Love Deterrence
So excited about the Marie DLC! Golden was essentially my gateway to Persona, so as may be expected, she is one of - if not my favorite - characters!!
I'm ok with this. I wonder what her two persona reference colors will be, who is even left to reference aside from a tiny few p1/2 people they haven't covered ? Anyone in p3/4 worth referencing?
I like the idea of custom skins but Ark don't do that, right?
Involved alternate costumes in a sprite-based fighting game would be extremely resource intensive. That's why Capcom has the ability to implement them in their modern fighters, and why ASW will probably be doing the same with Xrd now that they've gone that route.
A thought occurred to me. What would you guys think of Ultimax DLC where an S-link character gains a persona and becomes playable? (Not necessarily Dojima or Nanako)
A thought occurred to me. What would you guys think of Ultimax DLC where an S-link character gains a persona and becomes playable? (Not necessarily Dojima or Nanako)
It would feel like if krillin from dragonball became a super sayian.
kenji and nozomiI'm ok with this. I wonder what her two persona reference colors will be, who is even left to reference aside from a tiny few p1/2 people they haven't covered ? Anyone in p3/4 worth referencing?
So excited about the Marie DLC! Golden was essentially my gateway to Persona, so as may be expected, she is one of - if not my favorite - characters!!
I realize I'm pretty late in asking this question, but what is the deal with the new P4 Golden Anime? I've spent the last week in Spain without Internet access so I'm catching up on everything right now.
I'm guessing it's New Game+? I just don't see someone who just summoned their Persona for the very first timekilling literally a million Hableries without breaking a sweat.
Also: we're really burning through these threads quickly, aren't we?
Damn more characters have just been revealed for Blazblue aswell. Keep it coming ASW
Thing is, all the characters they've been adding (Ramlethal, Sin) are new. I wonder if they'll add veterans like Jam, Johnny, Baiken, Zappa, or Testament.Hopefully we'll see more in GG Xrd.
Makoto Yuki (Not really sure about this one, considering it's entirely dependent on how Ultimax's story goes)
So, we may be getting ANOTHER character after Marie? I think the only possibilities are…
Fuuka (after Rise, Marie, and Celica, anything can happen).
P3 spoilersMakoto Yuki (Not really sure about this one, considering it's entirely dependent on how Ultimax's story goes)
Eh, I think people will just go with that regardless of whether they ever officially confirm it or notPeople are saying that its New Game+ but there's been no official statement to confirm it.
Makoto could be added without there being a story attached to him. Not gonna hold my breath though.
I realize I'm pretty late in asking this question, but what is the deal with the new P4 Golden Anime? I've spent the last week in Spain without Internet access so I'm catching up on everything right now.
I'm guessing it's New Game+? I just don't see someone who just summoned their Persona for the very first timekilling literally a million Hableries without breaking a sweat.
Also: we're really burning through these threads quickly, aren't we?
Until it gets to Marie, that is.The Golden anime is pretty much a straight up official Persona 4: The Abridged Series. >_>;
Thing is, all the characters they've been adding (Ramlethal, Sin) are new. I wonder if they'll add veterans like Jam, Johnny, Baiken, Zappa, or Testament.
Until it gets to Marie, that is.
Eh, I think people will just go with that regardless of whether they ever officially confirm it or not
Well even though it is Marie, I am still pretty happy to see a new character added. I didn't really mind her personality later on into golden, but her title makes me think she'll be an even more flanderized version of herself. I kind of enjoyed her when she got better, but I don't know if I can deal with the angst again lol
So, we may be getting ANOTHER character after Marie? I think the only possibilities are
P3 spoilersMakoto Yuki (Not really sure about this one, considering it's entirely dependent on how Ultimax's story goes)
I never knew Marie was hated so much till I saw that thread lol.
God I want to see that movie so badly.
God I want to see that movie so badly.
That pic IS from Midsummer Knight Dream. When Yukari slaps him during the shower scene.Its a good movie, can't wait for Midsummer Knight
It's a possibility, but some here think it unlikely.You know what would be cool? Shadow Marie.
As for the possibility ofbeing playable, I'm willing to bet that he'sMakotothe final boss
I don't follow. Why would he be? Ifthe final bossdoes return,Makotowould make a moreErebus in some form.likely final boss
I don't follow. Why would he be? Ifthe final bossdoes return,Makotowould make a moreErebus in some form.likely final boss
So much salt in that news thread lol. I guess the words DLC and Marie gets people worked up for P4AU.
Not sure on likeliness, but I think it would be a sight to behold.It's a possibility, but some here think it unlikely.