That's really suspicious if you ask me.Weird that they deleted the tweet and said it was just a joke....
Poor John Hardin was probably wondering why his email box was filling up.
I am going to hit over 100 hours of playtime for sure. Especially when I'm trying to level everyone somewhat equally.
I am going to hit over 100 hours of playtime for sure. Especially when I'm trying to level everyone somewhat equally.
The internet: "John! Mr. Hardin! Atlusprime dood! What's this about some super secret stuff involving Atlus and Arksys and the awesome tweet and and..."
Him: "I Dunno LOL ¯\(°_o)/¯"
Nobody likes it when you talk aboutmurders.
It was a good joke, but y'know...the internet...
Can you confirm that if I travel to SoCal tonight and at exactly midnight, smash my head through a TV screen in someone's house, that I will enter the midnight channel and be featured in Persona 5?
No, but you will go to jail. Do you want emancipation?
Can you confirm that if I travel to SoCal tonight and at exactly midnight, smash my head through a TV screen in someone's house, that I will enter the midnight channel and be featured in Persona 5?
Too late.
The fact that it's a hashtag makes it even scarier, for some reason
Theodore is such a great character.
Every time he makes an appearance in Q or Ulitmax it feels refreshing
Yep, it's a great thing he was rescued from non-canon hell.
Can't a guy just get frustrated and destroy some collectibles in peace?
Theo's story is just that he's another sibling in the trio. He's not an option to have as an attendant for the male side, but he still exists in it.
I'm still confused how Theodore is even there. I forget, was he even in the male side of P3P?
Weird that they deleted the tweet and said it was just a joke....
Missed this. So awesome. Love it. It's the best. New desktop wall for suresies.^Damn it PK
Sorry Mitsuru,You cant beat Eriko Kirishima. You see Tartarus and you go "OH NO MY FAMILY'S SINS." She goes "AWESOME" or "I'm the luckiest girl in the world!"
Where did you buy the P1P ost?
I'm still confused how Theodore is even there. I forget, was he even in the male side of P3P?
Ultimax PS4/Vita. Believe.
I actually don't think it's anything and they're just hyping up the event.
God but what I would not give to have it on Vita.
Can't a guy just get frustrated and destroy some collectibles in peace?
I hear ya! I played Guilty Gear Xrd over Remote Play and the D-Pad was pure bliss.... too bad about the graphics becoming choppy due to 60 FPS becoming 30.
Quick question, do you guys have any thoughts on if there's an underlying reason why Persona 3 FES made the decision for party members to make their own battle choices?
I read an argument that it's to represent each character making their own choices in battles as real people, and since you're the protagonist you can give them orders, but they still make their own decisions- sorta like a roleplay mindset. Not sure if that's really why they did it, it could easily just be to simply what battle choices the player has to deal with, but I thought I'd ask.
Hashino: There are a lot of RPGs out there where you can control every aspect of your party members, including what kind of underwear they are wearing... but because we wanted the player to relate to the Hero more than any other character in Persona 3, we wanted the other characters to feel like "other people".
Soejima: It was important to make that distinction. It helped emphasize the concept of Social Links, and it also allowed us to show off the improved AI. It would have been extra cool if the party members had been completely free of player control, but we knew that would be pushing it a bit too far, so we have the player control over their equipment at least.
Hashino: It's true that we got some feedback stating that the party system was "too difficult" to control effectively, but I'll honestly say that I don't regret doing what we did with it. I'm glad we stuck to our guns on that one.
Interviewer: It was pretty interesting to have characters that didn't necessarily agree with your decisions coming together to accomplish a mutual goal.
Hashino: It didn't matter how strong your friendships were; once you completed the mission, everyone went their separate ways. It's like when you go out for a drink with buddies and you have a great time, but at the end of the night, everyone goes homes to their own lives. The interactions you'd have with your Social Links also differed depending on the time of day. We wanted to emphasize the feeling that these were completely separate beings unifying for a single purpose. You're together in the dungeon but, once you leave, you're alone again. Once you're alone, you are contacted by other people who may not have been in the dungeon with you. We wanted the Hero to have a life outside Tartarus, and although we didn't get to flesh that part out as much as we would have liked, I think we did well enough.
Interviewer: I certainly felt it. Even your party members felt like individuals who had lives outside of the party.
Hashino: I'm glad you got that. I know it made for a less familiar play style, but it was what we wanted to portray.
Hmm interesting. I guess it proves my point. I need to get that artbook then.That's pretty much exactly what's stated in the P3 artbook interview.
Some quotes:
That's pretty much exactly what's stated in the P3 artbook interview.
Some quotes:
Yeah, giving party members a sense of agency is a good idea on paper.
It just gets undermined by the fact that they're total imbeciles when it matters.
I would definitely wanna play as the
I would definitely wanna play as theHitlerfuhrer ironically.
It's the shit-eating grin, isn't it? All he needs now are those aviator shades.