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Phantasy Star Online Episode I & 2 + Coming to USA


I think Sega would do well to stick a Player's Choice logo on it, kinda like what they did with VF4: Evolution. It should be able to sell briskly if they do.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Bog said:
I'm a huge fan of the game, but this gets a big, fat "Why?" from me.

it's the ongoing battle for which platform has the best version of PSO.


Any chance that this one has a slightly more forgiving save-point system (so that it doesn't take 2+ hours for me to get to Dark Falz, who then proceeds to serve me my ass in three minutes)? Having to go through all three sections of the Ruins every time I turned on the GC pretty much killed PSO for me--I'm not thirteen years old anymore, with no job and a full day's worth of time to kill.
It's best to go through the ruins with other people. It just becomes to brutal unless you're on a high level. It's pretty easy going through it that way since if people notice that you can't take hard hits they'll let you get a hit on the enemy then take them out so you can level up faster.

And even though I know this is milking, i'll be supporting it. :( I love PSO.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Hero said:
What's the + stand for? What extra shit are we getting?

More hunters guild missions iirc and that's pretty much it. Basically, any of the quests that you had to download online will be built in this version.


Knows the Score
bune duggy said:
wasn't the current PSO discontinued after they found out that the BBA code could be used for nefarious purposes, or was that just an urban legend?

The BBA code can be used for nefarious purposes, but it's pretty convoluted. I guess this version fixes the DNS exploit.
8bit said:
The BBA code can be used for nefarious purposes, but it's pretty convoluted. I guess this version fixes the DNS exploit.

Makes sense. I'm glad the price is reduced because seeing the old game still selling for $50 is a kick in the groin.


Link316 said:
this is stupid, they should've made this for the PS2 instead

you're right, because compiling downloadable content and a few bug fixes is so much harder than porting a 3 year old game to an entirely new system.
Link316 said:
this is stupid, they should've made this for the PS2 instead

I don't see how it's stupid. It's almost the exact same game. If you pick up a copy right now, you can download all the quests, and you'd pretty much have the "+".

I mean maybe they should release the game on the PS2, but this isn't creating any sort of obstacle to that at all.
BuddyChrist83 said:

that reminds me...I need to put my copy of PSO 1&2 with broadband adaptor up on ebay this weekend. I waited and waited, but no cable internet in my area, and the single player campaigns get boring real fast.

The registration codes have never been used, and I will probably put my memory card in the auction as well so someone can get some decent weapons to start out with.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'll be picking it up, sorry sap that I am.

Also, not only are the guild quests built in, but they're also now playable offline, or so I hear.

I noticed this in the Gamestop computer today too, and thought, what the hell?

Then I saw Phantasy Star Trilogy in there too for $20, and I was happy.


Behold! The first domestic console version of PSO that they can't talk me into buying.

A few extra quests and minigames don't equate into $30, imo. But oddly enough, I probably would pay to have downloadable quests for the Xbox version, so I dunno.
Yeah, it should be Blue Burst. Grrrrr. Anyway, a series of quests in + feature enemies and areas that only exist in those quests. For whatever that's worth.


Link316 said:
this is stupid, they should've made this for the PS2 instead

Um... PS2 doesn't need it. We have a game worth paying a monthly fee for... It's called Final Fantasy XI. Sega can keep PSO - they took too long to fix all of its problems and by "too long" I mean FOUR FUCKING YEARS.

But hey, you're getting a PS game anyway! Sega has decided to screw that PSO userbase over and not put PSU or the PS Trilogy collection on Xbox and Gamecube where they belong.

Smart move, Sega. Even with Sammy in charge, smart decisions still aren't happening.


Prospero said:
Any chance that this one has a slightly more forgiving save-point system (so that it doesn't take 2+ hours for me to get to Dark Falz, who then proceeds to serve me my ass in three minutes)? Having to go through all three sections of the Ruins every time I turned on the GC pretty much killed PSO for me--I'm not thirteen years old anymore, with no job and a full day's worth of time to kill.

You could always lay a telepipe right before fighting Dark Falz at least so you can go back without trolling through the Ruins again...


Mock said:
Smart move, Sega. Even with Sammy in charge, smart decisions still aren't happening.


Those games were coded for the PS2 long before Sammy took the reigns out of Sega's hands. Besides, Sega isn't even handling their localization, nor their publishing. Back off.

Also, mother of fuck, I just realized I'll be purchasing another edition of PSO. I'm buying PSO Plus just for the NiGHTS game.


BuddyChrist83 said:

Those games were coded for the PS2 long before Sammy took the reigns out of Sega's hands. Besides, Sega isn't even handling their localization, nor their publishing. Back off.

... and you're point is?

Yes, I'm aware that the PS collection is in the hands of someone else and that SCEA prevented its US release for quite some time. That still doesn't change the fact that passing over your core fanbase is retarded. This could have easily been a multiplatform title, if Sammy can't see that right now, they're just as dumb as Sega is.

As for PSU, again, the fans are on Xbox and Cube. Why PS2? After rebuilding your fanbase on two platforms, why move them both to another one within the same generation? Dumb.


Mock said:
... and you're point is?

Yes, I'm aware that the PS collection is in the hands of someone else and that SCEA prevented its US release for quite some time. That still doesn't change the fact that passing over your core fanbase is retarded. This could have easily been a multiplatform title, if Sammy can't see that right now, they're just as dumb as Sega is.

As for PSU, again, the fans are on Xbox and Cube. Why PS2? After rebuilding your fanbase on two platforms, why move them both to another one within the same generation? Dumb.

The PS ports are part of the SEGA AGES line. The whole point of that line was to bring "classic" Sega titles to the PS2, in a slightly updated form. I'm not saying PST wouldn't work well on XB or GC, but rather, the time for it has passed. Not to mention those new Phantasy Star fans are weened on PSO, which is a far cry from the other Phantasy Star games. No, they're better off making PSO2/PS5/PSU, whatever they're calling it these days, for those systems. Now there's a game that's still in development and can be (more) easily ported to XB and GC if it isn't already. Has there been any confirmation it's PS2 only, or that it's even PS2?


I'm probably the biggest NiGHTS whore there is, but that mini-game just didn't amount to much imo. Cool to see it on the GBA, but even as a readily available bonus in PSO Plus, it's just kind of there.
bjork said:
I'm probably the biggest NiGHTS whore there is, but that mini-game just didn't amount to much imo. Cool to see it on the GBA, but even as a readily available bonus in PSO Plus, it's just kind of there.

It also makes it clear that NiGHTS is to be played with an analog stick not a dpad. Talk about grinding your thumb while playing a game.
Sounds like a great deal if it's actually going to be that price. I've been dying to pick up this game for a while, but could never justify it for $70-80 (CAD).

Anyway, Sega is pretty dumb when it comes to serving a fanbase. Look at where SMB, PS and Sonic might be heading...

To multiple fanbases? And if PS = PSU then they're making an extremely good decision by sending it to a different platform.


SolidSnakex said:
To multiple fanbases? And if PS = PSU then they're making an extremely good decision by sending it to a different platform.

Multiple fanbases don't hurt so long as the original fanbase gets the goodies too (see Sonic Heroes). But if PSU were PS2 only, then its a fucking moronic decision.
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