Crazy stuff. I don't think I'd ever ask for a perma-ban.
Neither. Just stop posting. At least you do have the option to come back.
That sucks to hear. I genuinely enjoyed her posts.
So did Dantis. They were BFFs.
Crazy stuff. I don't think I'd ever ask for a perma-ban.
That sucks to hear. I genuinely enjoyed her posts.
So did Dantis. They were BFFs.
Can't say I cared for her either way. Didn't/don't really know her.
Unrelated to Persona but you guys seem reasonably friendly so i'll ask anyway. Which mod is most likely to reply to a pm? There's a certain "issue" i need help with.
Unrelated to Persona but you guys seem reasonably friendly so i'll ask anyway. Which mod is most likely to reply to a pm? There's a certain "issue" i need help with.
Unrelated to Persona but you guys seem reasonably friendly so i'll ask anyway. Which mod is most likely to reply to a pm? There's a certain "issue" i need help with.
Unrelated to Persona but you guys seem reasonably friendly so i'll ask anyway. Which mod is most likely to reply to a pm? There's a certain "issue" i need help with.
So I've mentioned this before, but every so often, I'll go a short while without listening to Meguro's music, then I'll load it up again and be like "Man! Now I remember why I liked it so much!"
Happened again today. I was talking to my brother about how good Fog is, and now I'm back in. Best fucking game composer.
Fog is simply the best boss battle music in a JRPG ever.
b-but godsibb... and promised pain... and fatal fight
The Fog is pretty metal, Meguro should play a Wacken this year.
Linked for spoilers, but holy hell it's been nearly 20 years][/IMG][/QUOTE]
So I've mentioned this before, but every so often, I'll go a short while without listening to Meguro's music, then I'll load it up again and be like "Man! Now I remember why I liked it so much!"
Happened again today. I was talking to my brother about how good Fog is, and now I'm back in. Best fucking game composer.
The Almighty is the fucking best.
The Almighty is the fucking best.
I don't know what to think when you contribute positively.![]()
One of the things that drew me to persona in the first place was the music. So refreshing compared to other JRPGs.
Fog > The Almighty.
I don't really hate The Almighty, but it's never been a stand out track for me.
Yeah I specifically remember the first time Mass Destruction came on and I was like: "Is this really the battle theme?" then 30 hours later I was all "BABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABY".
It was Deep Breath Deep Breath which made me decide the OST was awesome. It was so bizarre that from that point I took note of the soundtrack.
High five, Trigger!
Speaking of bizarre P3 tracks, one that took me a while to warm up to was A Deep Mentality. YEEEEAAAAAHHH AH AH AH AH AH
(I love it now, but the first couple times I listened to the soundtrack I was always like "WTF is this".)
I guess being wrong isn't so bad when you have company.
How I've never heard this on it's own until now is a crime, this is really good.
I have heard it as part of a mix
well, finally done with P4G, had it since it's released but played the first half very sproradically and decided to push the second half hard the past couple of weeks
amazing game. definitely one of the best RPG i've played and enjoyed
Right on, congrats!
Did you get the tr00 ending?
Meguro is probably the most eclectic and varied VGM composer that I know of.
He can do metal, classical, funk, jazz and a lot of other styles, mix them together and they still sound good! Even the genres I don't like!
Can't wait to hear what he comes out with in Persona 5!
The Al-FUCKING-mighty is the fucking best.
Right on, congrats!
Did you get the tr00 ending?
nope, but I looked it up !
^ This, do what the Devil says![]()
Go back. Do it again.
^ This, do what the Devil says