Judas is the hero of the Bible, he is the catalyst for Christ's death and ressurection without which there is no Christianity.
All of your snarky and dark humor is getting boring.
As we discovered through the experience of boredom when indeed boredom seems to be the sudden, the insensible apprehension of the quotidian into which we slide in the leveling out of a steady slack time, feeling ourselves forever sucked in, yet feeling at the same time that we have already lost it and are henceforth incapable of deciding whether there is a lack of the everyday or too much of it thus held by boredom in boredom, which develops, says Friedrich Schlegel, just as carbon dioxide accumulates in a closed space where too many people find themselves together.
Judas is the hero of the Bible, he is the catalyst for Christ's death and ressurection without which there is no Christianity.
All of your snarky and dark humor is getting boring.
Smooth Striminal
(Today, 08:01 AM)
I'll take the woodchipper over having my corpse dragged around in a Volvo.
You can tell he's the one on the left because he only has one big long pink think on his head.