Chet Rippo
Because it isn't news.
How about nooooooooooooooo
Ah good, I didn't want to look like a fool.
Because it isn't news.
How about nooooooooooooooo
Well this is just the best. Makoto smiling is the best.
The whole ‘they’d look down on me for being female’ has pretty much no follow-up and no consequences and it just comes off as a really weak excuse to justify why Naoto would completely change the way they act and present to other people, binding their chest (which is uncomfortable) and lowering their voice (which is unnatural and takes work to perfect) and have apparently been doing it for so long that dressing in anything feminine is incredibly awkward for them but they’re only fifteen how young were they when they started thinking ‘they’ll look down on me for ID’ing as female’ anyway
A blog named after Yosuke, this person is probably the worst.
So yosukeheadphones outlines most of the flaws found in Naoto's writing.
It's a damn good read, and I agree with virtually everything that she says.
A blog named after Yosuke, this person is probably the worst.
It barely touches upon any of her issues till the very end, but its just good funI won't deny that Naoto comes across as the weakest cast member to me, but I didn't finish that SLink so I can't be sure.
It barely touches upon any of her issues till the very end, but its just good fun
It's basically Naoto and Holmes-kun solve mysteries and shit
It took me nearly 7 hours to edit this beast but....
(Click image for download link)
Title card of course done by TrueSelf
This week on S.Link FM, we finally earn that name. As promised, Episode 24 is all about the music of Persona, SMT, and Shōji Meguro's composition. This episode is very unlike anything else we've done, and nostalgic is the only way I can accurately describe it. This is as close as you're going to get to a Persona radio station.
First Episode of season 2, and in my opinion the best Episode to date as well. Hope you all enjoy. Pretty proud of this one in general.
Doug was also a fantastic guest.
(There's a lot of music in this episode, so I didn't include your snippets yet Jintor. Soon though!)
This is pretty damn kick-ass.![]()
Well this is just the best. Makoto smiling is the best.
Seems like I've found my company for tomorrow's bus trip.It took me nearly 7 hours to edit this beast but....
(Click image for download link)
Title card of course done by TrueSelf
This week on S.Link FM, we finally earn that name. As promised, Episode 24 is all about the music of Persona, SMT, and Shōji Meguro's composition. This episode is very unlike anything else we've done, and nostalgic is the only way I can accurately describe it. This is as close as you're going to get to a Persona radio station.
First Episode of season 2, and in my opinion the best Episode to date as well. Hope you all enjoy. Pretty proud of this one in general.
Doug was also a fantastic guest.
(There's a lot of music in this episode, so I didn't include your snippets yet Jintor. Soon though!)
It took me nearly 7 hours to edit this beast but....
(Click image for download link)
Title card of course done by TrueSelf
This week on S.Link FM, we finally earn that name. As promised, Episode 24 is all about the music of Persona, SMT, and Shōji Meguro's composition. This episode is very unlike anything else we've done, and nostalgic is the only way I can accurately describe it. This is as close as you're going to get to a Persona radio station.
First Episode of season 2, and in my opinion the best Episode to date as well. Hope you all enjoy. Pretty proud of this one in general.
Doug was also a fantastic guest.
(There's a lot of music in this episode, so I didn't include your snippets yet Jintor. Soon though!)
So yosukeheadphones outlines most of the flaws found in Naoto's writing.
It's a damn good read, and I agree with virtually everything that she says.
FES guy coming back
I dislike that I dislike Persona 3, please read this post.
It bothers me that I cannot just grind and level up, I have to spend money to get courage/charm, stuff like that. I know there are other ways to increase these attributes. What I am confused about is, how am I supposed to be able to fuse personas, and also know what people to hang out with to strengthen those personas? I fused like 6 personas in the beginning of the game, and screwed myself because I wasn't talking to anyone to strengthen those personas. I dislike this, help me. Everything about this game to me is brilliant besides the RPG part of it.
Also, people getting tired over and over is getting to me.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're asking but is this your first Persona game? Cause it seems like you're not really clear on how S.Linking and Fusion work or benefit one another.FES guy coming back
I dislike that I dislike Persona 3, please read this post.
It bothers me that I cannot just grind and level up, I have to spend money to get courage/charm, stuff like that. I know there are other ways to increase these attributes. What I am confused about is, how am I supposed to be able to fuse personas, and also know what people to hang out with to strengthen those personas? I fused like 6 personas in the beginning of the game, and screwed myself because I wasn't talking to anyone to strengthen those personas. I dislike this, help me. Everything about this game to me is brilliant besides the RPG part of it.
Also, people getting tired over and over is getting to me.
That's more of a small smirk than a smile.
So yosukeheadphones outlines most of the flaws found in Naoto's writing.
It's a damn good read, and I agree with virtually everything that she says.
Well put. I disagree with pretty much all of the stuff on that Tumblr too, and I also disagree that Naoto is the weakest of the cast. In fact I'd go so far as to say that the cast of P4 is pretty much all on equal footing so far as character development go. All of the have a fair bit but not a whole lot, and since all the S.Link stuff seems to take place in a vacuum outside of the main game, none of it has any consequences or gets brought up at any point outside of those scenes. It's something I'd like to see changed for P5 but it's not something you can fault Naoto's character for nor the writing for her character specifically since it's an issue with the entire cast.I disagree with alllll of this.
First off, no follow up or consequence. Two points to make:
One - Nobody's arc has follow up or consequence, because it's outside of the scope of the story and its themes. This is a videogame, and is limited in what it can show, particularly when that is split between eight different main character arcs. Nobody mentions Kanji being a softy and/or bisexual (Depending on your interpretation!) either.
Two - It would have been a major downer if she'd accepted herself as a lady and then her life had become a downward spiral because of that "I'm not allowed to work with the police any more because I'm a woman". Not to mention the shit storm for implying that sexism exists in the world and then portraying it in a videogame. Patricia Hernandez would have been writing garbage sensationalist articles for days!
And then, changing the way she looks and acts. More disagreements!
One - Binding her chest. Where did this idea come from? Is it ever actually said in the game or is it a weird fan created fantasy? Because it does seem stupid, uncomfortable and fetishistic. Real women can hide their chests by dressing selectively, which is what I had always assumed Naoto does, not by wrapping herself up like an Egyptian mummy.
Two - Uncomfortable dressing in anything feminine. Again, seems like a fan created fantasy. The one time she dresses like a girl is on Christmas Eve, but considering all the girls spend pretty much that entire scene blushing, I don't think that's indicative of anything. As an aside, the blushing in those scenes is kind of a smart way of portraying what they're feeling, actually.
She dresses as a girl in one of the drama CDs (Which is presumably canonical), and is completely normal about it. This idea that she's really shy is just a creepy fan interpretation. She's shown to be confident and pragmatic in like every scene in the game.
Three - I had assumed she'd been identifying as a boy since her parents died, but I don't think it really matters. The game never tells you outright, so I guess you just assign what makes sense? Maybe she started doing it when she hit her teens, or maybe she started it just before entering Inaba. That doesn't really mean anything. She's actually sixteen for pretty much the entire game, so there's at least a few years wherein you could assume it began, were you so inclined.
Wait a minute.....There's drama CDs?!?!?!? Are there translations?
Plz and Pls I must know.
So yosukeheadphones outlines most of the flaws found in Naoto's writing.
It's a damn good read, and I agree with virtually everything that she says.
The link doesn't seem to work for me, but is the essay that pretty much contrives a whole lot to make a very specific point? If it is, it's interesting, but I didn't find much of it substantive.
Those are begging to be made into avatars. Alas, for I must sleep..
Face too long, Sharp knees etc
Ikutsuki stop making puns, gosh.
Also I really don't like that fan-made Dancing All Night image. Something about it is... off.
That's just punbearable
It took me nearly 7 hours to edit this beast but....
(Click image for download link)
Title card of course done by TrueSelf
This week on S.Link FM, we finally earn that name. As promised, Episode 24 is all about the music of Persona, SMT, and Shōji Meguro's composition. This episode is very unlike anything else we've done, and nostalgic is the only way I can accurately describe it. This is as close as you're going to get to a Persona radio station.
First Episode of season 2, and in my opinion the best Episode to date as well. Hope you all enjoy. Pretty proud of this one in general.
Doug was also a fantastic guest.
(There's a lot of music in this episode, so I didn't include your snippets yet Jintor. Soon though!)
The title card is hypnotic. I could watch all day without getting tired of it!.
That image is beautiful, Buddha.