Yes! No! Up to you. There's still oral and manual stimulation options.
I think it’s exactly like that.
I still do that at the doctors to the shite mags
I realise this will out me as not being with 'it' but I have no idea what 'BM' stands for.
Baby mamaI realise this will out me as not being with 'it' but I have no idea what 'BM' stands for.
Ahh I see. That tweet makes a lot of sense. In what world could it ever be seen as 'cool' having to support multiple kids to multiple mothers?Baby mama
I translated it to bowel movement at first. So I read the op as a guy struggling to not shit himself throughout the dayI realise this will out me as not being with 'it' but I have no idea what 'BM' stands for.
FANNY bag, not FUNNY bagThank all of you to contributing to my who's poster has good humor.
Thank you all for not giving a fuck not contributing.
Ffs should've been funny pic
Were basket of eggs the only things allowed to vote or what?