Is there a way to check what stat you need when confidants are grayed out? I forget what I needed for theafter rank 7 for
If theres no way in game guess I'll just check a guide.
I don't know how but I managed to secure the route to the third dungeon treasure in one day (without using SP recovery accesories), I ended up with no HP or SP left for any of the party members lol It was long as hell, the struggle was real
Just spam ailments at them.
Actually whenever you find enemies without weakness just do that. Works most of the time because they seem to be extra susceptible.
I'm at the very very beginning of theThere's a reason for it.
Dunno if you'll have it but there is a moment of catharsis for me in regards to that.
Hanging out with Makoto and finally ranking up again, which required me to max charm, is said to improve my charm! How convenient!
The Phantom Thief designs make me want the next Persona game to feature Tokusatsu heroes. Or something like Captain Harlock style designs.
Pretty sure Makoto's link doesn't improve charm
That said, Sojiro's social link gives kindness, but requires max kindness after a point. It also continues to give kindness after that point, despite it being worthless since you've already maxed the stat to get there
Does anyone know what the name of the song that plays when (maxing out a party member's confidant)is?your party members' second Personas awaken
Not that far yet.. but I'll be anticipating it now!Fourth Palace song is my favorite so far.
Definitively my favorite so far, is called layer cake BTW in case you want to listen to it on repeat like me lol.
Probably need to do her request if that's blocked out now.Is there a way to check what stat you need when confidants are grayed out? I forget what I needed for theafter rank 7 for
If theres no way in game guess I'll just check a guide.
And who do you guys think is the best dressed character in the game? I'm not far at all and only have the main 4. The MC has a nice casual flair, Ann's style is very dope and Ryuji stay fly!
I swear this is the most difficult dungeon for me. I don't understand the complaints with palace 5, the monsters were all easy. Unlike palace 3 where you have that monster that has the instant kill and no weakness.
If you talk to them and ask to hang out, it'll tell you what stat you need.
Fucking Ann is the only confidant left I need to max (she's rank 9 at the moment) and I've been rushing 6 days in a row and she just doesn't show up.
If I complete the 7th palace, will she show up? I hate her. If I can't max every confidant because of her, I swear... lol
Yep, she'll be available after you do that one.
To be honest, the seven deadly sins seemed tacked on (a lot of the dungeons very tangentially dealt with these sins and most ended up being greed in the end anyway).
I loved his AOA finisher, though. It was so over the top. Interestingly enough, his weapon description says it's a toy meant for small children, too.
If you want to buy the ost CD Japan is probably the best place: that far yet.. but I'll be anticipating it now!
Omg thank you, yes! Any links to where I can buy?
And who do you guys think is the best dressed character in the game? I'm not far at all and only have the main 4. The MC has a nice casual flair, Ann's style is very dope and Ryuji stay fly!
I can't agree with this at all!
The reason Greed ends up overlapping a lot of them is a) how basic the desire for control is to the human condition and sense of safety, and b) because the major theme of the game is rebellion against unjust power structures who exert that control, so there's always going to be an element of power/greed involved with the corrupt authority figures. I thought Lust, Vanity, Sloth, Greed, Wrath, and Pride were all well represented by their dungeons (or elsewhere, in Wrath's case), with Gluttony being a bit more nebulous (or perhaps just bland), and Envy being more abstract and harder to pin down, but still ultimately correct in that Sae lost sight of pursuing true justice because she was envious of the Phantom Thieves' popularity and success versus her trying to work within the system and not getting the same results.
And then they're all wrapped up brilliantly by the purpose they serve in the final boss battle.
Third Palace music is catchy as hell. Are those bagpipes??
What's the point of this?I'm turning Izanagi into my Physical monster while I change directions with Arsene and turn him into a Magic monster. Sort of wish I could start over on my Arsene, though. Izanagi da best (aside from being overpriced as fuck).
I named my group Heathers
In the beginning? Or does the music change? I'm not hearing what's so good about it.Price.
I used to be a huge fan of that ost, but then palace number 6 happens..
Gluttony and Envy fell completely flat to me, so maybe I'm letting those two color my perception of the whole. Sae didn't really seem envious to me. Although your description makes sense, it's not really touched upon in the game. Her anger and twisted desire for justice stand out way more than jealously of an easy life. I mean, like I said, the connection is there, but it doesn't stand out, certainly not as a representative of the deadly sin. Kamoshida = lust and Shido = pride were definitely executed well. Madarame as vanity makes sense too.
What's the point of this?
I didn't mean it in a mean way. I thought you were doing something that I was missing out on. I also have an Izanagi for no reason. (Looks cool)It's fun?
Sojiro > Dojima
Which Personas should I definitely try to fuse? I think that's the mechanic I struggle the most with in Persona
I understand the feels. Replace Futaba with Hifumi though.Guys, not dating Futaba feels impossible with how sweet her Confidant is but I'm already dating Makotoooooo. I need to stay strong or I'll break both their hearts.
In the beginning? Or does the music change? I'm not hearing what's so good about it.