Also I might just go buy the card version now.....
What we -don't- know is if a single SEGA ID can be linked to multiple PSN accounts. I would like to know this for sure too...
Also I might just go buy the card version now.....
There's also the PC version, unless you have a PC that can't run the game, you could play both the PC and Vita versions, since you can use the same account on both versions.I've never played PSO at all before, but i'm toying with the idea of importing the cart version.
I was going to hold out for a western release but ... what's the general consensus on how much i'd be missing out on by not knowing the language?
I'm sure i can get through menus and things all right as my wife's Japanese, but i dont want to pester her all the way through the story.
Or should I just hold out? I don't want to ruin my enthusiasm for the game ahead of a possible western release's the core pack, which translates menus and alot of important things, there's the large pack, which translates some extra optional things, and there's the story pack, which translates the story up to chapter 8/matterboard 8.
If you do use the story patch, I recommend making a backup of the data folder, otherwise you'll have to do a 1GB+ download every time there's an update.
Is there something special about the last 2 grinds of a weapon I'm missing?
There's also the PC version, unless you have a PC that can't run the game, you could play both the PC and Vita versions, since you can use the same account on both versions.
For the PC version there's fan made english patches, there are 3 packs:
Wait- the card version works on US accounts ONLINE?!
PSO2 is online only, either in Vita or PC.Is there anything to play offline on the Vita version? If not it seems like I might as well just play the game on PC...
Wait- the card version works on US accounts ONLINE?!
I don't see why it wouldn't, the only reason you need to use a JP account on the digital version is because it's only on the JP PSN.
Shadowth117 said:*Before anything, I'm going to point out I did this with the Vita Special Package cartridge. I do NOT know if this works with the standard release so bear with me.*
To all CLOSED BETA PLAYERS, your accounts were unlinked from that PSN ID after the Beta ended in case you weren't aware. This means you CAN relink to a US account.
Not much to say about this, but using the cartridge from the Vita Special Package and my US PSN ID, I was able to start up the game and log into the ship select area. Clearly maintenance is going on, BUT I was able to select a ship and log in for it to give me the server maintenance message.
If you think I'm BSing you, go try to login into PSO2 on your PC right now. Use the right password for your account and then the wrong one. You'll notice that the messages are very different, even if you don't speak Japanese.
Basically I was very surprised to see this and thought I'd let people know
Edit: I will say if DLC ever comes out on the JP PSN, this may make it difficult to use it, but that's not very likely as far as I can tell. It is worth noting though.
You still have to link your SEGA ID with a PSN account and that might be setup to only work with JP PSN accounts.
Seems like it does work.
Sweet, looks like I made the right choice importing the card version.
How do you get these grind locks?
How do I go about checking what these clients need to complete their missions?
Cirnopedia has everything. do you get these grind locks?
How do I go about checking what these clients need to complete their missions?
Assuming everyone who has used my referral information gets to level 40 (where the final and largest payout of badges occurs) I think I've gotten more than enough. Other people should post their referral information too!
Last time I played (back in late Nov), you could only use the FUN on the scratch cards.What is the best thing to use FUN on? I've been doing scratch offs and getting cola cans and kryptonite (superman is F'd if I ever have to fight him)
Last time I played (back in late Nov), you could only use the FUN on the scratch cards.
Since people were asking earlier... I'm hearing that the card version works regardless of what region PSN account it is being used with. CD Japan is currently listing a 3-7 day availability, though the cleaning cloth extra is sold out
Beta link was removed after the beta ended, you'll be fine.FUUU!!!
Just bought with the fastest shipping.....
I just realized though, im screwed right? I logged into my account already during the beta using my Japanese PSN..................... I want to use my US PSN...
Ugg, I'm thinking of DL'n this on my 'puter just to get used to menus. My brother was leveling my character yesterday while at work but I wasn't able to play with him (he's on PC).
I kept seeing announcements and thought it was for Dark Falz, but I couldn't find the mission anywhere.
At least my mag is 30 now, but I have no idea how to activate his ability on the Vita.
side note : where do you guys all congregate? I'm usually on 214 after 7:30 p.m EST
How do I get new skill trees? I'm thinking going the Barta route for my force isn't going to end well.
I know respec'n costs AC, but I thought you could buy new skill trees
Skill trees cost AC.How do I get new skill trees? I'm thinking going the Barta route for my force isn't going to end well.
I know respec'n costs AC, but I thought you could buy new skill trees
How does Phantasy Start Portable on the PSP hold up? Thinking of picking that up.
Skip the first one and go right to Phantasy Star Portable 2--it's incredible, and easily one of the best PSP games ever. So sad that there's no digital version on PSN, I want it on my Vita!
It got delayed to later this year. It looked pretty crappy from what they've shown and it doesn't really play like the PC/Vita version.Has there been any new word on the Android version?
I really hope they plan on bringing all 3 versions over to the States, and not just the PC version.
It got delayed to later this year. It looked pretty crappy from what they've shown and it doesn't really play like the PC/Vita version.
I jumped ahead and downloaded PSO2 this past weekend and just got my physical copy yesterday. But after entering the code for the Special Package goodies I confirmed the dialog box that shows what I get and I don't know how to access said goodies. Can anyone lend a helping hand?
It has some single player gameplay, but yeah it's just a companion app to the PC/Vita version.Weren't the mobile versions really just Companion apps to the PC/Vita versions?
Go to the storage kiosk (the one with the floating green cubes) and select the third option. That's where all redeemed items and campaign prizes go.
Your checking your personal storage box. There's a special box for promo items. When you activate the kiosk you should be presented a list of options, the third one "受け取り専用倉庫 Received Storage" should have the items.Hmm, I don't see much in there. Just the stuff I stored. Stuff like the 1000FUN, 30 day Premium Set, 3 Weapons, Mag, costumes, and 2 music discs are no where to be found. Hope I didn't screw myself somehow.
Ok, I found was third option...from the BOTTOM! Uuuuuuu! @_@
Am i to assume the optimal setups are of the same weapon, with 50% of varying element, all grinded to +10, with matching PAs, or whatever your favorite is if you're a hunter?