It's hard being kawaii when you're monstrously big and devour everything around you
Aint that the truth. ;_;
It's hard being kawaii when you're monstrously big and devour everything around you
What would you say if P5 had a more mature cast, say at least college-based, but preferably in the 25-30 range?
I wouldn't necessarily be opposed. Really, they could set it just about anywhere and I'd trust that they'd have reasonably good reasons for it. Physical maturity isn't a big factor for me either way.What would you say if P5 had a more mature cast, say at least college-based, but preferably in the 25-30 range?
What would you say if P5 had a more mature cast, say at least college-based, but preferably in the 25-30 range?
What would you say if P5 had a more mature cast, say at least college-based, but preferably in the 25-30 range?
Chie and Rise, two great tastes that taste great together:
What would you say if P5 had a more mature cast, say at least college-based, but preferably in the 25-30 range?
$200?! I could've sworn she was cheaper than that. Or on sale recently.
My most expensive figure is probably my $70 Dr. Horrible statue. I don't have many yet, and the ones I do are either cheap or prize figures.
$200 sounds about right for Momohime nowadays, especially new. Hell, even used she's over $100 now.
Worth every penny too.
Also this thread is going at an alarming rate now. We'll probably hit max before November 24 hits.
Also this thread is going at an alarming rate now. We'll probably hit max before November 24 hits.
This is why I'm starting to accept my beginning to grow collection of Gundam model kits. Not as elegant as figures (and god knows there's a few probably expensive figures I do want) but you can find good kits for pretty cheap. Of course more expensive means better grade but even then a $25 kit can look decent enough to displayI have like 4 figure's total, but the one's I do have were way expensive. This Momohime figure for example was $200.
It probably won't happen at all but I'd like to see how it could play out.What would you say if P5 had a more mature cast, say at least college-based, but preferably in the 25-30 range?
Never understood spoiling something you've waiting years for.
Because we want to know everything about it now, dammit!
In Persona 5 you'll be linked to a mysterious entity that's followed the followed the protagonist around their whole life.
In Persona 5 you'll be linked to a mysterious entity that's followed the followed the protagonist around their whole life.
You won't be alone, haha!I will spoil myself everything possible on Persona 5, be it gameplay or story!
So how many emotions will be in this game?
Never understood spoiling something you've waiting years for.
How much money is in your itunes account?
Microtransactions, folks.
Let's all watch PewDiePie's 300 Part LP of Persona 5 together in a movie theatre.
I'll even do that fake yawn-thenputyourarmaround'em move to Ron like in 80's movies.
Let's all watch PewDiePie's 300 Part LP of Persona 5 together in a movie theatre.
I'll even do that fake yawn-thenputyourarmaround'em move to Ron like in 80's movies.
Let's all watch PewDiePie's 300 Part LP of Persona 5 together in a movie theatre.
I'll even do that fake yawn-thenputyourarmaround'em move to Ron like in 80's movies.
Never understood spoiling something you've waiting years for.
It depends on your definition of spoiling. If you mean hard plot spoilers, then no, I'll always avoid these as much as possible. But if you mean spoiling anything in general, via trailers gameplay videos, etc., well... that's a tough thing to pull off.
God, the amount of dialogue in P2 is insane. At this point, half of my play-time has just been me bombing around every single available location checking to see if anyone has anything new to say and they almost always do.
Yeah, every shop in each district. I was even poking around the classrooms (when it let me) because there's generally stuff there, too. The latter was a bit aggravating given that the schools are big random encounter minefields, but nothing too annoying. Seven Sisters was what got me into the habit, there's one classroom where stuff changes like... four or five times in the span of the dungeon, mostly surrounding that haughty Yoko girl and Lisa. Honestly, if this were all the game was I'd be fine with it, lol.Are you literally visiting every shop in each district and getting new dialogue? I figure that's what I'm supposed to do.
Yeah, every shop in each district. I was even poking around the classrooms (when it let me) because there's generally stuff there, too. The latter was a bit aggravating given that the schools are big random encounter minefields, but nothing too annoying. Seven Sisters was what got me into the habit, there's one classroom where stuff changes like... four or five times in the span of the dungeon, mostly surrounding that haughty Yoko girl and Lisa. Honestly, if this were all the game was I'd be fine with it, lol.
Yeah, every shop in each district. I was even poking around the classrooms (when it let me) because there's generally stuff there, too. The latter was a bit aggravating given that the schools are big random encounter minefields, but nothing too annoying. Seven Sisters was what got me into the habit, there's one classroom where stuff changes like... four or five times in the span of the dungeon, mostly surrounding that haughty Yoko girl and Lisa. Honestly, if this were all the game was I'd be fine with it, lol.
Let's all watch PewDiePie's 300 Part LP of Persona 5 together in a movie theatre.
I think it is happening. has been moved of off onamae to some other server which has trace route very similar to (just before the last point they both pass, before they were at completely separate locations in japan). Perhaps this is in preparation for the 24:th ...
Edit: Same name server as too.