Just finished it (haven't bought the DLC yet). That last case was a ride and a half, but I'll leave that for the spoiler thread.
I really enjoyed it! Big step up from AA5, though I think the game's still a bit excessive in its handholding. What's the point of being able to squeeze extra testimony of out of three statements if your partner at the bench is gonna point out which one is the correct one? I don't understand why they're treating the player as an idiot when it's the
sixth game in the main series. Wasn't quite as dumb as AA5 though where they'd straight out tell you the contradiction in some cases, but almost. Still, game managed to stump me a few times!
Game felt like a Apollo Justice 2 in a lot of ways which is a good thing, as I was more than a little bit disappointed with how they dropped most of AA4's universe and cast for AA5 and made Phoenix the main guy again. And yeah, he's not a terribly interesting character in this game either.
Character artwork was also pretty awesome, with some glaring exceptions like Phoenix's terrible model/"sprite".
Oh, and case 4 was pretty bad, with the exception of some fun characters. They really gave up when localizing that one, huh? I guess one just to have imagine the PW version of America is as big on Japanese culture as Japan is on theirs.

While I have no desire to get less value they could just as well have made it (free) DLC, as the main game is pretty lengthy as it is.
I'm terrible at ranking stuff, especially since I haven't played the originals in forever. But I'd say I'd make the top
four AA1, AA3, AA4 and this in some order.
Did anyone go back and look at the episode selection artwork btw? It's simple 3D layering of flat images but it looks really cool for some reason.