Morning Star
Fyi everyone the Persona 1 Portable soundtrack is $5 on Amazon right now.
Mailman just delivered mine along with P4AU. I'm surprised Amazon still has the tarot cards and Teddy packed in with it.
Fyi everyone the Persona 1 Portable soundtrack is $5 on Amazon right now.
PQ is probably going to end up as one of my favourite games this year. Completely love it.
PQ is probably going to end up as one of my favourite games this year. Completely love it.
Gotta agree. I know a lot of you liked Arena/Ultimax, but I'll be honest something about it, and no it wasn't the fact that it was a fighting game, just didn't make my interest for the story peak. Maybe it was the writing? The fact that the whole P3 crew was grown up (although I highly doubt it)? I can't quite put my finger on what it was.
This game however I just love completely, the story and how nicely blended the EO/Persona elements are. I truly am having a blast, although I am playing it very slowly... Heck I haven't even met up with the P4 crew yet. Can't wait for that aha.
I haven't played a lot of games this year, but Persona Q is definitely the best of them.
Is it cute enough for naoto to like it?
Ultimax is very event driven (same with Arena). There is virtually no satisfying developments given to any characters except for Labrys, and if you didn't latch onto her plotline then the story was very dull. The narrative bits I like about Persona (as I've said lots of times before) are the bits about the characters, and the Arena duology dumbed them down too much for me to care. It also has some really badly written dialogue.
Ultimax is very event driven (same with Arena). There is virtually no satisfying developments given to any characters except for Labrys, and if you didn't latch onto her plotline then the story was very dull. The narrative bits I like about Persona (as I've said lots of times before) are the bits about the characters, and the Arena duology dumbed them down too much for me to care. It also has some really badly written dialogue.
U all Play too much *is only at the very start of dungeon 2*
Do you now?Danits I have a request!
To clarify, it'd be fine if she was cute as long as she had something else to her. Right now she's a cute drawing for everyone to fawn over. Eating a lot isn't a personality trait.
So is the P4U population kind of low right now?
I haven't played in a while, but there should still be plenty of people playing in Lobby mode, as there always was.
Unless you're actually talking about P4U, in which case online's probably a barren wasteland.
Do you now?
OK thanks. Just wondering cuz I might get the game in the future but if it was dead then I probably won't.
*bops gooch*
say it >.<
That PlayStation Experience event thread has exploded. It's incredible.
Why do some of these advertisements have a hardback book instead? Seriously what gives?
Okay. I was thinking I gotjipped or something. Is there supposed to be another artbook too?even more
When referring to pre-orders for games like this, an "art book" is usually a small booklet like the one you got. It's practically never a full fledged art book, of which there indeed is for Persona Q.
You know you want it.
Yes sir...
*notes that gooch is into nurses*
When referring to pre-orders for games like this, an "art book" is usually a small booklet like the one you got. It's practically never a full fledged art book, of which there indeed is for Persona Q.
When referring to pre-orders for games like this, an "art book" is usually a small booklet like the one you got. It's practically never a full fledged art book, of which there indeed is for Persona Q.
Funny thing is, the girl I once had a crush on in High School is studying to be a nurse.
I doooo....
Persona Gaf it's my first time here and i need you're help. So i got a vita about 3 weeks ago yay! anyhow I'm stuck in P4G, currently i'm fighting shadow mitsuo having a difficult time. To give you an insight this is my Team levels:
Yu: 44
Yosuke: 42
Chie: 42
Yukiko: 44
Rise: 45
Kanji: 35
Teddie: 35
i feel like i'm not under leveled yet i can't get passed by the second layer of the boss.
You dont appear underlevelled (except kanji and teddie), what is your strategy on this fight?
One we figure out where you're going wrong we can rectify it, I know this boss causes a few people some issues.
But a promise I made to myself, I will not play it until Friday when I end my final exams!
Persona 3 FES 11/3 and 11/4 spoilers
I feel Strega went out too easily... and then the betrayal of Ikuski while not completely out of nowhere was resolved so quickly and randomly that it lost any impact it should have had. Also why did we go randomly Evangelion for 5 minutes?
Get a level 18 Phoenix (most of my party is level 8-10)