Its great that Operation Abyss is coming out soon

; people that enjoyed Demon Gaze should really love it, considering it looks to be much harder then DG alongside it having some smart fixes over DG (you start out with a party instead of having to buy your party members).
Not getting it though, as I while I like Demon Gaze, I don't love it nearly as much as the rest of you guys :l. Just hope that anyone who gets it has fun with it

Personally, I am hoping for some big sales on PSN, as I would love to get a few games on PSN. With E3 within the next week, a E3 sale to hype up a few games will be a good idea

Guys what happened to axiom verge on vita, is this game ever coming to the console?
Sorry if this is a late response, but the engine used for Axiom Verge is not compatible with the Vita, so it is taking longer to port the game over to the system then expected (the developers need Sony's help for that, as they need assistance re-working the engine to work on Vita). Thankfully, it isn't like the game is so demanding, so the porting process should be ironed out at some point, with the Vita version hopefully coming before late August. That is sadly a very late port, but the game will be coming to the Vita some point this year

Regarding Revelations 2, that game is still in the porting process, as all the episodes are released, so all that is left is to port the game to the Vita, print retail copies and hopefully it comes either next month or early July. Sony commented on the Vita port through the PS Blog a month or so back, so it is still coming
