I have a soft spot for Marie...ZING!....but really I do think I have a soft spot for her and find redeemable things in almost every single Perosna character, maybe even Megaten character...maybe....no no...*shrug*
I have a soft spot for Marie...ZING!....but really I think I have a soft spot for and find redeemable things in almost every single Perosna character, maybe even Megaten character...maybe....no no...*shrug*
Happy Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem announcement anniversary, PersonaGAF. If your timezone hasn't gotten to the 23rd yet, it's close enough.
Ahh yeah, you have great taste in waifus my friend.Olivia was my waifu, don't you dare look at her.
Do you guys think Atlus will show anything in april? Persona 5 trailer? DS2:O release date? SMTxFE? New P4D trailer? Deviliser? Anything?
Do you guys think Atlus will show anything in april? Persona 5 trailer? DS2:O release date? SMTxFE? New P4D trailer? Deviliser? Anything?
Olivia is the woman I always gave Chrom. Because they worked out perfectly.
Persona 3: Full Moon edition, an HD remake of P3:FES with all the cool stuff from P3P, such as FeMC, Skill Cards, option to manually control party, and much more
A man can dream...
If you had to guess, what do you think it will be?Uh, yes?
Persona 3: Full Moon edition, an HD remake of P3:FES with all the cool stuff from P3P, such as FeMC, Skill Cards, option to manually control party, and much more
A man can dream...
If you had to guess, what do you think it will be?
Whats wrong with that?
I won't let that dastard Chrom touch my waifu, his canon waifu is Sumia anyways. My evidence... um... that one scene in the intro movie.
Oh, I was expecting something grandiose in April.Well, what do you mean, exactly? They're already revealing new Persona Q trailers on a weekly basis, so that's something every week.
Do you like Kanji? If yes, swap him out for whoever you like the least in your party (unless it's Yukiko, because she's easily the most useful party member in the game). P4 (Golden in particular) is really fair about letting you pick whoever in whatever combination.Hmm. I beat the Kanji dungeon at 21 instead of 25. Value medicine, revival beads and two people with media helped. Was easy after taking out the two thing to the boss's sides.
Should I use Kanji now and drop one of Yosuke/Chief/Yukiko now or what's the usual MO here?
Oh, I was expecting something grandiose in April.
Please tell methe fight does not just end like that. Please. A challenging final battle is all I ask of you.
You should use Kanji because he can wield a desk.Hmm. I beat the Kanji dungeon at 21 instead of 25. Value medicine, revival beads and two people with media helped. Was easy after taking out the two thing to the boss's sides.
Should I use Kanji now and drop one of Yosuke/Chief/Yukiko now or what's the usual MO here?
I don't want a P3 remake, or any remake of anything of theirs anytime soon unless it's something crazy like the Persona 2 duology in the P3/P4 engine. Especially don't want a P3 remake since that'd be its third re-release; I don't need to play through it again.
I'd prefer their efforts go into new and unique projects like Catherine or the bunch of Persona stuff they're putting out this year.
Your're right, you don't need to play through it again, although nothing would force you to play through any remakes or re-releases of SMT or Persona games if they were made. I learned this lesson with Square's constant porting and re-releasing of all the Final Fantasy games I love. Just because they re-release or remake a game I love, doesn't mean I need to play it again.
I for one support a definitive P3 experience someday, not necessarily now. So I find your comment dismissive.
April's kinda far. I don't really have an idea.
Ah, I see.
I was thinking:
Honestly, I'd say a lot of the internet has that issue. Just look across the websites and see the hatred over little things everywhere. Though, I'm not really up to go and say anything of specific topics. Any given complaint would be an entirely different story. Simply complaining is not the issue. Disliking something is not the issue. Its the scale of the reaction to the inciting complaint.Sure, but that's not in dispute, or relevant really. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you can find a sizable portion of P4G playrs who disliked her sequence breaking poems, especially if they didn't like her character to begin with. I'll be the first to admit that I'm hyperbolic when it comes to hating on Marie (I like being silly), but I genuinely dislike her poems on a fundamental level. It's trivial, but that doesn't change the fact that it lessened my experience with the game, there's nothing wrong with complaining about that.
I'm sorry man, but we're on completely different wavelengths here. I don't think getting worked up over an annoying aspect in a game constitutes as "having an issue." I think it's kind of bizarre that you're trying to make this point. Like having bad grads is legitimate real life issue that's so far removed from disliking an aspect in a video game. I mean this
is Neogaf, the de-facto place for people who like to air out their squabbles over a particular game. Would you really say that all of those people have a problem?
A concept that I don't paticularly care for, lol. If it makes you feel better, Rise would be the character that comes the closest for me to that.(Breathes out)
Well that's enough of that heavy stuff. Just admit it, you have a soft spot for Marie. I wanna see you cut loose and be silly! ADMIT IT! She's your waifu, isn't she?
My comment isn't dismissive: it's my opinion. You asked me what I found wrong about the prospect of a P3 remake and I answered that I don't need to play through the game again and would rather the R&D time be spent elsewhere. I know others would like a remake, like you do, but I wouldn't because of what I explained.
I don't think there's anything dismissive about stating my opinion. I know I wouldn't need to acquire and play through a P3 remake again if one came outeven though I wouldbut that still doesn't mean I can't be opposed to the idea.
Yes to all of this.You should use Kanji because he can wield a desk.
EDIT: Drop Yosuke because he's a whiny creep.
That's fine, I respect your opinions. I just fine the term "Ew" to be dismissive, to my original proposition of a P3 remake.
Why April?
What happened?This is someBlood-C level censorship, guys.
BWAHAHA KANJI. Kanji gets all the best lines.
Ah, I see.
I was thinking :
-Devil Survivor 2 release date
-SMTxFE trailer
-Persona 5 trailer(although I don't expect it to be a full gameplay blowout, probably wouldn't be any gameplay tbh).
-P4D trailer
-PQ trailer
If we are really really really really lucky:
-Devil Survivor 3(It's been long overdue and DS2:O will be a straight port with some minor shit added in if it's anything like DS:O)
-P5 blowout(trailer on par with the initial P4 trailer.)
-Deviliser(SMT spinoff centered around demon fusion, trading monsters and battling other people for 3DS)
If we are really really really really really lucky
-Devilser is a Vita game
If we are really really really really really really lucky
Devliser is on consoles(Either way I want a non persona megaten game on a damn HD console).
What happened?
What's Blood-C?
What happened?
What's Blood-C?
You're almost at the finish line
It's bittersweet, isn't it ;_;
I really like the way the game gives you a bit to decompress after the climax of the story, most games end immediately after the final boss.
Really? I had the feeling most story driven games these days have an actual epilogue.
Mm, that's true. I guess it depends on the game, but I feel like most games basically just end in a lengthy cutscene after the boss, and I like that there's a bit more to it than that. I played vanilla P4, and even with the timeskip, the ability to actually run around and talk to people helped out a lot, and Golden seems to add a lot more to that. I haven't finished many other JRPGs and such in a while though, so maybe I'm off base.![]()
Didn't we get a new Conception 2 trailer today? Very significant.One day I'll wake up and Atlus will have actually shown something new and significant.
I await that day.
Well, isn't what happens after the final boss in P4 and even P4G just one big cutscene?