Maya and the other adults remember.
Ah. So only the IS peeps get messed over?
Do Maya get one of the brothers at least?
They'd all be adult-adults, and we've seen what happens to over-thirties in P3/P4.
Maya and the other adults remember.
They'd all be adult-adults, and we've seen what happens to over-thirties in P3/P4.
Do people actually think this? He has one line about it, and it's meant as a joke.
Death or hospitalization.
This picture never gets old. Never.
When you think about it, that would kill any big P2 cameos in future Personas wouldn't it? Since if they can't remember any of the events they wouldn't be able to use their Personas no?
It seems like out of all the Persona games the P2 cast gets the shortest end of the stick out of all of them.
Turns out he's a shadow I see on my tv that I refuse to believe is my true self.Do people actually think this? He has one line about it, and it's meant as a joke.
The P2IS crew don't remember, the P2EP crew aside from one all remember and ate Alice and well.
What 30+ year old dies in P3 and 4 besides Ikutsuki, Mitsuru's dad, and King Moron? Three people that deserved their deaths.
I'm pretty sure he's aware of that comic.
Call it a hunch.
What 30+ year old dies in P3 and 4 besides Ikutsuki, Mitsuru's dad, and King Moron? Three people that deserved their deaths.
Ate? What?
I really need to play EP one of these days.
Oh, forgot about that. You forgot about the lonely teacher that hits on me on Innocent Sin Online in P3 too.
What 30+ year olds are relevant to the actual storyline in P3 and P4 besides Ikutsuki, Mitsuru's dad, Dojima and Namatame?
Autocorrect on phones are kind of a bitch hah
Ah. So only the IS peeps get messed over?
Do Maya get one of the brothers at least?
The other side Tatsuya Suou goes back to the other side. this side's Tatsuya does not remember. Maya separates herself from the Suous in order to safe guard against Tatsuya ever remembering.
Wow...that sucks. Probably even more depressing watching it.
So Other Side Tatsuya just going to let himself lose his memories this time?
No, that's Aigis.
A lot of people love Aigis. She is so adorable.
Man, I wish I could find that Aigis and Chie chibi brofist pic from that other thread...
What 30+ year old dies in P3 and 4 besides Ikutsuki, Mitsuru's dad, and King Moron? Three people that deserved their deaths.
I refuse to believe that Persona x Detective Naoto is canon, if only because because I find it implausible that Naoto grew her hair as long as mine in a mere year. >_>
Not to mention it is fan servicey beyond belief.
Not to mention it is fan servicey beyond belief.
shidoshi said:We discussed this topic on an episode of WAHP. The problem (if you see it as a problem, I do) is that Japanand this is going to be a horribly simplified explanationis totally okay with a lot of "alternative" lifestyles of passions so long as they're (a) a hobby, and not your way of life, (b) something you grow out of, or (c) done for entertainment.
Part of me likes to believe that Atlus wanted to give Kanji that personal aspect, but didn't confirm that part of him out of fear that some fans wouldn't accept it. Unfortunately, I also thinkpossibly more sothat Atlus included that whole storyline to spice up the story a little, knowing that he'd end up "normal" by the end of the game. They pull the exact same thing with Naotoshe presents the player with huge amounts of reasons to believe that she might be trans, but then by the end she's grown out of those feelings and is ready to become a "normal" woman.
It's frustrating, because on the one hand, I think if any team could handle these kinds of topics in a worthwhile way, it's the Persona team. (And Catherine makes some strides in proving that, but then also kind of doesn't.) On the other, I think a lot of the acceptance that Japan seems to have for LGBT topics is false, and I think sometimes their understand of how to handle such topics ends up far worse than the West.
It's also the ambiguity problem. "Let the fans decide" is a BS cop-out, and it's frustrating. Capcom frustrates me more in that regard, but Atlus does too. With topics like this that still aren't handled with any decency most of the time in gaming, either decide you're going to take a chance with a certain type of character, or don't tease the topic. The wishy-washy "are or aren't they" just makes things worse IMHO.
Labrys > Genesis looks rather cool but is probably non canon thankfully > Aigis > Metis
I think her look itself except for the giant boobs is cool, impossibly short hair growth time aside, but all those fanservice pics and the story itself just seem wrong.
I refuse to believe she stopped dressing like a man. Bitter tears for shed for the loss of a LGBT character in a videogame -_-
But the fact that Catherine had an unapologetically trans woman makes me incredibly happy.
Neogaf member and pocaster extrordinaire summed it up in a slightly bummer way
Everything > Metis
That, and Touko Aoi is a blatent ripoff of Kara no Kyoukai.
Igor lost his old friends and is stuck in purgatory with a trio of insufferable siblings and some chick who got dressed in the dark.
They were so cool.
I have no idea what this means. :S
So, I'm on P4G atm, and one thing I'd like to see in P5 is a more coherent main plot. P4's doesn't really make all that much sense as far as the fog and everything go...
It's worse, Other Side Tatsuya still exists remembering everything while trapped in the destroyed world stuck on the floating Sumaru/Xibalba with the few people still on that side or alone. This Side Tatsuya forgets everything, but begins bonding with Katsuya and his life improves.
Aigis is awesome. I have a weakness for androids.Hating on Aigis is just wrong.
How did Takeharu (Mitsuru's father) deserve his death? He was trying to help clean up after the Kirijo group's sins.
Igor lost his old friends and is stuck in purgatory with a trio of insufferable siblings and some chick who got dressed in the dark.
Wow that's fucked up.
I've yet to see an ending so depressing since Nier.
Aigis is awesome. I have a weakness for androids.
I liked him actually, but he was a needed sacrifice to man up Mitsuru.
Some chick who got dressed in the dark?
Ummmm atlus made a main character and main villain of persona 2 gay. They are also a cannon couple. You must only taking about transgendered. Naoto never struck me as a true transgender person.I refuse to believe she stopped dressing like a man. Bitter tears for shed for the loss of a LGBT character in a videogame -_-
But the fact that Catherine had an unapologetically trans woman makes me incredibly happy.
Neogaf member and pocaster extrordinaire summed it up in a slightly bummer way
Ummmm atlus made a main character and main villain of persona 2 gay. They are also a cannon couple. You must only taking about transgendered. Naoto never struck me as a true transgender person.
well second main villain. Still doesn't change the fact jun and tetsuya were gay and a cannon couple. Both were very important characters.I don't consider him the main villain
I refuse to believe she stopped dressing like a man. Bitter tears for shed for the loss of a LGBT character in a videogame -_-
Ummmm atlus made a main character and main villain of persona 2 gay. They are also a cannon couple. You must only taking about transgendered. Naoto never struck me as a true transgender person.
It is bitter sweet, everyone except Other Side Tatsuya has a better fate than they got at the end of Innocent Sin, but most of them don't get the supreme happy ending you would have wanted for those characters really. The Persona 1 crew continue to get off scot free even in this game, they almost all meet at a bar at the end and the pierced ear mc himself even makes an off screen entrance to the bar at the last second.
well second main villain. Still doesn't change the fact jun and tetsuya were gay and a cannon couple. Both were very important characters.
well second main villain. Still doesn't change the fact jun and tetsuya were gay and a cannon couple. Both were very important characters.
I do genuinely feel that between Hashino's version of Kanji, Naoto (without her epilogue resolution) and then Erica, that he was pretty proactive in including characters with LGBT issues in his game in a respectful light.Ummmm atlus made a main character and main villain of persona 2 gay. They are also a cannon couple. You must only taking about transgendered. Naoto never struck me as a true transgender person.
Tatsuya and Jun? Seriously? Wouldn't of thought of that pairing the first time I played Innocent Sin on PSP considering how they seem to push Tatsuya and Maya so hard.
They push all 3 really
Man, I got to play it again one of these days.
I didn't know Naoto was considered transgendered. Didn't she only dress up as a dude because she wanted respect from other people in the detective field?
Naoto isn't trans though?
Man, I got to play it again one of these days. They really do shit on Lisa though.
I didn't know Naoto was considered transgendered. Didn't she only dress up as a dude because she wanted respect from other people in the detective field?
Tatsuya and Jun though? Seriously? Wouldn't of thought of that pairing the first time I played Innocent Sin on PSP considering how they seem to push Tatsuya and Maya so hard.
Right. Naoto wasn't ever intended to be transgendered. She's sexually confused, but that has to do with her tomboy behavior and the profession she's in.
There's actually a conversation that outright implies that Maya's relationship with Tatsuya is fairly Big Sister/Little Brother like, and not terribly romantic.
Yes, that's how it goes in Innocent Sin. Things are a bit different in Eternal Punishment.
Amazing what being stabbed to death and indirectly bringing about the end of the world does for one's relationships, huh? >_>;
This is what I got out of it.
Iirc, the interviews back then pretty much stated that "it's up to the player to decide" or something along those lines. This was for both IS and EP (where the player is essentially Maya).
Personally, the only one that makes little sense to me is Tatsuya/Lisa, they have little romantic chemistry and he ignores her for all the game, can't really see him taking a sudden interest in her. Personality-wise, Jun and Tatsuya are the ones that makes the most sense to me, i always saw his relationship with Maya as brotherly. (He even calls her Maya Onee-chan in the Japanese version of EP, iirc.)
I also rather like Maya and Katsuya together, they have a far better chemistry.