From my perspective, the reason for your turnaround is because you got hit with a shitstorm over directly saying you were going to follow me because I seem to know what I'm doing. I'd have accepted your RNG reasoning if it made sense except putting fran and I together on it doesn't make a lot of sense considering we've mostly dropped the RNG thing and more moved on to what Plop's play signifies. Past that though, calling out one of the few things we have going on today as useless conversation is a scummier tactic than anything since it'll make other uncomfortable on broaching the topic again.
Have we heard much from Matt Attack or Kerned? Anyone else falling off the radar?
I'm still here btw, if anyone's wondering
Quick question: Can I use past experiences with certain users to justify my arguments, or is that not allowed?
It can't be a mix of both? Is it far fetched that a town aligned player panics on Day 1?
Kerned only posted a couple of times to talk about how they didn't have any thoughts to add. That's why my vote remains on him.Have we heard much from Matt Attack or Kerned? Anyone else falling off the radar?
As for my own readings on suspects:
Because they are still keeping the RNG circus going at this point. I see it as derailing fluff. Also Sorian was quick to express he didn't like me stacking on his vote on Vanguard, but seemed happy with the backfire horde on me (he haven't actually thrown his vote on me himself though, maybe to keep his hands clean?).
Other than that, I'm still blank as ever.
I'm still here btw, if anyone's wondering
Quick question: Can I use past experiences with certain users to justify my arguments, or is that not allowed?
Have we heard much from Matt Attack or Kerned? Anyone else falling off the radar?
No, it's not far fetched at all but trying to figure out whether it's panicked scum or panicked town is a part of the game. Usually the difference in the panic is disappointing others vs. disappointment in the lack of the play time in the game. Though scum players can be selfish, they tend not to be since they actually know their teammates and have open dialogue with them.
Look at it from my point of view: My only lead in the game is that I'm with town. Now everyone wants to lynch me. I now have to differentiate between those that legitimately think I'm scum and then those that run a smear campaign to paint an easy target, get the gears churning and lynch a villager for the sake of their goal. And what do you know, the guy my first gut feeling was to stick with is running a circus in town and seems happy with the current flow of events.
So you are blaming Sorian because you followed his lead? I think you were trying to hard to gain town credit. And as it backfired now you are trying to go the other way to gain sympathy.
I'm not blaming him for anything. It was a lame move and backfired. The reading is based on his reactions of the situation... you know like a reading is supposed to be made?
What are you talking about? What in Style's behavior has you thinking that he could have a power role?
As Flux said, where do you get the idea of a power role? And what an odd conclusion to jump too immediately anyway. The real thing to wonder here is if Style is still in the new phase where he cares more about personally playing than finding scum since that is a rookie ideaology that people, regardless of alignment, can fall into. Style isn't completely new though and I don't remember his last game but he should have known already that this style (lol) of play doesn't really cut it in Gafia.
No one has any idea who is scum except for scum. It's all guesswork right now.
I just can't believe that you went from trusting Sorian and following his lead to being one of your 3 most likely scum in less than 24hs.
And I know how a reading is made, and mine about you is really bad.
Welcome to the club, population: everyone else in this game. Feel free to throw your vote on me if you believe it's going to help the town.
My first read on you was pretty iffy, but you've been quick to aide the guy you spend 2 pages arguing with.
Also, part of me still wish/want Sorian to be a good guy so I'm going to be hesitant on this point further on.
Not necessarily, because it's not like scum aren't aware that people would try to look out for this. There's also the fact to always keep in mind that they have their own private chat where they're always in communication with each other, which can mean a lot of things.
What do you think of Sorian?
You're mistaking it, I haven't voted for him. I'm just saying he's under my radar with the others I've listed.
I'm suspect of Exmachina64 for his vote on Sorian and stating that "OMGUS" was the sole reason for it. Yes, I'm not too fond for RNG voting but I wouldn't vote for someone who placed one on me. Also he removed his vote once Sorian removed his on him which makes me wonder what the point of that was.Question to Matt Attack and 11037: If you weren't voting on me, who else would currently be the candidates for your votes?
Question to Matt Attack and 11037: If you weren't voting on me, who else would currently be the candidates for your votes?
Matt Attack posted late at night yesterday (at least for my timezone), so maybe he can post around that time. If he post again maybe he can share if that will be the case.
Look at it from my point of view: My only lead in the game is that I'm with town. Now everyone wants to lynch me. I now have to differentiate between those that legitimately think I'm scum and then those that run a smear campaign to paint an easy target, get the gears churning and lynch a villager for the sake of their goal. And what do you know, the guy my first gut feeling was to stick with is running a circus in town and seems happy with the current flow of events.
So at the moment, I'm leaning toward BlackBuzzard. Him encouraging Rynam to be more active in the game (post 257) while saying almost nothing himself to that point is extremely sketchy.
Also eyeing exmachina64. His quick vote/unvote of Sorian seemed, I don't know, jittery I guess. Combined with the forceful rebuke of Vanguard at post 251, and I'm somewhat suspicious. Oh, and post 284, where Exodu5 noticed exmachia64 possibly trying to plant vanilla townie seeds.
I wasn't on the Style bandwagon until post 294, where he backpeddled like a pro cyclist on his "ass kissing" (as he put it) of Sorian. Reads almost like someone who got chastised by their fellow scum for being too obvious and is now trying to do damage control. However, the possibility exists that he's new and was just glomming on to whoever appeared to be the alpha dog (as I did). I'm not leaning heavily toward Style, but that post gave me pause. His sudden vote against Sorian (the ass he was kissing earlier--his words, not mine) in the very next post gave me even more pause.
Beyond that, I have to wonder about the other (mostly) silent ones, namely Kerned, Matt Attack, and 11037.
Also, did StarSketch ever try to explain the odd pre-game behavior? Or did she just figure that since the conversation about that fizzled out and suspicion seems to be off her, she'll just tiptoe away from it and hope we don't notice?
I'm suspect of Exmachina64 for his vote on Sorian and stating that "OMGUS" was the sole reason for it. Yes, I'm not too fond for RNG voting but I wouldn't vote for someone who placed one on me. Also he removed his vote once Sorian removed his on him which makes me wonder what the point of that was.
I don't believe that going after BlackBuzzard or Rynam for being inactive is helpful. They could have power-roles (if you do please don't role claim) and it's only Day One so for now I can understand if they wanted to lay low. Choosing to lynch an inactive player is an easy way for scum to pile their votes onto a townie and not look suspicious. It would be nice if they could contribute a little more.
For now though my vote will remain on you, Style.
Also I would like to add that I mostly be unavailable later tonight (or this morning, I guess) since I have a gradation to attend. I apologise for the inconvenience.
flatearthpandas would probably be my other top suspect? I think it's actually a little notable that he's gotten so little attention. His first post upon the game's start recommended that we pursue the StarSketch pre-game post line of inquiry... which is essentially role fishing. He's obviously not the only one who discussed this issue, but not only should he know that it's probably not a good idea to dive to deeply into the subject, he didn't actually leave his own opinion on it beyond "the example role pm isn't that funny". I feel like if you actually though it was a worthwhile direction to take the discussion towards, you probably would have wanted to offer a little more than that. By not doing so, it's easier for you to keep your hands clean of the affair.
FEP also voted for franconp in response to his focus on the RNG issue, but as far as votes go, it seems like a pretty safe one- I don't think most of us found fran's argument very convincing, so it was a good opportunity to get a vote out on somebody for a seemingly valid reason. I thought figuring out who to vote for when I was scum in Danny Phantom mafia was hard, and this would be the sort of vote I'd have made- justifiable, but safe. It's D1 though... so I also feel like the vote is a little easier to justify than if it were later in the game- I'm not willing to call it a scumtell yet.
I'm also keeping in mind the possibility Exodu5 raised, regarding exmachina's potential ordinary fakeclaim breadcrumb with the "are there any power roles" question. It is true though that exmachina's Gafia experience is limited though, so not placing too much stock on this angle atm.
I do tend to post during the evening, my schedule is kind of weird right now.
What exactly is the current flow of events? Not even half way through day 1 and votes fairly spread out? It's actually been a very calm day 1 so far and hardly a circus so really getting down to it, the issue is that you are the vote leader. I'm not going to pretend I mind that at the moment because whil you aren't my top suspect, you've certainly done enough to make me worry.
I failed at quoting other stuff from my catch up but the two other notables is I also find it odd that fran turned on someone for going after me but that actually seems townsite to me than anything, would have been easy for scum fran to just lay it on me thicker with the new ally but he didn't take the opportunity.
Also, (trigger warning: conditional read), if FEP is scum then Matt Attack is town. Matt is right that FEP has been flying under the radar and I know I interacted with him a bit last night but he left to impression on me and honestly, aside from fran, I think, no one else has really said much about him either. I don't see scum Matt bringing up his scummate there for no reason.
Breadcrumbing vanilla town? Ehhh... would be more of a straight up soft claim imo. exmachina was actually striking me as kind of town, as i thought he was a new player. Seemed to be enjoying himself and the game without the nervousness i would expect from newbie scum. Not sure how experienced he is though so that drops down to null.
As for fran... eh. My vote was explained enough when i placed it, there's not much discussion really needed there. I appreciate we've shifted off the useless rng course but I'll leave that vote there for now. I'm pretty happy with it.
Regarding sketch, i think her comment is perfectly valid discussion and don't really see how discussing it was scummy. Why would we not talk about someone potentially referencing a unique role pm? There's not much more to say on it but it's very much worth acknowledging and remembering.
Assuming i flip scum, i can see the logic in then assuming ma is town. But my flipping town will reveal no info as to his alignment so meh. Something for town to keep in mind for the future.
Not super impressed with the accusation that my vote is an easy opportunity when we still have rng votes about. I don't throw my votes around casually and like i said I'm happy with its efficacy so far.
I agree with Exodu5 that having three inactive players is hurting the game. Currently, I don't feel strongly enough toward players like Style or Vanguard to vote for them. For the moment, I'm going to vote for BlackBuzzard. Hopefully, Rynam, BlackBuzzard and Kerned can be more active today.
VOTE: BlackBuzzard
5. Do not refer or discuss to player activity in other forum threads or life in general beyond the game.
Please try to avoid discussing a player's activity outside of the game.
Why those 3 and not Rats too? He has 2 posts so far.
I'm still sticking with Kerned. He has posted but not once was it with a single opinion or relevant thought. Between the inactivity and the fluff I feel fine staying with my original vote and not bandwagoning onto someone else. If the vote split is a concern towards the end of the day phase or if someone becomes noticeably suspect I'll re-evaluate then.
I'll keep Rats in mind also.
Seems like a scum thing to do to ignore the rules of the game.
The only problem I have with lynching inactives is that it's a giant grab bag and gives us nothing going forward into day 2. They could/could not be scum but because they've been inactive there are no leads to work on afterwards besides settling on another direction.We need to converge our votes a bit here. They're too split and we're not putting pressure on anyone. Maybe newbies are too afraid to lynch.
Here's the reality: we're going to lynch someone and it's likely going to be town. We might get lucky and catch scum, but the odds are not on our side.
I would rather lynch inactive town than risk killing a townie who's actually contributing. For that reason I'm leaving my vote on BlackBuzzard until he responds with something of worth.
This is what it means to fly under the radar. He did leave a post on the day's events and he'll be back later, but nothing much else. I'm wary of both him and StarSketch for having posts that feel 'safe'.Why those 3 and not Rats too? He has 2 posts so far.
Right... I'm gonna assume this is a joke.
The only problem I have with lynching inactives is that it's a giant grab bag and gives us nothing going forward into day 2. They could/could not be scum but because they've been inactive there are no leads to work on afterwards besides settling on another direction.
On the other hand, I always felt if we were to go after inactives, day 1 is the least damaging day to do so since probability wise we're going to be hitting town. I still don't like it, though I can see why weeding them out would be good. We still have two days, I'll wait for them to come in and contribute before voting on them.
This is what it means to fly under the radar. He did leave a post on the day's events and he'll be back later, but nothing much else. I'm wary of both him and StarSketch for having posts that feel 'safe'.
Sorry I had to skim through the thread again (currently on mobile).What do you think of PK Gaming?
Sorry I had to skim through the thread again (currently on mobile).
What sticks out to me is that they were more active prior to the game start than after. Once it started they put out one post just following along with the thoughts of most of us before hand deciding to not read too much into StarSketch's post regarding her role. Then they didn't post again until awhile ago and all they did was ask a question regarding meta analysis.
All in all I do think it's concerning that after all this time, with very few posts, and no vote placed they would want to make their first analysis post (potentially with a vote, who knows) be based on info outside of this game. Seems like an easy way for scum to try and focus us towards a townie, especially one with experience that could be useful going forward.
Now we don't know what PK Gaming was actually going to say with this post seeing as they still haven't returned to make it, but that's what my current thoughts are. For now I'll say null, but they could slip into scum territory depending on their future posts.
This is one of the reasons I don't vote on new players immediately day 1. It's hard acclimating to Gafia and where you should go forward, retreat or comment, so I understand. That said:Heh, well that's a perfectly fair assessment to make. If i'm being completely honest though, my lack of direct activity comes down to the fact that there just isn't anything for me to sink my teeth into at the moment. Call it lack of experience or general naivety, but I haven't seen anything that warranted intense scrutiny on my part. The game hasn't really taken off yet so I don't think this is a completely unreasonably stance to take.
Furthermore, this is literally the first time I've participated in Mafia game before. While I'm not naive enough to solely blame my actions, I've deliberated opted for a more passive, analytical style before making any big moves. There's a lot to learn, terminology to pick up, etc.
This is a bit overly suspicious. If anyone has a 'good' argument against them I wouldn't mind chucking them off the island. What you're seeing is a reluctance to vote for people who are actively contributing to the thread, and if a lot more people were involved there wouldn't be such a reluctance.-I feel like Sorian, TheExodu5 and Flux are incredibly dangerous players. If they're not scum themselves, i'm fairly certain that the rest of the townies will move in to protect them. Odds point to them being townies rather than Scum, so at this point they're pretty valuable "day" players.
I...don't understand what this means. What are you basing this observation on? Anyway, why single out Sketch and not the 2/3 other players who haven't made waves?-Sketch doesn't seem suspicious to me at all. I don't mean any offense by, but she's genuinely like Yukiko in real life. Like, she's probably focused on something else instead of the game at this point, lol.
As pop GAF would say 'Show me the receipts!'. Style has been the topic lynchpin for a few pages so I'm not saying you took an easy way out, but I'd like some reasons why you have this opinion.-Style has made some pretty bad plays by pointlessly digging himself into a hole. He (no offense man) is kind of a goof so I don't think it's some advanced play, but I could be wrong.
If I had to vote anyone at this point it would be Style. He's just too dangerous to leave alone to me.