Between an easy and accessible Ray Gigant and a hard and cryptic Stranger of Sword City, there are options for anyone to grab at least one of these EXP DRPGs this year.
Why not an in between though
Between an easy and accessible Ray Gigant and a hard and cryptic Stranger of Sword City, there are options for anyone to grab at least one of these EXP DRPGs this year.
Between an easy and accessible Ray Gigant and a hard and cryptic Stranger of Sword City, there are options for anyone to grab at least one of these EXP DRPGs this year.
Why not an in between thoughI can't say neither of the two are great options for me personally, idk about others. I wish these two had difficulty settings.
Seems like Hatoful Boyfriend has been removed from the Spring sale and is full price again.
Was close to buying it but won't now.
Doesn't SoSC technically have difficulty settings? Like DG.
Only difference it makes is enemies level.
Just wondering; what games in the flash sale are worth buying (for Vita)? Own the Castlevana game already but interested in the other games on sale. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Yeah, DG didn't do much either. Proper difficulty settings aren't for drpgs.
I mean if you don't mind buying PSP titles the Rockstar bundle seems to be a good value, but there's nothing really exciting on sale for the Vita.
Did they ever fix this on Vita? It had massive audio issues with crackling at launch.
Could somebody please answer this, I'm close to buying the Hatoful Boyfriend on Vita but this might be a big issue for me.
Price seems to be corrected now on the Swedish store.
I never noticed an issue, but I have only played it for a few minutes. I can check again later today if that's any help.
It happens throughout gameplay, though not really at the start that I noticed. Don't have it on my Vita or I'd check for an update.
Ah, okay. I'm not going to be much help then, as I would only be looking at the very beginning.
Checking to see what version you have might help some, as IIRC the release I played with the issue was the vanilla 1.00 version. If there's an update it might point to a fix.
Could somebody please answer this, I'm close to buying the Hatoful Boyfriend on Vita but this might be a big issue for me.
Price seems to be corrected now on the Swedish store.
Yeah sounds like it needs to be serviced. Although I think you could try rebuild the database and see if that fixes it. As for the screenshots you can move them to a USB or are you asking something else?so my PS4 decided to reboot itself during database rebuild... and it seems like some of the games are getting mixed up... (e.g. Order 1886 is reflecting Sound Shapes as DLC...)
The PS4 also randomly powers ON and powers OFF. I bought this in 2014... time for servicing?
Is there anyway to backup and restore screenshots? There isn't anyway to restore them right?
Yeah sounds like it needs to be serviced. Although I think you could try rebuild the database and see if that fixes it. As for the screenshots you can move them to a USB or are you asking something else?
anyone know of a good english starter guide to SoSC? Specifically, tips on team builds, etc? Also, anything we need to know if going for the plat.
After searching about it the answer seems to be a nope about screenshots. Also I don't think 2tb SSHDs have hit the market yet could be wrong on that.I tried rebuilding the database and it still seems like The Order 1886 runs on Sound Shapes DLC and Bloodbourne DLC...
Can I move the screenshoots to a USB and then move them back (and have them integrate nicely in the filesystem?)
is there a 2TB SSHD yet
Thats a shame im really enjoying kiwami on the vita and plays perfectly well. Nothing like this. Im really looking forward to play this on a vita so km expecting at least some improvements in the final gameI played the demo on vita and it was shit. They shouldn't released this demo in that state.
It is the same that the first Phantasy Star Nova demo, it was so shitty, so when the third demo (and the final game) came out, everyone was avoiding the game like the plague.
I played the demo on vita and it was shit. They shouldn't released this demo in that state.
It is the same that the first Phantasy Star Nova demo, it was so shitty, so when the third demo (and the final game) came out, everyone was avoiding the game like the plague.
Seems y'all lucky Europeans can now buy Severed on PSN. You may have to search for it though. 14.99 Euro is apparently the price. What are you waiting for?
Nice that it is already unlocked.Seems y'all lucky Europeans can now buy Severed on PSN. You may have to search for it though. 14.99 Euro is apparently the price. What are you waiting for?
Hm? Vita demo is out already?
Ready your wallets! Exist Archive is coming to NA October 18th
It's been delayed for all platformsBut where's Lumo? I thought it was due to release on the 22nd
Is there a review embargo for Severed? I'm buying either way but I'm curious about it.
I played the demo on PS4 and it was shit. They shouldn't released this demo in that state.
It is the same that the first Phantasy Star Nova demo, it was so shitty, so when the third demo (and the final game) came out, everyone was avoiding the game like the plague.
Is there a review embargo for Severed? I'm buying either way but I'm curious about it.
I just Played 2 hours of it. Spoiler: it's great.
I just Played 2 hours of it. Spoiler: it's great.
I don't even know what to do. Stranger of Sword City, Severed, Uncharted 4, and Alienation are like nuclear direct hits on my wallet, and that's skipping over another 5 or so games I really want. I can get them all, but where do I get the time to actually play them?
Finished Day of the tentacle and teslagrad yesterday, great games. Just bought Assassin's Creed and Severed and are looking forward to both of them.. this year have been great this far
How long/big are Axiom Verge and unEpic, is it easy to get lost?
Thought we had another stealth release creep up on us when I saw "Grand Theft Auto PS Vita Collection" on the store but it seems there are now just bundles of GTA and Rockstar PSP games.
Axiom Verge is a Metroid-style game so a core mechanic is that you will reach dead ends which you need some ability or weapon to pass so it's not impossible that you will feel like you've gotten lost a few times. Search around a bit and you will find your way though, like with other games in the genre. When you do get stuck, which I imagine you will, use the firstyou get on atouch screen ability. I have no idea how you were supposed to figure that one out yourself so I suggest reading it even if someone could see it as a teeny, tiny spoiler.small puddle of pink liquid
Haven't played Unepic.
Ok, thank you. I don't think I have a problem with backtracking if the world isn't too big. Would you say it's a 6-10 or 11-20 hour game?
Edit: I had no problem with Batman, but I had to drop knyt underground because it got to big.
The physical release is on track for the 29th, but the digital release is TBC, which is why we haven’t mentioned it in this post.