Actual MC looks like a weakling. The concept is bland because of the color palette. Change it up a bit and he'd look just as unique as the final product.Old MC looks bland as hell.
Old MC looked too generic. Good, but generic.
It's funny that old Akihiko and Ken were basically finished.
Actual MC looks like a weakling. The concept is bland because of the color palette. Change it up a bit and he'd look just as unique as the final product.
They weren't. Here's the development versions of Akihiko and Ken:
Ooooh, I'm actually digging Akihiko's look.
They weren't. Here's the development versions of Akihiko and Ken:
As you can see, darts were considered as a weapon for Ken.
Source for Akihiko. Source for Ken.
Also, the early designs for Fuuka eventually became Chihiro Fushimi:
Source for Fuuka.
wow, totally forgot soejima has his own atlusnet diary.Also, here are the AtlusNet articles for the Protagonist, Aigis, Mitsuru, Koromaru, Junpei, and Yukari.
Shinjiro is the only character who didn't really change from the original design too much, everyone else went through some drastic changes. I love the fact that Aigis actually manually wielded her weapons in the original design, and held a rifle no less.
wow, totally forgot soejima has his own atlusnet diary.
Kinda diggin' this Mitsuru design also
Haha look at early Junpei. He had an entirely different hat to never take off.
Yeah, well, your concerns are outweighed by short hair being the best hair.I dunno man, the short hair kinda makes her look younger, but she's supposed to be like an ol' pro at the shadow hunting business, as well as Yukari, Junpei, and the Protag's mentor.
I do dig this though...but its bittersweet since Junpei is basically the perfect character and I wouldn't want the final design replaced by this :/
Those designs look kind of... evil. Pompadour Kanji is pretty great though.
A someone who sports a pompadour himself I'll agree with this.
Kanji had some interesting designs.
The last design totally looks like a villain.
I wasn't really thinking about how it fit her character, really, just like the design.
He looks... old in most of those. Like past 20. Huh.
Edit: I actually kinda dig the grit in those designs. Wouldn't be P4 as we know it. Looks more like a mainline SMT character.
there's some Digital Devil Saga stuff is there too.
No one likes applehead.
Not even applehead.
Interesting hearing a more mellow version of that song.
Yeah, but that's a more extreme looking difference. I like that he looks older than them though, that's a very specific thing to decide be fair, he does look older than the rest of the cast despite actually being younger.
The protagonist and yasuke's concept is the same as the final.
Not to mention what I assume is teddies persona In the top right... What is that?Huh, these mostly don't look all that...
What's with the one really evil headshot of Dojima up there?
Not to mention what I assume is teddies persona In the top right... What is that?
and a woman.Actually, if you look closely there's a person inside of it, so I'm guessing at one point Soejima considered Teddie being a suit of armor. Also a frog.
Yosuke has a much better Frogsona. That guy sketched inside of the frog is disturbing to look at.Actually, if you look closely there's a person inside of it, so I'm guessing at one point Soejima considered Teddie being a suit of armor. Also a frog.
I am totally down for both serious short-haired Yukiko, AND cheery, casual, jacket and jeans wearing Yukiko, with a slight preference for the latter.
Actually, if you look closely there's a person inside of it, so I'm guessing at one point Soejima considered Teddie being a suit of armor. Also a frog.
Long-haired Nanako is very interesting, it certainly gives her a more vulnerable/immature look, while the hat does the opposite in my opinion.
So many questions; is that girl supposed to also be Teddie? Would he have been as much of a comic relief character, had they gone with the other (creepier) designs?
I'm one of those wierdos that believes that Teddie would have been Yu's shadow, had Izanami not impregnated him with a Persona already, and if Teddie was originally supposed to be a girl then that puts a damper on that whole theory.
I am totally down for both serious short-haired Yukiko, AND Cheery, casual, jacket and jeans wearing Yukiko, with a slight preference for the latter.
Edit: how do you make these smaller?
Edit: how do you make these smaller?
It's like a whole Frog-Prince thing which has something to do with Nanako's whole theory about where he comes from
Also, one Female Protagonist concept looks like the good old Female Protagonist we know today, but with longer hair. The other is basically Yukari Takeba.
EDIT: Apparently Catherine is $13.99 right now. SO worth that price.
Omg dat short hair yukiko. So good. Dat design. Much waifu. Such beauty. Yukidoge
What if Persona 5 becomes the first ever JRPG to become a musical? Every cutscene involves singing. It'll be a rock opera. :-D
What if Persona 5 becomes the first ever JRPG to become a musical? Every cutscene involves singing. It'll be a rock opera. :-D
EDIT: Apparently Catherine is $13.99 right now. SO worth that price.
My main worry that actually seems possible is that they'll move to Xenoblade-esque real time combat. I would be sad face.
Old Teddie was nightmare fuel.![]()
I'd actually be okay with this.
My main worry that actually seems possible is that they'll move to Xenoblade-esque real time combat. I would be sad face.
Tetsuya Nomura gon' be mad jelly.
I would cry if the Persona team killed off the turn-based battle system. I love Xenoblade, but Persona 5 shouldn't try to be Xenoblade.
The World Ends With You Too: Jam Edition.