It's likely going to be a free 2.0 update, a la Continuum Shift 2.They made it sound like it was. I guess they meant "Extend"?
It's likely going to be a free 2.0 update, a la Continuum Shift 2.They made it sound like it was. I guess they meant "Extend"?
I thought that was (P4 spoilz).Heterochromia
But I was saying that it only occurs when, AGAIN MAJOR MARIE SPOILERS,.she becomes Izanami-no-Mikoto in the hollow forest
It's likely going to be a free 2.0 update, a la Continuum Shift 2.
I seriously doubt it will be free. We're most likely getting Ultra Chrono PhantasmaIt's likely going to be a free 2.0 update, a la Continuum Shift 2.
Looks like Marie can control the weather in Ultimax. The third image appears to be her instant kill victory.
Famtisu article here
Surely this should come naturally.I actually said something positive about Marie.
She actually looks fun to play.
I actually said something positive about Marie.
Kaguya is looking fantastic, as usual. Marie's still a dweeb, but the fact that she's playable earns my respect.
You said something negative?
Surely this should come naturally.
The good site to having Marie is that, like Pink Gold Peach, nothing is more fun and satisfying than beating your opponents with a character they have a frothing hatred for.
When have I not said something negative about Marie or her Social Link? >_>;
Especially her Social Link.
Not according to that comic posted earlier
I already have ken for that.
She actually looks fun to play.
I actually said something positive about Marie.
I already have ken for that.
Going to go ahead and say that Koromaru lessens that effect considerablyI already have ken for that.
First Ken, then Marie.Now we just need Morooka to rise from the grave, then everyone will love HIM too!
Going to go ahead and say that Koromaru lessens that effect considerably
Let's get Kenji in there. Everyone loves that guy.
The good side to having Marie is that, like I've learned with Pink Gold Peach, nothing is more fun and satisfying than beating your opponents with a character they truly, truly hate.
Yeah, I don't think beating up a dog is going to make feel great.
The rosters for Ultimax is looking amazing. Just improve the balance a bit before the JP PS3 release and the game will be incredible.
Ifis the last DLC character, I doubt we'll see him announced until after Ultimax is released. Otherwise, it gives away the story direction of Ultimax, or potentially, a major event. Even if he didn't appear in the story at all, I can see the debates now, "OMG IS DIS CANON?"Makoto
At the latest, we'll know the remaining DLC when the game releases, since it'll have to be disc-locked.
Ifis the last DLC character, I doubt we'll see him announced until after Ultimax is released. Otherwise, it gives away the story direction of Ultimax, or potentially, a major event. Even if he didn't appear in the story at all, I can see the debates now, "OMG IS DIS CANON?"Makoto
At the latest, we'll know the remaining DLC when the game releases, since it'll have to be disc-locked.
Ifis the last DLC character, I doubt we'll see him announced until after Ultimax is released. Otherwise, it gives away the story direction of Ultimax, or potentially, a major event. Even if he didn't appear in the story at all, I can see the debates now, "OMG IS DIS CANON?"Makoto
At the latest, we'll know the remaining DLC when the game releases, since it'll have to be disc-locked.
I hated the roster for Arena. But DAMN, Ultimax' has the potential to be my favorite roster out of all the fighters on ps3/360.
The game definitely needs a balance patch. NERF Yu Mitsuru and AIgis. I really dont want high level play to be the same as it was in Arena.
I dunno, i think they should reveal him before Ultimax releases. That way the game gets hyped up to the extreme, which will hopefully lead to more sales.
MarieI haven't drawn anything for a while. I feel like sketching a Persona character. Any suggestions?
I agree it needs a balance patch (pls buff Junpei!), but didn't Yosuke and maybe Teddie sort of eclipse, or at least match, Mitsuru and Aigis? I think more characters need to be buffed (Elizabeth, Labrys, Junpei) than nerfed (Narukami) at this point
Why does it have to be disc-locked?
I haven't drawn anything for a while. I feel like sketching a Persona character. Any suggestions?
Eikichi or Lisa from P2.
If you do, you should include the Igor in a BoxIm leaning towards sho, but ill be indoors for the rest of the day so i may do Marie
I really need to play P2. All i hear is good things about that game.
Chibi style.
I haven't drawn anything for a while. I feel like sketching a Persona character. Any suggestions?
It would be a paid DLC to promote other future paid DLC. And just to promote. No other contents.I think we all know that the last DLC character is going to be Tanaka.
All of his moves will also be DLC.