Holy crap, what a day! I wanna watch it tooSo yeah
Got order for $25
Bloodbourne for $25
And jurasic world tkt+snacks for $25
And i still have moola for the steam sale :v
Holy crap, what a day! I wanna watch it tooSo yeah
Got order for $25
Bloodbourne for $25
And jurasic world tkt+snacks for $25
And i still have moola for the steam sale :v
Someone mentioned this in the other thread: The teaser pictures were all for multiple games so far, and the plus sign in the latest one is definitely colorful..
Crossing fingers for a Western release of IA/VT Colorful...
Give this to me XSEED!
IIRC Tom was saying that it was safe to import pretty recently, sooo...
We'll know in 1 1/2 hours![]()
Wait, what's happening then?
Crossing fingers for a Western release of IA/VT Colorful...
Give this to me XSEED!
I don't remember reading that (on gaf at least), if anything, the problem was the licensing.Tom has talked about this on a thread on their forums before. Can't get on there right now from where I am, but iirc, he said they were interested in the game but it would likely be digital-only if it did come across.
We'll know in 1 1/2 hours![]()
Tom has talked about this on a thread on their forums before. Can't get on there right now from where I am, but iirc, he said they were interested in the game but it would likely be digital-only if it did come across.
The last few announcements from XSEED came on fridays at 5PM UTC
What? They are localizing other games?!?!?
Did they triple the manpower?
They are localizing all future Japanese releases
Staff was replaced with robots
Nitroplus confirmed
'Fraid we're all out for the moment. There may be more titles to come -- possibly even more titles in 2015! -- but this is our whole E3 lineup, at least. You guys now know the majority of what we're working on for a while.
...And why we've all been so damned tired, too! WHEW!!
Just nitroplus? You made me hope for more :\
tom confirms that there are no other announcements for the moment.
Well that's disappointing, was holding out a tiny bit of hope that it was Super Heroine Chronicle, guess nobody will ever bring that overThey are localizing all future Japanese releases
Staff was replaced with robots
Nitroplus confirmed
Bloodstained has reached its last goal of $5M which means we will be getting an extra mode with a roguelike dungeon that you can share with friends. You wanted replayability, the game has New Game + which was given to us, and now this extra mode.
We are also getting the prequel games on the handhelds and consoles which is awesomeThat is amazing news! Not only are we all getting a extra game ala Mighty Gunvolt but we are also getting a ton of extra modes; the game is going to be packed with content when it is finished :').
I hope everyone gets this when it launches and I look forward to playing this on my Vita in 2017.
I don't remember reading that (on gaf at least), if anything, the problem was the licensing.
I haven't been keeping up with the KS. Will the PS4/Vita versions be cross-buy? Or maybe they're saving the surprise announcement for later like with Mighty No. 9?Bloodstained has reached its last goal of $5M which means we will be getting an extra mode with a roguelike dungeon that you can share with friends. You wanted replayability, the game has New Game + which was given to us, and now this extra mode.
That's why I said it was on their forums
Anyway, here's the post about it, and you can read through the thread for more musings from Tom about the likelihood of it coming across:
"To be perfectly honest, while I do think there's a strong possibility we'll pursue this game (BECAUSE I WILL BE MERCILESS ABOUT IT), and I can definitely see a future in which XSEED releases it... I really don't see much chance of this game getting a physical release. If we do end up releasing it in English at some point, I'm betting it'll be a digital-only title via PSN.
I'd love to be wrong about that, of course! But the rhythm genre is not exactly a big-ticket money-maker in the west, and I just can't see investors, buyers, etc. ponying up the dough to support a physical release, much less an LE box. So if you're looking to collect an item for your shelf, I might suggest placing a preorder on the Japanese version while you still can.
Now, bear in mind, I could be wrong! I'm not hinting at anything here -- truly, I'm just flat-out guessing. But based on what I've seen of the market, I just really don't want to see you get your hopes up and end up disappointed."
I don't think so since you have to pledge for which version you want + the consoles are being handled by Inti while the Armature guys handle the Wii U and Vita versions.I haven't been keeping up with the KS. Will the PS4/Vita versions be cross-buy? Or maybe they're saving the surprise announcement for later like with Mighty No. 9?
The bigger the company the less they know how to be profitable on smaller projects and there's also the fact that most of them think that no money is better than a little money so there's that as well.I've been thinking about this for a few days now after hearing about Superbeat Xonic's worldwide physical release, but the earlier Yakuza sales thread and the first few posts on this page really got me wondering.
What is it that allows a tiny Korean company founded from the ashes of another tiny Korean company that only made niche rhythm games to be able to do a worldwide physical release of their new niche rhythm game? Why can they do it without even a second thought? Western publishers that have done recent digital-only releases run the gamut from:
Tiny niche XSEED (Senran Kagura: Burst in the US, Rune Factory 4 in Europe)
Big niche Atlus (SMT4 and Conception II in Europe)
Major publisher Sega (Yakuza 5)
First party developer Sony (Oreshika, Soul Sacrifice Delta in the US)
It just boggles my mind that a tiny company putting out a game that probably won't break 30k worldwide can do a physical release without even blinking while companies as big as Sega and Sony can't be assed to do even limited edition physical runs.
The bigger the company the less they know how to be profitable on smaller projects and there's also the fact that most of them think that no money is better than a little money so there's that as well.
LEGO Jurassic World PSVita gameplay;
For those curious how it turned out.
I wasn't exactly talking about Sony but more about Sega with the "no money" thing. If we're talking about the Vita, a big chunk of Sony is actively boycotting it so it's not like they're comparable to normal businesses. Any NISA/XSEED/Aksys/IFI Vita game has more marketing and advertising than any non-launch first party Vita games, they're trying to push sales instead of stealth releasing the game because "they have to" without any kind of "extra" expenses.So I'm totally in support of the idea that sony is throwing away money by not have physical copies of games. That said...
The idea that Sony prefers 'no money' to 'little money' shows a nontrivial amount of either ignorance or bias when it comes to business. The manufacturing costs as well as coordinating with retailers might not be horribly expensive, but it takes time, which is directly linked to Sony's ability to maximize profits. You see "oh, it only costs 20c per retail copy, they'll make some money, obviously it's worth it" where as Sony likely sees "we have to spend X amount of manufacturing time pm a product with dubious sales potential when we could devote that time to something guaranteed to sell like [AAA game]."
I'm not saying this is absolutely the way it is, or that Sony is right about this, but it is not out of the realm of possibility that they would effectively lose money by making physical releases.
On the other hand, physical releases for games like this would foster a lot of goodwill within a group of people who have lots of disposable income and are willing to buy lots of games, so long term I think it's a good move.
They should give something for free, a new gallery mode or something because backers turn this game in the highest backed videogame in the history of kickstarterWith just a few hours to go we made it to the very last added threshold of $5.5M for Bloodstained. Boss mode. We just got that too.
They should give something for free, a new gallery mode or something because backers turn this game in the highest backed videogame in the history of kickstarter
So I'm totally in support of the idea that sony is throwing away money by not have physical copies of games. That said...
The idea that Sony prefers 'no money' to 'little money' shows a nontrivial amount of either ignorance or bias when it comes to business. The manufacturing costs as well as coordinating with retailers might not be horribly expensive, but it takes time, which is directly linked to Sony's ability to maximize profits. You see "oh, it only costs 20c per retail copy, they'll make some money, obviously it's worth it" where as Sony likely sees "we have to spend X amount of manufacturing time pm a product with dubious sales potential when we could devote that time to something guaranteed to sell like [AAA game]."
I'm not saying this is absolutely the way it is, or that Sony is right about this, but it is not out of the realm of possibility that they would effectively lose money by making physical releases.
On the other hand, physical releases for games like this would foster a lot of goodwill within a group of people who have lots of disposable income and are willing to buy lots of games, so long term I think it's a good move.
This is gonna be a way better game than any of the castlevanias IGA has worked beforeThey did a few days ago, it was a new game+ for the campaign. Just for reference, all other IGA games didn't have it.
This is gonna be a way better game than any of the castlevanias IGA has worked before
Shizuka sold me on it, though
Anyone knows a good deal on a The Last of Us: Remastered digital code ? I want to give it a second time, but now on PS4.
In any case, I feel that Sony will give it for PS+ after an E3 announcement
I'm glad it worked out for you in the end, I'm glad to have a friend like you that shares the Vita love.
I wish Operation Abyss had actually come out in April like it was supposed to.. was hardly playing anything around that time.
It's the opposite right now though and I'm hardly putting any time into it because of other more interesting games I'm playing. Maybe I'll just dedicate a specific day to playing it like Man God had been doing with Demon Gaze.
No, SaGa being at e3 means it's gonna get localized and the game still needs to be properly announced.Do you guys think that square will show SaGa at e3? For some reason i doubt it, i see it as a japanese event reveal.
Why is minecraft so difficult to buy on PS4? My daughter had a friend over and they were playing,nthey hit the trial time limit. I hadn't got around to buying it yet, but I'd bought the PS3 version so I figured another £5 was decent value. But when I went to the PSN store, it says I already purchased it? Hmm.
Tried restoring licenses, no dice. Try searching for minecraft and checking all the results just in case - nope, only one PS4 edition showing up, and it says I own it.
In the end I try searching for it on the web store, and right at the bottom of the list, on page two of the results, is 'PS4 version (unlock key)'. So I buy that for £4.49 on the web store and hopefully that'll let them play properly.
How has anyone managed to buy this damn thing?
Well, I've posted my review of Tetris Ultimate on Vita if anyone's interested;
The TL;DR version;it's awesome, buy it.
This is gonna be a way better game than any of the castlevanias IGA has worked before
I'm a little concern of how less awesome the vita version will be. I'm pretty sure armature will do an excellent job.
Need advice on this situation of mine.
I already have a US PSN account. I have games there. I moved to New Zealand and bought a PS4 which came with some physical games.
Well, I know DLC codes are region locked, so my FFXV demo code was activated on my NZ account (region 4,same as UK I think?).
I WANT remote play. I already have a Vita. I backed up my Vita (was on US account) then reformatted it for my NZ account (thanks Sony). It works properly.
But now I want DMC4:SE which is digital only. But I also want to keep playing FFXV demo through my Vita. Buuuuut I want to buy DMC4:SE on my US account because it's cheaper and I can buy PSN codes off Amazon. Is there no possible setup for this outside selling the games I have, or buying another vita just for remote play? I Googled around and read read this:
Can I just buy DMC4:SE on my US account and still play it through my Vita which is currently logged into an NZ account?
Is it possible to log my Vita back to my US account but remote play FFXV which is on my NZ account?
No, SaGa being at e3 means it's gonna get localized and the game still needs to be properly announced.