
It's so... Hypnotic.
It's so... Hypnotic.
It's so... Hypnotic.
Those two gifs highlight a truth you learn in acting: Women walk with their hips, men walk with their crotch.
If only he had this outfit in UltimaxIf only she had this outfit in ultimax
That design is so stupid. *sigh*
That design is so stupid. *sigh*
Yosuke has a long way to go.
This is true SWAG and confidence
Dude must be bumping some Wu Tang with how he's strutting.
We know she can't dress herself, that much is obvious, but you do touch on my other objection to it (outside of it being overly flashy and a poor fit for Persona's modern universe)--it's a completely idiotic outfit choice for an undercover agent, and Mitsuru should absolutely know better--she's only been a part of an undercover operation since she was like six years old! Arena has to bend over backwards and treat her like a complete moron to justify her clothing.Yes it's stupid, but that's why I like it. I've said this before in this case but in P3 she says she doesn't really knows fashion and just wears what's picked out for her. She also doesn't quite know about "common people" things as evident by the (in)famous burger scene. Thinking of that outfit from the possibility that she picked it herself rather than having someone else do it for her, she might actually think it could work for sneaking into that TV in Inaba.
And well obviously, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Big flashy fur coat in a small town rural area, not quite a good choice.
Yes it's stupid, but that's why I like it. I've said this before in this case but in P3 she says she doesn't really knows fashion and just wears what's picked out for her. She also doesn't quite know about "common people" things as evident by the (in)famous burger scene. Thinking of that outfit from the possibility that she picked it herself rather than having someone else do it for her, she might actually think it could work for sneaking into that TV in Inaba.
And well obviously, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Big flashy fur coat in a small town rural area, not quite a good choice.
It's so... Hypnotic.
If only he had this outfit in Ultimax
Wit's a completely idiotic outfit choice for an undercover agent, and Mitsuru should absolutely know better
She shows up in a small town in a gigantic limousine wearing a catsuit and a luxurious fur coat, and they had absolutely no idea they would be jumping into an area normal people could not access. As far as they knew prior to coming to Inaba was that their target was in a small rural town somewhere. Her choice of outfit was completely inappropriate and was partially responsible for why they end up being relegated to the garbage dump outside town.She wasn't expecting to see any human during the operation besides Akihiko and Aigis. She states that when Yukiko saw her in the TV world.
She shows up in a small town in a gigantic limousine wearing a catsuit and a luxurious fur coat, and they had absolutely no idea they would be jumping into an area normal people could access. As far as they knew prior to coming to Inaba was that their target was in a small rural town somewhere. Her choice of outfit was completely inappropriate and was partially responsible for why they end up being relegated to the garbage dump outside town.
What kind of music are we expecting from p5?
What kind of music are we expecting from p5?
What kind of music are we expecting from p5?
I dunno, he's more of Linkin Park kinda guy...
What kind of music are we expecting from p5?
What kind of music are we expecting from p5?
What kind of music are we expecting from p5?
I agree with you. Her outfit I can understand since it's a battlesuit and the operation was supposed to be undercover. Also, she doesn't know anything about fashion.
But Akihiko's, Junpei's and Yukari's outfits.. man... It was something done just because. Supposedly to make cool-looking fighting characters.
It's probably the main reason why I'm excited for the game. Well, with the whole red color scheme and chained down by society thing, I was thinking that they would go with a hard hitting rock soundtrack. The modern stylish anime jpop identity that the series has established will probably stop from doing it though. Would be very predictable but cool to see. Would certainly be the best thing Meguro has ever done if it were to happen.Grunge, Scream-O, Heavy Metal, and some Mozart for good measure.I actually don't know but I am curious as well.
What are the chances of there being information about Persona 5 this month, guys? ;__;
It's been almost 8 months.
Junpei makes sense because he always seemed like a fan of baseball and since he wasn't good at school he's better off like that, plus he ended up by accident at Inaba so he didn't have time to change before the red fog appeared out of nowhere. Yukari is a weird case, they seemed to go for a job that involved her archery so they included it in one of the Featherman's of the show. She's like that in Inaba because she also didn't have time to change clothes when Labrys arrived in the helicopter. If anything Mitsuru's was only done for fanservice instead of the cool-looking fighting style. I kinda wish that Ken got a silly outfit to fit with the other P3 guys but I guess he's okay.
Hopefully Capsule can get involved, they would be perfect for it. Not sure how much money it would cost for them be featured.I think Dark Electronic, if the teaser is anything to go by.
I can believe in Junpei's excuse. But Yukari's one is hard to believe that she couldn't change something like that. lol
What are the chances of there being information about Persona 5 this month, guys? ;__;
This is what Mitsuru thinks of Yosuke's fake walk.
Hopefully Capsule can get involved, they would be perfect for it. Not sure how much money it would cost for them be featured.
We're not going to hear anything until a TGS blowout, aren't we?
The information will appear when you least expect.
Yeah, that makes sense. But the helicopter landing on her set is the unbelievable part I mentioned. I mean, not unbelievable, but it's something unlikely to happen. It's just too much "convenience" only to have her dressed like that in the game.
Helicopter landed on her set and she immediately entered it. It's a justification for her to be in that costume for aesthetic purposes, but it's still one that makes sense because her clothes would be the least of her concerns given the circumstances.
Oh, I dunno about that. When do people even expect info on that? I had maintained early-mid August until the possibility for the game coming out in 2015 came up.
I'm not too bothered though, since there's a steady stream of Persona info coming out nowadays. I wrote 47 articles on my Persona site in June, when the average is usually around 11 per month. I can't even remember how it felt in the dark days when nothing Persona was happening except for in short bursts.
Oh, I was just joking about that. I don't have any idea when the information will be released.
But it's very cool to know that you have a Persona site! That's amazing, Flux!
Alright, ignoring her outfit's practicality for battle (which is... questionable), this still reads like a lot of lack of forward thinking on her part, which is really not in character.I agree with the limo thing. That was really stupid, and she knows that. She says: "The only thing I asked was for a vehicle with space" when Aigis constantly annoys her about the car. The ones responsible for that choice are the ones to blame. I think the choice of car was the reason they end up in the garbage dump.
But about the catsuit (this word is funny lol) she was inside the car, supposedly people won't notice that. And shadow activity isn't something that appears in the streets at daylight, so I guess she assumed that she won't doing anything like fighting and summoning Persona in front of people. And she was right if she assumed that. By the way, her prior experience dealing with shadows was the Dark Hour, a period of time without people and that occurs on midnight, so that catsuit would fit well in such circumstance.
Arena and Ultimax are well aware of how dumb the designs are--they're designed to make them flashy fighting game characters. The contrived justifications come secondary, but unfortunately the game wants to be both a goofy crossover fighter and a serious sequel with an actual story, but this dichotomy comes up again and again and it really can't be both effectively.Yukari also says at the end of video "Yeah, I'm not one to say that my outfit is particulary.... subtle." so she's aware of it. It's kinda weird that her outfit doesn't have a zipper, but maybe that's why Phoenix Ranger Featherman is a popular show.![]()
Oh, I mean it's convenient and it's just so she can be dressed that way, but I just mean that there would be a helicopter landing there if there was a straight up emergency happening and one of the top Shadow Ops members needed to be extracted, which is what's going on.
If only he had this outfit in Ultimax