2795 / 2
Decimal point is connected to the 5, but the math checks out.
You keep fooling the foreigners! Soon they all will think Pandaland is like you describe it. lol
hahahahaha :'(
PSA: Don't do that. Toilet paper is designed to dissolve when in water, whereas paper towels used in the kitchen don't (because they're instead used to absorb liquids).
Esse primo do Sonic disse que eu posso fazer qualquer coisa que eu quiser, então... :3
PSA: Don't do that. Toilet paper is designed to dissolve when in water, whereas paper towels used in the kitchen don't (because they're instead used to absorb liquids).
Esse primo do Sonic disse que eu posso fazer qualquer coisa que eu quiser, então... :3
Então tudo bem.
Eu amo ouriços e pandas e pessoas pobres, mas o mais eu amo cute coelhos sexy :-3
Seu pandalês está melhorando, mas a parte "cute coelhos sexy" seria melhor traduzida como "coelhas fofas e sensuais".
Oven Can't was the name of my short lived Food Network show
Esse primo do Sonic disse que eu posso fazer qualquer coisa que eu quiser, então... :3
Oven Can't was the name of my short lived Food Network show
That poor hedgehog died
Don't really get what's so funny about this one. Context is here. I thought it was actually really touching.
Don't really get what's so funny about this one. Context is here. I thought it was actually really touching.
I only know this because this thread really is just imgur reposts.
Don't really get what's so funny about this one. Context is here. I thought it was actually really touching.
I only know this because this thread really is just imgur reposts.
Oh, I thought it must have been a prank. I'm sorry.
I remember those subreddits exist, but not the name of any of them.![]()
hm actually i might be wrong - on inspection i think the stuff i was thinking of were subreddits (the most prominent of which got shut down) and threads on other sites instead of whole sites themselves (unless subreddits count, i'm not sure?). there are definitely a few places that do articles and 'reports' on how terrible neogaf is when there's a controversial topic and people end up getting banned but i guess that's a little bit different. still, the site does get a sizeable amount of attention and subsequent hate levelled at it, especially due to moderation that has a pretty heavy stance on certain things.
PSA: Don't do that. Toilet paper is designed to dissolve when in water, whereas paper towels used in the kitchen don't (because they're instead used to absorb liquids).
Nah, it's fine. Didn't mean to derail anything.
while we're at it, don't flush wet wipes/baby wipes either - doesn't matter if they're labeled "flushable", they wreck sewage techPSA: Don't do that. Toilet paper is designed to dissolve when in water, whereas paper towels used in the kitchen don't (because they're instead used to absorb liquids).
Step two: lock eyes with first person to look at you.