That music. Goodness! The VERY FIRST THING I do when this patch is released is going to be to record that music.
Aside from the area, level cap, and difficulty unlock quests (all of which are fairly trivial), you can completely ignore the client order system. But really, the COs are just a way to speed up your progress, which would otherwise consist entirely of running through the missions over and over again non-stop (or running in MPAs constantly - though I don't know if any big MPs form at lower levels at this point outside of Japanese prime times).
And the grinding, affixing, and special abilities are completely, entirely optional (and grinding is hardly 'convoluted' - it's just gambling for more damage, or an alternate version of 'enchanting' seen in many MMOs).
Okay, that just doesn't make any sense to me.
If all you do is run around and use basic attacks, the combat feels
exactly the same as PSO's (minus the irritating chance to miss even when your blade clearly connects with your target). The PAs, meanwhile, let you do things to your target that you never could in the original PSO, including impaling them and throwing them, using them as living cannon balls, or shocking them with two nasty tazers.
I've seen some legitimate complaints (like the following one - it's true the game has a very different story and atmosphere than the original, and it is entirely intentional), but this one? This one
reeks of rose-tinted goggles.
Unless you absolutely
must have certain expensive outfits, it's incredibly easy and forgiving to not spend a dime. Of course, if you go ahead and subscribe to the premium set, it's basically the same thing as subbing for the original PSO.
Again, premium set is the same thing as subbing for PSO. It only makes sense they'd limit some things to encourage you to sub (otherwise, y'know, they'd just
not let you play at all if you weren't subbed).
But I do agree on the 10* trading issue, that one's just baffling. However, there is a reason for it - it combats meseta farmers by devaluing the currency. I don't agree with that reasoning, but that's the official stance.
When was the last time you played it? Not that it really matters, they're adding content at such a ridiculously brisk pace that the game is going to double in content again within 6 months, and then double again within a year. That's a
ridiculous pace, one that I've never, ever seen a company manage before.
Well, that much is obvious. Nice of you to share your opinion, but, uh, yeah, don't be surprised when those of us who enjoy it don't take it too kindly.
Okay, seriously? Those
incredibly trivial quests are game-breakers for you?
Give me a break. You have some seriously low tolerance for repetition.