Makoto-Yuki Gold Member Today at 7:09 AM #39,753 Omg this just happened… I was searching Amazon for a TV aerial. Spoiler: NSFW And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! It’s showing what other people buy. Couldn’t believe my eye balls
Omg this just happened… I was searching Amazon for a TV aerial. Spoiler: NSFW And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! It’s showing what other people buy. Couldn’t believe my eye balls
darth.shrimp Member Today at 7:13 AM #39,754 Makoto-Yuki said: And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! Click to expand... Suspiciously Specific Denial - TV Tropes Certainly no one is describing Suspiciously Specific Denial here, so that people will understand what the trope is about. And this sure isn't an opening gag to preface it. And this surely isn't an unnecessary prolongation of the gag to make it, …
Makoto-Yuki said: And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! Click to expand... Suspiciously Specific Denial - TV Tropes Certainly no one is describing Suspiciously Specific Denial here, so that people will understand what the trope is about. And this sure isn't an opening gag to preface it. And this surely isn't an unnecessary prolongation of the gag to make it, …
Mistake Member Today at 7:45 AM #39,755 Makoto-Yuki said: Omg this just happened… I was searching Amazon for a TV aerial. Spoiler: NSFW And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! It’s showing what other people buy. Couldn’t believe my eye balls Click to expand... Add a couple of googly eyes and you're good to go!
Makoto-Yuki said: Omg this just happened… I was searching Amazon for a TV aerial. Spoiler: NSFW And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! It’s showing what other people buy. Couldn’t believe my eye balls Click to expand... Add a couple of googly eyes and you're good to go!
Makoto-Yuki Gold Member Today at 1:36 PM #39,758 Dontkidyourselfjimmy said: Click to expand... hate to break it to ya but skyrim is a 13 year old game
Dontkidyourselfjimmy said: Click to expand... hate to break it to ya but skyrim is a 13 year old game
Y YCoCg Member Today at 1:57 PM #39,759 Makoto-Yuki said: Omg this just happened… I was searching Amazon for a TV aerial. Spoiler: NSFW And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! It’s showing what other people buy. Couldn’t believe my eye balls Click to expand... You need somewhere to put the aerial when you're not using it.
Makoto-Yuki said: Omg this just happened… I was searching Amazon for a TV aerial. Spoiler: NSFW And no it’s not based on my search/purchase history! It’s showing what other people buy. Couldn’t believe my eye balls Click to expand... You need somewhere to put the aerial when you're not using it.
Makoto-Yuki Gold Member Today at 2:59 PM #39,760 YCoCg said: You need somewhere to put the aerial when you're not using it. Click to expand... it does look suspiciously like a very slim dildo. you should see the other one....
YCoCg said: You need somewhere to put the aerial when you're not using it. Click to expand... it does look suspiciously like a very slim dildo. you should see the other one....