You're not even trying anymore....jello-senpai pls. Atlus does what it does. Sometimes you just gotta jel lo with the flo.
You're not even trying anymore....jello-senpai pls. Atlus does what it does. Sometimes you just gotta jel lo with the flo.
You're not even trying anymore....
Are you saying you're too kewl for his toddfoolery?
I'ma call ah d' h'rious name puns to be terrible. Also, your name is impossible to pun with![]()
Remember when Mass Effect actually had a re-occuring reporter that would have been PERFECT for this role in the game, yet they killed her off in something random not even referenced in the game's fiction sometime between ME2 and ME3 just so they could stick CHOBOT in?!
I'ma call ah d' h'rious name puns to be terrible. Also, your name is impossible to pun with![]()
That pun was EMT-er than the number 0.
Punsona 5 shall be delivered be4 we 3 can tear down OT2. Said no1.
PersonaGAF is always burning though. We just ignore that and continue denying that Persona 5 is happening.
Tuesdays, the scars you left run deep
jello-senpai pls. Atlus does what it does. Sometimes you just gotta jel lo with the flo.
Are you saying you're too kewl for his toddfoolery?
I'ma call ah d' h'rious name puns to be terrible. Also, your name is impossible to pun with![]()
That pun was EMT-er than the number 0.
I got nothin'.
That's very Scrafty of you.
I'm feeling that creative itch again. Since my Vita wallpaper project went over so well, I'd like to offer my (limited) services to PersonaGAF again. Not everyone has a Vita, so let's expand this out to any device. Send me your requests-- device, game, character, etc., and I'll see what I can do.
Oh, and I found a site full of ripped sprites and artwork from P4A, so I think I might do a charcter series for HD monitors and/or PS3...
I'm feeling that creative itch again. Since my Vita wallpaper project went over so well, I'd like to offer my (limited) services to PersonaGAF again. Not everyone has a Vita, so let's expand this out to any device. Send me your requests-- device, game, character, etc., and I'll see what I can do.
Oh, and I found a site full of ripped sprites and artwork from P4A, so I think I might do a charcter series for HD monitors and/or PS3...
Yosuke's face is hilarious.
Do a Junpei theme for PS3! I've had my Shadow of the Colossus dynamic theme for a long while and I'm looking for something fresh to replace it.
i've nearly finished exams, so maybe we can legit get some group art projects/themes going or something
I love that they represent almost all of the series there, even SMT 1 and 2. Glad to see them still hold the entire thing in their hearts.
Where is SMT NINE
You guys better be ready for a disappointment come the 24th. My gut is telling me it won't be a persona 5 announcement.
You guys better be ready for a disappointment come the 24th. My gut is telling me it won't be a persona 5 announcement.
No. Get back to writing and editing your Statement of Purpose.
Nothing stop this train.. screw your gut, I'll feed it to Legion.
I can't trust a CrazyDude.
You guys are just going to cry in the end. It's what always happens.
You guys are just going to cry in the end. It's what always happens. Jump out of the train and run into the woods before the sorrow eats you alive.
You guys are just going to cry in the end. It's what always happens. Jump out of the train and run into the woods before the sorrow eats you alive.
PersonaGAF is always burning though. We just ignore that and continue denying that Persona 5 is happening.
Tuesdays, the scars you left run deep
You guys better be ready for a disappointment come the 24th. My gut is telling me it won't be a persona 5 announcement.
hope to see you at orientation next year![]()
1080p P4A wallpapers for my collection, please.
Yeah, I just read your post in the other thread. You kind of killed my hype (which might be a good thing, if Persona 5 isn't announced on the 24th).You guys better be ready for a disappointment come the 24th. My gut is telling me it won't be a persona 5 announcement.
Frankly, given the dirt that's been dug up, it's more unreasonable to presume it isn't Persona 5. This is where pessimism and realism forks. seems to have moved and is now on the exact same IP address as (, an address that does not seem to be used by any other Atlus sites (I tested a few, most were on, and also used to be there). If there were any doubts after yesterdays trace route where the last address was different, they should be cleared now. It's happening.
Just tested this myself, exact same IP address. It's fucking happening.
This mystery is solved. and have the same IP addresses and domain servers, and the traceroute for the sites are the same.
Well then, get ready for Persona 5 on November 24, I guess.
Taken from the P4U2 Dengeki interview. When translated, it says "The sequel (referring to P4U2) will be open to the public on November 15."
Whether they mean this will be an announcement or release date, is beyond me. But, this confirms that November 24 is for Persona 5, and not for P4U2.
Just reposting this to remind everybody. We have every reason to believe it is Persona 5 this time. Stop. Worrying.
This doesn't mean anything. I host hundreds of unrelated sites on a single IP.
Erm. "後編は、11月15日の公開を予定しています" refers to the second half of the interview being posted on Nov 15. It has nothing to do with P4U2.![]()
Trying to get people to break my growing pessimism.
While staying up late for the Spike TV PS4 launch show (new Uncharted, wooo!), I decided to test a P4A HD wallpaper. I started with the first character alphabetically, so Sophia lucks out with a sneak peek at a possible Aigis wallpaper.
I'm not sure I like it enough to make it the template for the whole series, but it was a fun experiment. Let me know your thoughts on this!
Trying to get people to break my growing pessimism.
A-ha! Is this our chance?
While staying up late for the Spike TV PS4 launch show (new Uncharted, wooo!), I decided to test a P4A HD wallpaper. I started with the first character alphabetically, so Sophia lucks out with a sneak peek at a possible Aigis wallpaper.
I'm not sure I like it enough to make it the template for the whole series, but it was a fun experiment. Let me know your thoughts on this!