GG, Man-is-Obsolete. I wonder why you're the only GAFer I ever seem to get matched up with?
Ah, you're emerald phoenix! Thought I recognized the name somewhere.
GG, Man-is-Obsolete. I wonder why you're the only GAFer I ever seem to get matched up with?
Ah, you're emerald phoenix! Thought I recognized the name somewhere.
Indeed I am. (lol at dorky PSN ID I made 6 years ago... -_-)
God damn, that sweet tooth in the match with me and Man-is-Obsolete had it in for me. Went for the kick super with me every single time.![]()
What's your screen name?
Noisama, the Radec that just won the match with you and Fig. ;D
I am thepatriots FYI... I think I have seen some of you around. I am usually Radec. I usually lose.
Fuck Noisama's Radec! God damn you! Lol.
Seriously, your Radec is beastly! Excellent evasion and countering. Bastard. I'll get you yet!!
Also, anyone else having lag issues? I've been all over the place, but my internet is kind of shit anyway. Fricking AT&T.
I'm currently having connection errors left and right.
Boy I love Sly's side triangle
how do you sleep at night
Well, my new personal best game was... interesting. I went 17-1 with Parappa, but GrimHeaper just taunted while invisible the whole time and a Radec just sat in the corner spamming sticky grenades. Weird.
Well, my new personal best game was... interesting. I went 17-1 with Parappa, but GrimHeaper just taunted while invisible the whole time and a Radec just sat in the corner spamming sticky grenades. Weird.
Yeah, I wanted to see who won. And damn your Sly, Grim.Whaaaa? Froze at the end of the match for psy and me. How am I supposed to know who won!?
Bah! No one EVER targets the one leading with kills! It drives me crazy!
Smith, you were clearly dominating as FP, but the two PaRappas just kept going at each other! I tried to slow you down, but you were trying to bait me into using my super so you could counter. Lol. Also, the PaRappas kept interrupting me.
To be fair, I'm hardly ever aware of who is leading unless it's very clearly obvious. There are times when I've come in first where my reaction is "wait, I won?"I guess what Omar said about wanting people to try their best until the end works for me.![]()
Hey SmithnCo that one Sly who was taunting all the time and using his lvl 3 sure was hilarious!
At least I think you won that one even with the camera shit, haha.
One guy did that camera thing and was no where near winning. People do it just to be douches.
I tend to, at the least, have a clear idea of who's been getting kills. For that match, I saw FP execute at least 2 supers, while no one else had gotten a kill, so it was clear she was leading.
I'm also really aware of how many kills I've gotten (obviously), but I don't mind keeping track of everyone else as best as I can. I do like not knowing the exact score, so the end is a surprise, but sometimes it's pretty obvious about who's winning.
@Psy - Yeah, thanks! That one was intense, but Superivian is a wicked Kratos. And lol, Supe, at the double taunt in the end! 4 Kratos' is some crazy stuff.
SmithnCo did it
I was taunting but didn't do the level 3, I'm not good enough with Sly to build that much meter. Usually it devolves into me doing electrical attacks, getting bored, then taunting.
You were playing Sly, that is big enough offence to banish you into a black hole.
Especially since you can handle fat Peach.
Sometimes I get pissed enough to choose Sly just to kill other Slys, then I realize I'm absolutely terrible as Sly. lol
I let my girlfriend (not a gamer) play this game because she thought it looked fun.
She played as 'the cute little raccoon' and came in first.
I told her how to move, what buttons hit people, the holding down L1 trick, and I explained that when she had that meter full she should press the right trigger with as many people in front of her as she could manage. I coached her a little bit, but still...not sure if this is a good or bad thing about the game.
I let my girlfriend (not a gamer) play this game because she thought it looked fun.
She played as 'the cute little raccoon' and came in first.
I told her how to move, what buttons hit people, the holding down L1 trick, and I explained that when she had that meter full she should press the right trigger with as many people in front of her as she could manage. I coached her a little bit, but still...not sure if this is a good or bad thing about the game.
Isnt there a Air Dodge and Roll? It should be extremely easy to dodge a Radec Sniper
Yes there is. Radec sniper is even easier to dodge just by jumping if he is on the same platform than you.
I think its just your eyes that got better at noticing.This is hilarious. I am officially on the Sly is overpowered in this build team. Much easier to win with than other characters.
But I bet he's a lot different in the next beta.
Also, anybody else notice an improvement in the glow you get from your meter? I swear it got better