It's the most recent release before Golden.
It's also a PSP release and older than Golden. The fact they're the same price is a little nuts on Atlus' part.
It's the most recent release before Golden.
Innocent Sin is 30 dollars?
Welp....I'd rather just buy P3![]()
please make the use of the "w-word" bannable
what's the w-word?
what's the w-word?
I'm convinced its waffles
Makes sense. Pancakes are far superior.
Waffles, Pancakes it don't matter to me I'll take them on both!!
When did the Udon Persona 4: Official Design Works shoot up to super unreasonable prices that no one would ever pay?
The lowest used copy on amazon is 173 bucks.
It's even in stock here and someone has the balls to list $232 as a used price.
I just looked it up and Amazon has it for $33.
Makes sense. Pancakes are far superior.
So replaying P4, I still find Chie's voice off-putting during the first parts of the game, but like the first time I played, it gets progressively better as the story goes on.
Think it has more to do with when she shouts in the game. Not many of those moments later, while she's yelling every 2 minutes early about something. The voice when the DVD cracks.... *shudder*
And Pancakes are just waffles with dimples. So there.
Pancakes confirmed for master race of breakfast items.
Bah instead of getting Innocent Sin im just going to invest in PS+
I'll play it one day...
Yeah, exactly. Her over-emphasis on many words is jarring, and she is way too enthusiastic for some of those situations. Luckily it levels out later on and she uses a more fitting inflection.
That is a wise investment.
Now we just need Innocent Sin as a free PS+ game.
Sony pls
I guess I need to invest in a better memory card, christ Sony drop the price on these already T_T
Yes, please!
It's just another hindrance to the Vita being successful. Nobody wants to pay $100 for a 32GB card when you can buy a quality standard 32GB microSD for $40.
Mhm, its so dumb, I want to get more invested in PSN games for my Vita and turn it into an Indie game machine but the memory card thing is holding me back. I could buy a ton of those indie games on my computer with that same 100 dollars that would go towards the card.
I hope Gamescom will change that, at least bring the 16gig card to 30 dollars or something
An 8GB card should be fine if you just wanna keep indie games on the thing.
The problem is, switching memory cards is a complete pain in the ass on the thing. I've actually lost my 4GB card because it's so small.
they really need a 64gb card for the vita
This thread is burning.
128 would be gravy.
128 would be gravy.
An 8GB card should be fine if you just wanna keep indie games on the thing.
I went from an 8GB to 16GB and I still run out all the time.Anything would be better really. I've ran out of space on my 8GB. And there's no I'm paying for the overpriced 16GB+ cards.
People need to pay actual money for Gravity Rush so we can get a sequel.
People need to pay actual money for Gravity Rush so we can get a sequel.
But im getting PS+ anyway for online play on the PS4 sooooo :<
SCEJ needs to do other things like develop 1st party JRPGs for the Vita/PS4, they spent all gen building up there 1st party studios in Europe and America and seemingly forget Japan existed,
I did my part, bought it day one. Almost had it a day early but the stupid system at Future Shop stopped the clueless dude.![]()
People need to pay actual money for Gravity Rush so we can get a sequel.
Japan is making at least three games right now, but in terms of pouring money into them and for JRPGs, well... That'd probably air on the side of ideas likely to be less than profitable.
I imagine that's why the western branches want to bring some JRPGs over. SCE never made more than one or two at once and they certainly aren't going to start now.
Well Verendus essentially confirmed that they are in the process of creating a AAA team to work on a Final Fantasy type JRPG.
And when I mean JRPGs I don't necessarily mean Square-level games with amazing graphics and hair physics. They can be simple titles, when it comes to JRPGs the ones I enjoy the most have never been the ones with the greatest visuals or largest scope.
But yea I just feel like SCEJ is by far the weakest link with Team Ico shitting the bed. I think they'll be looking to improve there.
I didn't think Gravity Rush was worth my money, despite the fact that it had a lot of good points.![]()
You're bad and you should feel bad! :O
I mean I didn't think it was outright awful, but the control issues + some parts of the game were genuinely boring.
And this is coming from the person who just spent three hours grinding in an RPG and has it on video!![]()
Welp I hope Square can revitalize the interest with FFXV but im not holding my breath. I was kinda shocked when listening to all the post-E3 podcasts and no one seemed interested in the game at all.
what's the w-word?