stock up. I had no clue and the story gives you no warning whatsoever.
I love this game, but this is really annoying. I'm actually worried that I won't be able to make it past this. Even if the game first put you in the classroom after school on 12/24, I could have at least went to Airsoft and the Clinic.
safe rooms.
I thought the completion time in that OP was like an exaggeration but holy fuck it took me like a hundred and 6 hours. Best game of the year for me so far and that's high praise since i was sure I'd never p!ay a turn based rpg that could hold my attention again.
Anyways i want to ng+ for story deets on confidants​ but I don't know if the time investment will be worth it.
Too bad the final battle music wasn't as good as what proceeded it.
I love playing with persona 4 bgm dlc!!! So good. I'm just loving NG+ in general: how OP as fffuuuuccckkk I am (level 99 Satan lol), playing in silly costumes like the swimsuits, teddy Morgana is legit, also I'm using Japanese voices this time.
It's so rare for me to play a game twice like this but I'm super enjoying the more relaxed and "for funsies" aspect of my second playgthrough. I might get the P3 bgm dlc too! "baby baby baby baby baby"
Just took down the final boss, I don't want this to end![]()
The Reaper flu season exploit is so disgusting lmao
I went from level 52 to 72 in like 20 minutes
Went from 55-92 in 45 minutes.
So you just go into mementos during those times and wait for him to appear? At what level is it reasonable to fight him?
Also, how do I access the gym?
Do store gifts restock or are they sold out forever?
So, I have to statigize on which gifts to give or not give? If so, I may only try giving one gift per friend.Sold out forever. If you see an offer for gifts on the TV channel on Sunday, don't say no!
I think I know who you are referring to. Shit, I need to get on that shit.Fortune's Rank 1 (Luck Reading) is extremely useful for boosting social stats though. 50% boost to points is nuts.
So you just go into mementos during those times and wait for him to appear? At what level is it reasonable to fight him?
Also, how do I access the gym?
Apparently level 30 is not reasonable to fight him - even in NG+, given that he killed the entire squad with one Maziodyne. :/
It's not subtle when he appears, the description says you'll hear the sound of chains when you've been on one floor for too long - what actually happens is you hear chains, red lighting appears, and Morgana tells you to get out.
I'm not sure why you're having trouble accessing the gym, the only thing might be that you need to visit it through Ryuji's social link before it lets you go on your own?
How many requests should I try and build up before I go into Mementos? I'm sitting on 2 or 3 different requests right now and I don't know if it's worth waiting for a few more requests to turn up before completing them in one go.
It's no Nevermore or Kimu no Kioku, but With the Stars and Us is still really, really good. Lyn kills it.
I get sad when I listen to it, so it's doing its job.
I'm likely in post-game glow, but the ending left me in such a positive mood that I'm really really happy with the whole game. I genuinely like so much of it, for all of its flaws.
I don't even remember it. I'll relisten to it but it def didn't hit me as hard as Nevermore did. Nevermore just gives me the feels.
It's a vocal version of Swear to my Bones.
Ok, relistening to it now. Yea, not quite as impactful to me as Nevermore did.
I've been using Ann, Makoto, and Haru as most of the enemies I have encountered are weak to Fire, Psi, Nuke, or Guns.Palace 5
So in terms of party members, what are Haru's strengths? I've been using Ann,
Makoto, and Yusuke for a while and wonder whether I should replace someone with Haru.
Just entered palace 7.
I know people hate how long this one is so just so I know...what am I looking at here? 6 hours? 8 hours?
I personally felt 5 was longer. It's just that this one has one more version of the same puzzle than it should. It's a pretty cool dungeon, all things considered.
Just entered palace 7.
I know people hate how long this one is so just so I know...what am I looking at here? 6 hours? 8 hours?
About an hour longer than the previous Palace if that helps. Well, it felt that way.
Oh that's not bad at all then.
The puzzles didn't seem to bad to me there. They felt more time consuming due to the size of the areas that the puzzle affected.
My only issue is that enemies re spawned. I never once got caught, though.
Just entered palace 7.
I know people hate how long this one is so just so I know...what am I looking at here? 6 hours? 8 hours?
Yup, it's just tedious with all the backtracking etc. I decided to just use a video guide with my NG+ run to get through it asap. Even then, it was fairly time consuming. Good boss fights tho.
You never really have to backtrack for more than about 20 seconds, though.