Awesome group tonight. Lots of folks on and mingling. Good times folks!
You can block and dodge enemy attacks. The Just Guard passive skill more or less completely negates damage if you block just as an enemy attack hits you.
Umm it's normal for it to take a hour or two lolIs it normal that it has been like this for the last 10 or so minutes?
Is it normal that it has been like this for the last 10 or so minutes?
Hmm 1 character limit or purchase more slots...
How do I delete my character?
It's not that. It's not attacking where I'm looking. It's just attacking in a straight line even if I'm turning the camera.
Even if I press forward (unnecessary button press) to force the attack to go forward at my camera view when attacking, it's turn radius is somewhat slow.
Ugh, it's the same for shooting. wtf! Shoot where I'm aiming!
Are you using third-person mode? It autotargets the closest enemy if you don't.
Mashed some buttons to find out what you're talking about.
Does this work for other classes as well? Already deleted my warrior.
So a couple of questions that I haven't been able to figure out yet:
1) How do you actually activate a PSE Burst? I'm talking about that thing where the timer shows up on the screen and you get crazy drops for a while.
2) How do you set up rastas (MHF term for bots that are a copy of an actual player)? There's an option when you click on a player that says something like モノネト, but using that option just makes a weird circle appear around them and nothing seems to happen.
Okay I think I'm finally free and going to play for the 1st time since the Alpha. Has the english fan patch been finished yet or am I still SOL?!?!
yeah well at least it doesn't give you any errors. I still can't update this game.Is it normal that it has been like this for the last 10 or so minutes?
yeah well at least it doesn't give you any errors. I still can't update this game.
Sadly, that's not the reason - we had similar level of lag here in Japan. 1+ min spikes etc. :/Can't be helped I guess, given that the servers are in Japan.
Love dem chat bubbles. So nostalgic.
Finally got my mag to level 30!
Isn't it awesome to get the boss of the quest as an interrupt event. (We've got Dark Ragne before that)
MAG in action. That's what you get for feeding it Hunter weapons.
It's possible, they've lifted the limits completely after the maintenance on Friday.Is it possible to create a character on Ship 2 yet or is it still borked?
Man, I don't even know how to chat or even equip a weapon.
Those screenshot guides aren't helping.
Okay cool, I got my mag quest.
I hate that there's a mag quest.
You really should get one by default and only have to do the quest if you need a new one.
Yea, that's why I hate it. In PSO you had one from the start, and I'm pretty sure that's true for PS0 (though it's been a while since I played that).
Reminds me of those MMORPGs that wont let you have a proper class until you grind to level 10 or what have you. Though obviously not nearly as bad as that.
any team leader on to send me an invite? Thy name is Desade.
I am sure things could change. Maybe they think the MAG is like a right of passage kind of thing. Get people to play a good few levels and then give them new toys.![]()
I will be on shortly after the EURO football match if you are on for that long. :/
So are mags just like PSO 1 mags? as in stat boosters and follow you like a pet? I hope so
Which member is on now to ask for a team invite? Or if they're checking the thread, player name is Reik.
Finally played this today and I'm pretty blown away, I had ignored it up until now as my adoration of PSO has only led to disappointment since. I heard people saying 'oh wow this brings back the old PSO charm' about all of the follow-ups and you know what, none of them did.
This is the first PSO game since well, PSO - that actually captures what I loved about the series without forcing me to grit my teeth due to including a ton of crap that I didn't want. It has mags, it has loot drops, awesome ambient music and those loading screens you can wiggle something about in. Welcome back PSO, you were missed. Time for me to get my mag, please tell me it has all the cool ones PSOv2 had hidden away somewhere (burger, dreamcast etc).
So glad I spent the last 3 years struggling to learn Japanese now![]()
Ya, i sended a whisper to Twentytwo, but i don't know if he's online right now, i whispered to you too Skyfireblaze, hope it's ok.
Yup thats the error.
Restart and update(again) your TMP files should still be intact so itll only download what it needs.
If you keep getting the error do what it says and wait a while before attempting again, maybe the servers are getting overloaded