Im just happy the most obvious and cliche thing i was 100% sure was going to happen didnt happen(P5 Spoilers)Morgana Human Form
Unless i didnt see it yet.
Reading this thread must be both amusing and frustrating for the people that played the Japanese version yet can't say anything.
Yeah, tell me about it. I wanna discuss the whole story, but I'm saving it for private conversations with people who have also played it/spoiled themselves.
I have popped into the thread again just to say never forget:
Cool.(P5 spoilers)I'd rather not now how or why Morgana is male, seems like a major plot point.
There is one thing that needs to be discussed though, and it's Ann's butt pose when she gets knocked down.
What is going there, it's so damn out of character lmao.
There is one thing that needs to be discussed though, and it's Ann's butt pose when she gets knocked down.
What is going there, it's so damn out of character lmao.
What do you mean out of character? Just look at those people's outfits, they're clearly into some kinky shit. One could even say, perhaps some sort of... roleplaying.There is one thing that needs to be discussed though, and it's Ann's butt pose when she gets knocked down.
What is going there, it's so damn out of character lmao.
It's probably just one of those things they think is funny but isn't. *shrug*
I did chuckle, but more from the stupidity than anything else, really.
does that as well iircyusuke
There is one thing that needs to be discussed though, and it's Ann's butt pose when she gets knocked down.
What is going there, it's so damn out of character lmao.
X-post from the news thread:
I genuinely wonder how they will handle the localization effort this time around, as from what I've heard, P5 is a different beast than past games in multiple ways.
The Broken Japanese/English conversations, the additional dubbing of originally ubdubbed lines, the inclusion of dual audio...
One has to wonder how they will handle it all.
Will the Japanese voice track also have newly recorded lines to match the content of the English Dub? Will they translate lines differently than in the past so they work with both tracks? What can they possibly do about the sections where characters use broken English/Japanese?
So many questions...
The Japanese VA for one of the SL characters is dead, so I doubt they'll record more Japanese lines. As for the broken English, haven't they dealt with that before? Didn't Mitsuru's English in the JP version change to French in the dub?
The Japanese VA for one of the SL characters is dead, so I doubt they'll record more Japanese lines. As for the broken English, haven't they dealt with that before? Didn't Mitsuru's English in the JP version change to French in the dub?
The Japanese VA for one of the SL characters is dead, so I doubt they'll record more Japanese lines. As for the broken English, haven't they dealt with that before? Didn't Mitsuru's English in the JP version change to French in the dub?
do you guys think they'll subtitle the mid-battle quips that the characters make for the japanese audio DLC? i'm considering doing my first playthough with the JP audio, but i'd hate to miss out on those battle quotes. might just end up doing my first playthrough with the english dub and save the japanese audio for a NG+
do you guys think they'll subtitle the mid-battle quips that the characters make for the japanese audio DLC? JP audio, but i'd hate to miss out on those battle quotes
The Japanese VA for one of the SL characters is dead, so I doubt they'll record more Japanese lines.
Two VAs now. One SL, and one.villain
As for the broken English, haven't they dealt with that before? Didn't Mitsuru's English in the JP version change to French in the dub?
Yeah, butone of the lines is coming from Ryuji at US customs. What he says has to be in English for it to make sense.
....Well I mean I GUESS they could just flip that line to Japanese since the line is literally just, but it'd still be weird.HELLO I AM JAPANESE
Yeah she spoke english in the japanese version.
Yeah, that makes sense. Guess it was a mix of the enunciation and the vocals from the music mixing together. I think it'll be much less of an issue in-game, since the line's guaranteed to have text to go with it, either from a dialogue bubble or cutscene subtitles."Those who were preyed upon by you." The pronunciation is mumbled a bit.
I THINK he's saying "You will fully taste the wrath of those who are preyed upon by you."
But then again I'm not a native speaker so maybe I got it wrong.
I mean, I don't know the context for the line, but using simple present tense would imply that the preying hasn't stopped or that it might happen again. The line strikes me as a typical "the hunter has become the hunted" line."You will fully taste the wrath of those who are preyed upon by you" is what I think he's saying, which does make sense.
Honestly, some obviously-localized lines aside, I've noticed that a lot of the lines in P5 are kind of wooden, almost like they were translated more literally. The entire conversation where Morgana's explaining how the palace works to Ryuji just doesn't sit well with me. I'm looking at the website right now, and parts of it seem even more literal. "Change the hearts of corrupted adults! An exciting phantom thief life!" sounds like something that could only come out of Japan, and is like one step removed from a shonen anime episode title.X-post from the news thread:
I genuinely wonder how they will handle the localization effort this time around, as from what I've heard, P5 is a different beast than past games in multiple ways.
The Broken Japanese/English conversations, the additional dubbing of originally ubdubbed lines, the inclusion of dual audio...
One has to wonder how they will handle it all.
Will the Japanese voice track also have newly recorded lines to match the content of the English Dub? Will they translate lines differently than in the past so they work with both tracks? What can they possibly do about the sections where characters use broken English/Japanese?
So many questions...
Honestly, some obviously-localized lines aside, I've noticed that a lot of the lines in P5 are kind of wooden, almost like they were translated more literally. The entire conversation where Morgana's explaining how the palace works to Ryuji just doesn't sit well with me. I'm looking at the website right now, and parts of it seem even more literal. "Change the hearts of corrupted adults! An exciting phantom thief life!" sounds like something that could only come out of Japan, and is like one step removed from a shonen anime episode title.
I adored Virtue's Last Reward's localized script quality, yet Zero Time Dilemma's was a big step down, partly because so much of it was so literal. I think it'd be a big mistake for P5 to take a similar shift, especially considering the standards set by the writing of the other games.
Yeah, I hope that they don't go too literal with their translations - some changes are needed to retain the flow; it's a hard balance to master.
On one hand, there need to be changes in English so that things don't sound so stilted. On the other, things need to remain close to the Japanese dub so that Dual Audio still makes sense.
On top of both of those, there's the English/Japanese lines to worry about...
Cool.(P5 spoilers)I'd rather not now how or why Morgana is male, seems like a major plot point.
In regards to the bolded, how close do they really need to be? Seems to me the obvious solution is to write the most fluid and natural script possible in English. There will invariably be differences with the exact Japanese dialogue, but it will essentially be the same thing said two different ways.
Oh damn...
Well, it really depends - personally I believe that writing it to be fluid and natural is more important than exact, literal translations, but there comes a point where what the sub says and what the dub is saying are noticeably different. It's mainly an issue for people who know vocal/emotional cues from anime subs and will be able to notice the difference, but it's something to be aware of regardless.
Someone in the delay news thread mentioned Valkyria Chronicles 1, and it's a pretty accurate example of what I mean.
I'm not really familiar with Valkyria Chronicles (only played about half of it back when it released). Mind giving me a Cliff Notes version of what you mean? Or a place where I can read up about it?
For example Valkyria Chronicles 1 had a pretty atrocious translation at times which I could spot even with the most basic understanding of the Japanese language after barely learning it for half a year (which also helped being able to realize missing context in scenes or for lines that didn't make sense before because they literally translated that context relevant information away in the subs/English dub).
What I'm trying to get at is that the script should avoid the kind of awkward phrasing that comes from trying to match the Japanese too closely, especially if the only major downside is that someone thinks things don't line up 100%. I'm not suggesting that the English script change the motivations of characters or the intent of a piece of dialogue.
It's been a while since I've played Valkyria Chronicles with the Japanese Dub, so I'll let another user shed some light on it:
I agree with you - here's hoping that they don't translate super literally simply out of fear of not matching the Dual Audio 100%.
The English/Japanese dialogue will be interesting, however... They need that to work in English as well as Dual Audio Japanese w/ English Subs... Maybe have two separate versions of the script, one that changes that scene to somehow work in English (For the English Dub), and one that leaves it as it was? (For the Japanese Dub)
Making two scripts would be an aggressive wasting of everyone's time.
Ann is sexualised pretty badly. Her awakening scene is the only one with sexual overtones to it as well.There is one thing that needs to be discussed though, and it's Ann's butt pose when she gets knocked down.
What is going there, it's so damn out of character lmao.
Ann is sexualised pretty badly. Her awakening scene is the only one with sexual overtones to it as well.
Im just happy the most obvious and cliche thing i was 100% sure was going to happen didnt happen(P5 Spoilers)Morgana Human Form
Unless i didnt see it yet.
There is one thing that needs to be discussed though, and it's Ann's butt pose when she gets knocked down.
What is going there, it's so damn out of character lmao.
So.. on the Persona 5 English gameplay stream there was a banner that said Playstation 4 exclusive stream, I think. Did they cancel the PS3 version and does that mean p5 isn't coming to Switch?
So.. on the Persona 5 English gameplay stream there was a banner that said Playstation 4 exclusive stream, I think. Did they cancel the PS3 version and does that mean p5 isn't coming to Switch?
The banner said that the stream was showing the PS4 version. The PS3 version is still coming out.
It's coming to PS3. The special edition is PS4 exclusive, however.
No Switch version has been confirmed at all.