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Playstation 3 - Game Sack


Another great episode of game-sack looking at the good' ol playstation 3.....widely regarded as retro (I somewhat disagree...) seeing as Sony doesn't give a dam about the impact of the PS1-3 days, it is ONLY on the PS3 where you can find the definitive
MGS collection...(which are all for me better than Metal Gear Barren 5) it is the only Sony console to have the last great Ridge Racer...not to mention Motostorm Pacific Rift, Sony's original Forza Horizon 5 -



I really enjoyed my PS3. As a kid, I had a bunch of consoles from SNES to N64, PS1, PS2, with the PS2 getting the bulk of our playtime. Guitar Hero, Kingdom Hearts, Spyro, Sly, etc. Then, we got the Wii back when it launched and that replaced the PS2 for us. I wanted an Xbox 360 because the neighborhood kids had them and I loved playing Halo and COD at their house during sleepovers. But, I couldn't convince my parents to get it for me for Christmas. We had the Wii and I had saved up money for a PC too (GeForce 7600 GT? It was to play Spore!).

Anyway, fast forward to 2011 or so and I bought myself a PS3 slim bundle from Walmart with Little Big Planet and COD MW2 for like $600 using up my grade and birthday money. To me it does feel weird calling it retro when I kinda hopped on the wagon pretty late. The reason I got it over the 360 was bc of RROD, free online, and some games like Uncharted were looking quite cool. Played the shit outta my PS3 through high school alongside my PC and ended up getting a PS4 on launch day after camping outside a Best Buy in the cold lol.

Great little console even though the promised lands of Kingdom Hearts 3 didn't come out until way way later... and the wait for Gran Turismo 5 was painful and turned out to be disappointing coming off the PS2 era.


I have a question, do you guys have exemple of Devs kit or expected specs for a system that were drastically changed for the retail console?

I know that the PS3 in particular had a RAM pb having only 256 ram when the dev kit had twice has much and they got somewhat screwed with the Nvidia GPU too.

Recently on a podcast one of the devs from Core Design explained they had a hard time with Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness for the PS2, the supposed specs were completely different from the actual dev kit they received, the initial specs for the PS2 were that different ?

If you guys have any stories like that to share I'm curious


As a Ps1, ps2, ps4/psvr fan, I despised ps3. Ps1 was likely my favorite console ever.
Everything about ps3 felt limited. Even the exclusives took forever to come out, and when they did they felt extremely linear or unimaginative. The color palette was grays and browns everywhere.
There were a couple of exceptions, but on the whole I was very disappointed.
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Nice channel, subscribed!

PS3 was my first console in almost a decade and I sure had a lot of use for it. I still use a PS3 for my bluray movies to this day, and I played through all of the original Demon’s Souls last year (just before the remake was announced).

I might need to find a copy of 3D Dot Heroes, I’ve heard good things about it and I would like to play some of From Softwares games from before the Souls-series.

Edit: Holy shit, 3D dot game heroes costs around €130 for a second hand copy. Wow.

Edit2: Before anyone feel the need to correct me. I saw now that the developer of 3D Dot Game Heroes was actually Silicon Studio, From Software only acted as a publisher in Japan.
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Neo Member
Still feels so bizarre to me that this gen of consoles came out 15 years ago. It feels like just yesterday I was frothing at the mouth over Elder Scrolls Oblivion and bowling with Roman. Damn man, I feel old thinking this console is now "retro."
PS3's design was dumb, but it had so many great exclusives to go along with the amazing third-party games it shared with the 360.


To this day Metal Gear 4 remains a PS3 exclusive...I know it is not the pinnacle of the series, but just sayin...
it is for me dammit it. its a nostalgia ride.. press o for flashback. also the return to Shadow Moses chef kiss. also superior gameplay

edit: the micro wave scene, psyco mantis return, and solid vs liquid fight.
yeah masterpiece.
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I have a question, do you guys have exemple of Devs kit or expected specs for a system that were drastically changed for the retail console?

I know that the PS3 in particular had a RAM pb having only 256 ram when the dev kit had twice has much and they got somewhat screwed with the Nvidia GPU too.

Recently on a podcast one of the devs from Core Design explained they had a hard time with Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness for the PS2, the supposed specs were completely different from the actual dev kit they received, the initial specs for the PS2 were that different ?

If you guys have any stories like that to share I'm curious


Covid 2020 was pretty much the first time I ever gave the PS3 any attention despite buying it soon after launch. Lovely system, nice interface and a great selection of dirt cheap games some of which still look gorgeous to this day. I loathe Sony and its warrior tribe so for me to praise the PS3 really is saying something!
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My Ps3 has been dead for 7 years from the YLOD :pie_crying: I've tried the heat gun reflux but that didn't work. I'd love to play games I slept on like Drakengard.
I regret throwing away my launch model after the third diy fix didn't work - although I still have two working slims, one in use and one boxed-, because having overhauled my noisy launch PS4 model, I now believe that reflowing fix was largely not the solution, and that the real culprit is the memory modules - XDR and GDDR3 iirc - overheating, and all they really needed was new thermal pads - cut accurately, just 1mm narrower than the chip area and possibly thicker thermal pads where space allowed.

The other thinking at the time - iirc - was not enough thermal grease was used at manufacture, yet from PC grease experience, too much grease makes grease no more effective than air, so using a tiny amount in the centre, and chasing it out to all the edges as a thin layer, with a thin piece of cardboard can knock 5degs of temps in my experience.
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This gen was awkward for me. I hate the PS3 controller but it got some pretty good games and its multimedia capabilities are impressive (best of all time in a console?) I love the 360 controller, but its biggest exclusives were FPS games which to me were useless on a console.

I ended up dabbling in both at various points while never becoming a strong fan of either. But still clutch on to my PS3 for a few timeless classics and to play PS1 game disks.

Every time I use the thing again, I wince at how awful the controller is. The only game that got me to deal with it all the way through was TLOU.


ChatGPT 0.001
Shooters were PS3's macaroni and cheese, signature dish that gen (Ratchet, Resistance, Socom, Mag, MGS4 etc.) the console really speaks to a certain crowd.


Nice channel, subscribed!

PS3 was my first console in almost a decade and I sure had a lot of use for it. I still use a PS3 for my bluray movies to this day, and I played through all of the original Demon’s Souls last year (just before the remake was announced).

I might need to find a copy of 3D Dot Heroes, I’ve heard good things about it and I would like to play some of From Softwares games from before the Souls-series.

Edit: Holy shit, 3D dot game heroes costs around €130 for a second hand copy. Wow.
3D dot game heroes is a great game IMO, and I still have my copy today that I picked up new - bought on a whim for something like - £15, and even said to my friend after my first few hours with the game - when we were discussing the ebay prices of Ikaruga, Skies of arcadia and the Adventure island (hudson selection vol 4) on GC - that it was likely to become a loved niche ps3 title, that would be worth a lot in years to come. He bought a copy as an investment - left it sealed- but pretty sure he sold it some years back to clear clutter when he moved house and got a fraction of today's price.

Definitely buy a copy if you can at a good price, it is a charming game from a development time when design wasn't done by committees using focus groups and meta data.
I have a question, do you guys have exemple of Devs kit or expected specs for a system that were drastically changed for the retail console?
I can't recall the exact number, but the GameCube had its clock speed lowered considerably compared to what was in the kits sent to the devs to test their games on... At the very last minute.

Dr. Claus

Another great episode of game-sack looking at the good' ol playstation 3.....widely regarded as retro (I somewhat disagree...) seeing as Sony doesn't give a dam about the impact of the PS1-3 days, it is ONLY on the PS3 where you can find the definitive
MGS collection...(which are all for me better than Metal Gear Barren 5) it is the only Sony console to have the last great Ridge Racer...not to mention Motostorm Pacific Rift, Sony's original Forza Horizon 5 -

Trying to hard, mate.

The last Ridge Racer was mediocre, which is why the series died.

Motorstorm Pacific Rift was NOTHING like Forza Horizon 5. Why even compare the two unless you are trying to instigate console wars?

Also, MGS collection was also on 360. The only thing missing is a download code for the first one, which isn't much of a loss. Would rather have Twin Snakes any day of the week.


Still my least favorite PS console and just bottom tier in general for me. Multiplats were mostly inferior, UI and controller were terrible, and no real exclusives of note. Outside of Vallyria Chronicles and a few Japanese third party titles later on there just wasn't anything on there of worth for me. And those all got ported to PS4 eventually anyway.
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Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
PS3 was underrated. I was playing it last night having quite a blast.


A lot of my favorite gaming memories were on that platform since I was in High school. I could use its web browser and download movies and music. Save images and make them my background. Youtube was a hotbed for console wars videos. Because of how that generation lasted, It was the first platform where I was able to branch out and try different games. If you had a PSP you could move content to and from the PS3.

I know the PS2 is the GOAT but the PS3 is up there.


Perfect time, been feeling a lot of ps3 nostalgia lately. Ps3 was the first console i bought with my own cash when i was 16, it was in 09 when they released the first slim revision (still one of the best looking game consoles of all time). I was a 360 kid through and through, but, gran turismo 5, mgs 4, uncharted 2, ratchet a crack in time, and infamous are the games that made me really want the system. I was so blown away by the graphics. Sony first party ps3 were really on another level, even if the 360 was putting out better looking and performing 3rd party games typically. It was a revelation. I think uncharted 2 is still one of my most played multiplayer games ever. The tdm was so good in that game. Uc 3 and 4 mp never caught on quite the same way for me. I still dislike the dual shock 3, but the games helped me look pass that.
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Trying to hard, mate.

The last Ridge Racer was mediocre, which is why the series died.

Motorstorm Pacific Rift was NOTHING like Forza Horizon 5. Why even compare the two unless you are trying to instigate console wars?

Also, MGS collection was also on 360. The only thing missing is a download code for the first one, which isn't much of a loss. Would rather have Twin Snakes any day of the week.
I'm not trying anything, and I am not on about Ridge Racer unbounded/or the draw and drift installment, the PS3 version from 2006 is the last great release in the series..everything after that was nowhere near as good. why I look at Pacific Rift as Horizon 5 purely through the somewhat pacific settings of both games, even if Horizon is more open-world, both have that arcade-ness feel to them..

MGS collection is all well and good being on the 360, but the fact you can't play it on the PS4 is a big omission...seeing as for me anyone of the HD collection games are better than MGS 5...


I really appreciate PS3. Its not my favourite console but I enjoyed my limited time with it. Played games such as Heavy Rain, Last of Us, Resistance 3, UFC Undisputed 3,and a few others. Didn't play much online with it as I got a used one after PS4 had already come out so basically only played some CoD Advanced Warfare. In my opinion the defining feature of the PS3 would be the Blu ray player. And of course free Multiplayer.

Dr. Claus

I'm not trying anything, and I am not on about Ridge Racer unbounded/or the draw and drift installment, the PS3 version from 2006 is the last great release in the series..everything after that was nowhere near as good. why I look at Pacific Rift as Horizon 5 purely through the somewhat pacific settings of both games, even if Horizon is more open-world, both have that arcade-ness feel to them..

MGS collection is all well and good being on the 360, but the fact you can't play it on the PS4 is a big omission...seeing as for me anyone of the HD collection games are better than MGS 5...

Mate, you literally stated:

"it is ONLY on the PS3 where you can find the definitive MGS collection...(which are all for me better than Metal Gear Barren 5)"


"it is the only Sony console to have the last great Ridge Racer...not to mention Motostorm Pacific Rift, Sony's original Forza Horizon 5"

That states that there is no other definitive MGS Collection, is I pointed out as objectively false... because it is.

That states that the PS3 had the last great Ridge Racer, which is objectively false again. Its one of the weakest reviewed mainline entries and helped kill the franchise... because it was and did.

Also that Motorstorm Pacific Rift was Sony's original Forza Horizon 5, indicating they share a lot of similarities, which they don't.

It feels you are trying desperately to console war here, especially with the first and last comment made. There is no reason to compare Forza Horizon 5 to Motostorm Pacific Rift. There is no reason to completely ignore the 360 verision of MGS Collection - unless you are trying to console war.


Gold Member
I loved the PS3. So many good games that generation. I was sad when my 60 gig died but the slim Sony replaced it with is a sturdy device that has my whole PS3 digital library on it. I wish finding good controllers for it wasn't so hard.
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Gold Member
Mate, you literally stated:

"it is ONLY on the PS3 where you can find the definitive MGS collection...(which are all for me better than Metal Gear Barren 5)"


"it is the only Sony console to have the last great Ridge Racer...not to mention Motostorm Pacific Rift, Sony's original Forza Horizon 5"

That states that there is no other definitive MGS Collection, is I pointed out as objectively false... because it is.

That states that the PS3 had the last great Ridge Racer, which is objectively false again. Its one of the weakest reviewed mainline entries and helped kill the franchise... because it was and did.

Also that Motorstorm Pacific Rift was Sony's original Forza Horizon 5, indicating they share a lot of similarities, which they don't.

It feels you are trying desperately to console war here, especially with the first and last comment made. There is no reason to compare Forza Horizon 5 to Motostorm Pacific Rift. There is no reason to completely ignore the 360 verision of MGS Collection - unless you are trying to console war.
Jesus Christ who gives a shit? Arguing over such stupid bullshit. Can we just enjoy reminiscing about old consoles without retarded bullshit derailing everything?

Dr. Claus

Jesus Christ who gives a shit? Arguing over such stupid bullshit. Can we just enjoy reminiscing about old consoles without retarded bullshit derailing everything?

Intent means everything and can kill a thread/discussion quickly when there is a clear intent of bias and instigation.

I love this community and want to see it improve, and if I have to call out asinine console warriors to do that, I will.


Worst Sony console by far.
As a diehard Sony fanboy since ps1: Indeed

mods/YouTube ai: author and OP added an a instead of a u in last word in title if that can be fixed thanks

still great video and worth the watch for the nostalgia
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Mate, you literally stated:

"it is ONLY on the PS3 where you can find the definitive MGS collection...(which are all for me better than Metal Gear Barren 5)"


"it is the only Sony console to have the last great Ridge Racer...not to mention Motostorm Pacific Rift, Sony's original Forza Horizon 5"

That states that there is no other definitive MGS Collection, is I pointed out as objectively false... because it is.

That states that the PS3 had the last great Ridge Racer, which is objectively false again. Its one of the weakest reviewed mainline entries and helped kill the franchise... because it was and did.

Also that Motorstorm Pacific Rift was Sony's original Forza Horizon 5, indicating they share a lot of similarities, which they don't.

It feels you are trying desperately to console war here, especially with the first and last comment made. There is no reason to compare Forza Horizon 5 to Motostorm Pacific Rift. There is no reason to completely ignore the 360 verision of MGS Collection - unless you are trying to console war.
How is Ridge Racer 7 being the last great Ridge Racer objectively false? On Metacritic it has a score of 78%, Ridge Racer 6 has 74% and Ridge Racer V has 78% if it was so bad and helped kill the franchise you wouldn't have got the next entry in the series for IOS Ridge Racer accelerated...

I'm not out to start any console war, but the fact remains the same, Ridge Racer 7 was the last great ridge racer game released on any console...
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Worst Sony console by far.
I don't know if I I agree with this entirely. I think there's a case to be made that the PS3 generation was more innovative and exciting than the generation that came after it. But you could also argue that the PS4 was more consistent in its quality so ehhh.

At any case, PS3 was an important console for Sony in the sense that the foundation for current Playstation can be found in this generation.


Great video and still my favorite Sony console. Bought mine with grant money from college along with Fallout 3 and Uncharted. Played so much Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix and Battlefield 1943 online. Playstation Home was also really cool at the time and I hope Sony revisits it in the future.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I don't know if I I agree with this entirely. I think there's a case to be made that the PS3 generation was more innovative and exciting than the generation that came after it. But you could also argue that the PS4 was more consistent in its quality so ehhh.

This sums it up well. PS3 was unlike anything that had come before or after it. It was also full of plenty 25fps brown n' bloom trash. Resistance Fall of Man, which is admittedly one of my favs on the system, might be the most brown game ever made.
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One of my favorite consoles of all time.

I got one right around the time Dead Space and Silent Hill: Homecoming released. I was just completely blown away. Those were really exciting times when Sony started to make a comeback.

I still game on the PS3 on a somewhat regular basis, unfortunately the unstable framerate for a lot of my favorite games is really noticeable now but I still love it. It's a great system too just for playing PSX games. Fantastic media hub too for my external HDD (movies, music, etc).

The XMB is hands down my favorite UI in any console, and I think arguably the best. I really wish Sony would include an XMB option in their systems.
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