Damn... palace 7 was freaking amazing. Hands down the best one.
There's a ton of things I could harp on overprotective fans about, in their respective game franchises. But people here have been plenty reasonable in giving their opinion.Persona fans get way too touchy when you point out how janky the combat is. Yes all jrpgs have rng elements, but persona games for general enemy combat play like a game of two glass vases fighting. Whoever lands the first blow 90% of the time shatters their opponent and wins. The only time the combat and fusion depth really matters is the boss fights which are the highlight of the games. The persona franchise could easily drop the rpg combat and just be a visual novel and the element most people actually care about would remain intact.
I mean if anything it doesn't actually need the visual novel elements to be Persona since those were not introduced until Persona 3.There's a ton of things I could harp on overprotective fans about, in their respective game franchises. But people here have been plenty reasonable in giving their opinion. I agree that both sides can be glass cannons but that 90% is an overexaggeration as there are plenty of times where I've ambushed an enemy only to have to fight for my life and barely scrape by. (And yes RNG is a part of all RPGS, some more than others).
Your last statement however is just plain ridiculous. I, and many others on this forum, play the SMT series which has the same style of combat with none of the visual novel elements and enjoy it. Persona has to have both the dungeon crawling and the sim elements to be, well, Persona. This series would suffer if either were dropped.
I mean if anything it doesn't actually need the visual novel elements to be Persona since those were not introduced until Persona 3.
Thanks for the explanation. Let me explain It a little better:
The combat feels like a checklist if I know my enemy's weakness, which seems to be obvious unless its a boss fight.
I think maybe I haven't played too far in. Just beat the first palace, so maybe it changes.
But my 3 supporting characters have a single elemental move that is either effective or not.
Same with the main character, despite his ability to switch.
Everybody can heal.
It's like if Im playing Pokemon with different types, yet those types just have one move that either is useful for the battle or not.
If the attack is the hard counter (super effective), I knock out the enemy to do a follow up attack, which I can spam thanks to the 1 More system. The enemy doesn't really get a chance to attack back if I know their weakness. It makes the battles feel like a step by step sort of thing.
This is all if I know the weakness, and at a certain point in Palace 1, Ive seen all the enemies and know their weakness to do just this.
It's like, they don't ever have a chance to do their own moves because if I get to attack first, I can keep chaining attacks.
I do like that some moves take HP. I guess I was hoping there was a risk involving using attacks that use SP or HP, but it feels like all I really need to do is get them down with the persona attack.
Let me know if thats way off or not
Her arc and Sojiro's are amazing.Finished up Palace 4.
Loved everything about it. Great music, design and especially loved the plot and climax involving Futaba's story arc. She's already a fantastic character.
Reachedrank 8 and got a sneak peek of the rank 10 ability..strength
Good god, that fifth dungeon boss... Let's make asuper fucking tedious fight with a ton of filler enemies that takes 15 minutes, then right at the end of the battle give the main boss an attack that wipes your party from full health. Wonderful design. Wonderful.
I don't mind wiping, I don't mind being 1HKO'd, but the awful length of the battle plus being wiped that way is really poor design. After the 4th dungeon I was under the impression that Futaba would give me a warning if a boss was going to use a super move. Apparently not. Not looking forward to having to slog through that 20 minutes of filler again.
Perhaps because by that point they expect you to know the drill?After the 4th dungeon I was under the impression that Futaba would give me a warning if a boss was going to use a super move. Apparently not.
I'm liking it but it's turning into a real life multi-day dungeon for me. Finding I need to take more breaks with this one.Damn... palace 7 was freaking amazing. Hands down the best one.
Oh this is the dude who did the Silent Hill Medley! Damn I should check him out again.
Exactly. Persona 1/2 were regular RPGs lasting ~30 hours by all accounts. I enjoyed P2 too! So I know they aren't going to ditch the SL/Confidant elements so I want another spinoff now, lol.I mean if anything it doesn't actually need the visual novel elements to be Persona since those were not introduced until Persona 3.
If you don't like Becky you can go to hecky.
There's a one turn delay from the boss announcing his attack to him actually launching his attack, so why didn't defend?
Also, don't cure anyone with Hunger when the boss about to launch that attack; that attack will heal all party members inflicted by Hunger.
Perhaps because by that point they expect you to know the drill?
You can't win. Either too much hand holding or not enough.
I'm liking it but it's turning into a real life multi-day dungeon for me. Finding I need to take more breaks with this one.
I hope so, at least for one or two..Do you have enough ¥¥¥¥ though
Good god, that fifth dungeon boss...
Yeah its definitely the longest so far, but the content is really good. Keep at it!I'm liking it but it's turning into a real life multi-day dungeon for me. Finding I need to take more breaks with this one.
Star, Rank 10:
"We played a long match, just the two of us..."
We sure did, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I tried hanging out with Sojiro 3 times in June to strengthen the bond but nothing happened. Now I find out I can't strengthen it until August anyway. Does that mean not only did I nkt strengthen anything with him but I lost out 3 opportunities I could have used to strengthen something else? In a game where you only get limited opportunities to level up stats and links how is that fair?
Persona fans get way too touchy when you point out how janky the combat is. Yes all jrpgs have rng elements, but persona games for general enemy combat play like a game of two glass vases fighting. Whoever lands the first blow 90% of the time shatters their opponent and wins. The only time the combat and fusion depth really matters is the boss fights which are the highlight of the games. The persona franchise could easily drop the rpg combat and just be a visual novel and the element most people actually care about would remain intact.
The game tells you on the world map which character is ready to level up or not.
Better to spend time with the ones that are ready first.
Huh. Replace justice with hope then it all makes sense. Amazing!But now I get it, it's fucking Komaeda from Danganronpa.
Both Sojiro and Takemi are in that area and Takemi was ready to level up. The game doesn't differentiate so how can you tell them?
You can't level up Ryuji until a certain point so the game doesn't let you spend time with him until then. Why couldn't they do the same for Sojiro?
Oh god, Akechi rubbed the wrong way from the start because he reminded me of someone unpleasant and I couldn't tell who.
But now I get it, it's fucking Komaeda from Danganronpa.
I'm up to 11/25 now. When is the absolute last day to do any S-Link stuff?
Both Sojiro and Takemi are in that area and Takemi was ready to level up. The game doesn't differentiate so how can you tell them?
You can't level up Ryuji until a certain point so the game doesn't let you spend time with him until then. Why couldn't they do the same for Sojiro?
End of palace 7 spoilers:
My heart skipped a beat when I saw the explosion envelop Ryuji.
How is that relevant in the end when for some social links you have to hang out with them multiple times before you can level up?.....the icon literally says "level up" to tell you that you can level up with the character.
Point of no return:By the end of that Mission. So this last remaining 22 days are for cleaning up all your social stuff