So I need some 4 help. Well, explanation more than help. I'm about 10 hours in on Vita (my first Persona game) and I have the general hang of everything but I feel I'm not using the Personas to their fullest. I usually just use the main 4 I have equipped all the time and do decent. I'm not playing like Pokemon or anything and swapping them in and out.
Also I really have no idea what the fusing personas thing is all about. Just fusing a few to make one stronger persona to use? And when you form bonds with friends it just makes their personas better?
I like the game, I just feel I need a persona run down.
Personas take about 1.5x the amount of experience to level than you do(may be more actually, not sure on numbers, but it's significant). As a result, they'll ALWAYS level slower than you will.
Party member's personas are the same as their level, so their stats are equal as well. This doesn't work the same way with the MC. The MC will gain levels, which his HP/SP, as well as what level of persona he can fuse, is effected by. However, the personas he uses are what his stats are based on. A lv50 MC with a lv25 persona will have lv25 stats.
Now keeping the same personas just isn't really realistic, so this is why the social link system exists. When you fuse a new persona, they get a bonus amount of experience, based on what level the social link is. You may also notice that the skills a persona can learn are tied to the levels it gets as well. If you fuse a Magician arcana for example and have a rank of 5 with Yosuke, that persona will immediately get 2-3 levels. At rank 10, it'll get 5-6. You can fuse personas of an even level with you, but there's no restriction for equipping it. If you fuse a lv50 as a lv50 main character, but it gets up to lv55 via the bonus, you can equip it no problem. Additionally, the best skills a persona has usually are locked til last or close to last. The only way to realistically learn them is having a high rank in that arcana.
Other than that, pay attention to the inheritance system with fusing. With this, you can create insanely strong personas with no weaknesses. Almost all of them have them innately, but if you fuse two personas together, one with Null Ice let's say, and put that skill on a persona weak to ice, well it no longer has any weakness. Other things to keep in mind are your Boost and Amp spells(fire boost, fire amp). They increase the damage these spells do, and they stack. You'll never get a persona who naturally has both, but you can eventually fuse one with both if you play your cards right, especially on a persona that gets dyne level spells of that element(highest outside of the special severe versions). It really is a deep system.