Had to go back and get the proper skills to beat it.
Then the final boss was nothing compared to it. lol

Had to go back and get the proper skills to beat it.
Then the final boss was nothing compared to it. lol
Had to go back and get the proper skills to beat it.
Then the final boss was nothing compared to it. lol
Welcome to our den of lunacy!
Huh. Interesting stuff!
Except that I haven't.
You're like, one click away from buying a body pillow.
The characters in PQ are much higher polygon than the turds that were in P3P, so I guess that's why the Personas are 2D.
On the other hand, it's no way near reaching the level of Persona 3 or 4 proper, which is terrible and hilarious.
Only in terms of optimisation. The meshes and textures and animations already exist.
Well,we already know they have two distinct personalities. The question is whether they inhabit the same body or not (unless you're guessing that they do inhabit the same body, in which case why would Sho's win quote vs. SHO sound the way it does?).
Now seems like a good time to remind everyone how ugly P3P's characters were:
Then it turned out that my disc was scratched and the only affected data was the ending cutscene. HILARIOUS.
At least character animations are varied and interesting in PQ as compared to P3/4.
They must really have had issues with RAM. Which is weird considering how far games like KH: Birth By Sleep managed to push the system. (Though many of those had quite the loading times without Data install.)
Speaking of BBS I had that happen after the optional Superboss.
Speaking of BBS I had that happen after that game's optional Superboss.
Wasn'tthe Plume of Desk said to be the thing that helped the maidens keep their personality in the first place? If so, what would happen if you basically put one into a human body? Which win quote are you referring to though?
""Don't just come out on your own accord! I've still got more fun to have here!
What's a maiden?
The Mechanical Maidens, I.E. Aigis/Labrys?
The quality of them seems really low to me, though. The actual presentation of the battles looks really bad, in my opinion.
Huh, don't think I've ever heard that term for the anti-Shadow weapons before. Interesting.
It all comes down to what the teams are capable of. The BBS team will have been larger, higher paid, and better on technical level than Atlus' team.
Reminds me of the time I got up to the final boss in Thousand Year Door and then my save corrupted. ;_;
The Mechanical Maidens, I.E. Aigis/Labrys?
I have always wondered why P3/P4 didn't go for a Nocturne/DDS esque art style, budget issue maybe?
Assuming Atlus aren't pants on head retarded, I think P5's engine will be "futureproof" or I think the engine/assets will be scalable and ready for PS4, WiiU, 4DS and Vita. I think because of this, P5 will a look a lot better than people are expecting.
I think the P3/P4 team they used a completely different engine compared to the SMT games on the PS2. With some elements of the nocturne engine to some degree with the persona's 3d models.I have always wondered why P3/P4 didn't go for a Nocturne/DDS esque art style, budget issue maybe?
Very true.
I would have completely lost my shit.(Okay I didn't like TTYD that much the first time but that would still blow.)
Even the game admits that they're robo-waifus
I think so. They went with the chibi-esque style because they didn't think they'd have the time/money to pull off a more full-featured look.
I think the P3/P4 team they used a completely different engine compared to the SMT games on the PS2. With some elements of the nocturne engine to some degree with the persona's 3d models.
I always figured it was a stylistic choice made to differentiate Persona from other SMT games while also trying to appeal to a wider audience.I have always wondered why P3/P4 didn't go for a Nocturne/DDS esque art style, budget issue maybe?
Why didn't they do it for P4 then? I'd be surprised if DDS had a higher budget than persona 4.
I have always wondered why P3/P4 didn't go for a Nocturne/DDS esque art style, budget issue maybe?
Are people not expecting much? Catherine looks great and I expect P5 to look even better than that.
Ikutsuki calls them that in the very first scene Aigis appears, lol...
This dungeon talk is silly.
P5 is clearly going to have a linear structure with one long corridor that you travel down the entire game. Also it's an action battle system with only one player and no party members. There's no demons, just a bunch of high school girls you can date along the way.
This one? I can't remember where it first plays, but I'm pretty sure it's before Matador. Nocturne and DDS both have great battle music.
The name was me, and I asked Aeana to change it.
I'm not actually sure if it was her who did though.
Gal Gun: The RPGening!
Matador had Fiend
It's also a Tsuchiya track, I think, or Tasaki. I'll have to look that up.
*air guitar*
Mitsuru certainly had many hair styles before finalization.
Dammit all I won't even get to play this game until APRIL. Want it noooooow. Bad enough I cut off all of my P4 supply while I'm marathoning FMP.
You most likely won't be able to play that game in April either.
That's P4A2, not P4A.
Now those are some mighty bangs. I still like the short-haired Mitsuru design someone (pan?) posted a while ago.
This one?
lol, I can't imagine her without luscious red locks.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
*air guitars The Trooper*
I've been looking through concept art for P3.
I like this one of Yukari with longer hair.
Mitsuru certainly had many hair styles before finalization.
At least you got to play SMT IV.
Fair enough. Even though I'm not a huge fan of it, SMT4 is still a pretty solid game.