This book is huge though I'm stoked that the OST is 3 discs:

How did you guys buy your copies? I got a cheap used copy of the P4 Reincarnation cd a few weeks ago on Amazon and I think I made a mistake.
I want to eventually get the P5 cd and possibly the p3 and p4 soundtracks so I want to make sure I'm doing this right.
I complained about my cd not being here yet, and then it comes in todaylooks to be in great condition, though the paranoid part of me noted that there's a rental sticker on the disc and now I'm worried it was 'stolen' >.>;
Any ost exclusive tracks/version of tracks that aren't part of the game?
Why would it be? I live near a Tsutaya here in Japan and they sometimes sell off old rental CDs.
I complained about my cd not being here yet, and then it comes in todaylooks to be in great condition, though the paranoid part of me noted that there's a rental sticker on the disc and now I'm worried it was 'stolen' >.>;
The full version of Wake Up Get Up Get Out There. Think that's the only one.
Can't wait for the Persona 5 Reincarnation albums, man. Some of the rearrangements on Persona 3/4 Reincarnated miss, but the ones that hit REALLY hit.
Yay soundtrack came in ^^
I'm gonna love listening to beneath the mask on my train commute.
Guess I'm the only one who hasn't heard any Persona 5 songs...
For example, the Reincarnation version of "Deep Breath Deep Breath". So much better than the version in-game.
Speaking of Meguro, I honestly feel like Bloody Destiny (PSP version of P1) is one of the most underrated boss themes in the series.
That's is for the better , the songs work better if listen it first in the game context, for myself i cant help it i need that music as soon it comes out been listening to the soundtrack since September (thanks to leaks) and still love it.
Hahah yeah. I can't bring myself to listen to P5 songs before playing the game. BUT! I bet they all sound amazing and super good so I'm kinda jealous of you guys for listening to the soundtrack.
Speaking of songs..... Persona 4 Dancing All Night on Vita has a super good soundtrack. Your Affection Remix and Now I Know and Heaven are great.
I never liked Junes. Junes is the most overrated Persona song. Everytime Nanako sings it in P4G... Song was trash in P4G and the remix in Dancing All Night is bad too.
Sorry if this is too image heavy or appears to be an excuse to post Obata art! Haha
.Huh, I didn't know Bakuman and Death Note had the same mangaka.
Knowing them, they'll probably charge for the DLC that Japan got for free. :x With some minor exceptions.
And than Europe has to buy them for full price when they release them over here.I'm thinking more like Ultimax. The first few free for a limited time.
Holy fucking shit. I'd only heard of Death Note out of those, and that Hello Baby art looks A MA ZING. Add an Obata-designed Persona game to my bucket list
Huh, I didn't know Bakuman and Death Note had the same mangaka.
And than Europe has to buy them for full price when they release them over here.
Obata's art is amazing, but Ohba's writing is certainly questionable at times. I stopped reading Bakuman sometime after vol.10, but I don't think Ohba ever wrote a good female character and I dislike what little I've seen of Platinum End. It's comically dark in a way that completely pulls me out of the story.
Word. I personally think the P4 Reincarnation stuff is weaker overall, but the P3 stuff... oh lordy lord.
For example, the Reincarnation version of "Deep Breath Deep Breath". So much better than the version in-game.
Just saw Atlus USA's Kaguya DLC trailer, and Xander Mobus' Phantom is starting to have some kind of presence to me.
It's like a middle ground between Matt Mercer and Liam O'Brien, which is a pretty good fit. A bit on the old-sounding side for the character, but not jarringly deep and booming like the JP version.
Kaguya DLC trailer? I'm not seeing it unless its under a different name (I'm also searching very very carefully due to spoilers) All their DLC trailers have just been on their twitter account so far.
Oh its from today. Was checking Persona Central's youtube page for it and not there yet, hence my confusion.
Huh, I follow their twitter page, wonder why I didn't see it...actually I know probably why, I follow too many people as is and its easy to miss stuff, I suppose. How do some people manage following thousands of people?
Anyway, I was going to ignore the Persona-DLC but Kaguya is one of my absolute favorites so...tempting.
Also I still think its an absolutely bewildering misstep by Atlus to only have costume DLC and not have any in-game costumes. I mean for pete's sake, P4G had oodles of outfit choices. You'd think a game with masked thieves, they'd go nuts.