With fighting games at least, it's customary to announce on a global scale if you're releasing globally.
It's not promised, but let's say the P4A2 console date is in Famitsu one week; We should get a US date in the same week. I don't think P4A was like that, but it came out globally and so will the sequel. There's no point in beating around the bush.
It's customary? I'm not sure about that, especially when it comes to ASW fighting games (compounded by the Atlus association). We'll get it, but I heavily doubt there will be a simultaneous announcement for a global release date, especially considering Europe.
But actually, let me redact my previous statement that a console release date for Japan would need to be set before an NA announcement. The console release for P4A in NA was teased and confirmed only two weeks after the JPN console release was announced on February 3, 2012. The actual JPN release date was only announced on April 18, 2012.
So, I'm actually expecting an NA release announcement before JPN's release date becomes something else than "summer 2014."
I'm okay with region locking as long as Europe doesn't have to wait 300 years. Or better: Do only Japan/Not Japan region locking, which is absolutely possible if they wanted to do that.
Yeah, region locking would be perfectly fine if everyone got the game at the same time or something more tactful, but I'm not too sure the business side of Atlus is that considerate. Maybe things have changed with the Sega acquisition, though.