if you don't mind trudging through average gameplay and an average story for some great waifus, conception 2 is pretty cool

Stop making this so difficult
if you don't mind trudging through average gameplay and an average story for some great waifus, conception 2 is pretty cool
Stop making this so difficult
GE2:RB isn't in your life or mine that's what's up. Don't worry friend. I share your pain. We'll be okay.LOL
I'm glad to hear it. The polarizing reviews scared people away from a fantastic, super different and weird game. Because yes that's what this is, a game, and it doesn't shy away from it, throwing all kinds of gameplay styles and mechanics at you. If people haven't played it yet, they totally should.
Stop making this so difficult
I have platinum'd both Conception 2 and Mind Zero.
Conception 2 is worthless. Mind Zero has one redeeming feature.
Conception 2 has all the bells and whistles... lots of fancy game mechanics and cool ideas and all sorts of other stuff. But as someone else said, the game balance is broken and you will autobattle throughout. None of the mechanics matter -- and that's a lot of mechanics -- battlefield positioning, chaining attacks, cool attacks, none of it matters. It's a boring, terrible grind. Zero redeeming value.
Mind Zero looks bland. It plays bland at times. But it's got an engaging combat system. Basically, you have a human and demon form, and when you're in demon form your SP takes damage instead of your HP. Skills cost TP, but TP can only be recovered while you're in human form (and thus at risk). There are some other cool things going on too. There are The game is balanced very well (I played on hard) and is challenging throughout.
Basically, what this means is that unlike many drpgs, combat can be engaging. You'll be shifting back and forth between human and demon, looking for a chance to pull off an attack, or heal, or recover TP. Bosses, in particular, could be nice long dances where 2 of your characters might be dead at one point, but you skillfully manage to get everyone back up and running. But if you do backtrack for some reason, you can autobattle which is nice.
Now... that said, everything else is bland. Dungeon design is bland (only the post-game dungeon is really well designed), art is bland, most enemies are just color shifts, lewt is bland,etc. Some of their interesting ideas failed -- for example, you find skill cards and can give them to anyone... which is a great idea at first, until you realize that really makes the characters all feel samey eventually (no classes).
Conception 2 has about 10 times more to talk about regarding it's combat system. But none of that matters, because you'll never care about any of it since autobattle is faster. Mind Zero has less going for it, but it gets combat (mostly) right.
So between those two, MZ. Do not expect persona. It's not persona. It's a bland drpg with an interesting take on combat that feels generic/bland in every other way.
Despite its flaws, I enjoyed MZ. I hated my time with C2.
How is Toukiden Kiwami on PS4 ? I have a hard time choosing on which platform to play it.
Plays nicely, but slowdowns can occur when the screen is really busy, like when you get tons of explosions right on your face, or using a United Destroyer at point blank, breaking several members at once.
It's pretty too.
Both platforms have a demo available, and on both you can check either the first two chapters or some higher-level missions (Special Missions).
It doesn't look particularly good on PS4 so if you prefer portability just go with the Vita version.Yeah I heard the PS4 version had some slowdowns. Are we safe to assume the Vita one does too ? I don't know, I have a soft spot for Vita gaming, andddd I already have the insanely long Samurai Warriors 4 on PS4 if I want some hack 'n slash experience.
I'm just wondering if the PS4 version add enough graphical quality to be the version to choose.
Interview with Shawn Layden. Amusing part about Vita:
"Are you happy with the sales performance of the Vita here in the US?
Yeah. In fact, we sold more than we had internally targeted last year. We saw some issues in the market last year with supply constraint, which was kind of a surprise."
Lol, just how low were their targets?
Lol, just how low were their targets?
Interview with Shawn Layden. Amusing part about Vita:
"Are you happy with the sales performance of the Vita here in the US?
Yeah. In fact, we sold more than we had internally targeted last year. We saw some issues in the market last year with supply constraint, which was kind of a surprise."
Lol, just how low were their targets?
We saw some issues in the market last year with supply constraint, which was kind of a surprise."
Lol, just how low were their targets?
Too bad psnow and remote play are the only things he mentioned for vita.
We're probably getting a localization announcement for God Eater 2 Rage Burst this weekend, during the God Eater Festival.
Too bad psnow and remote play are the only things he mentioned for vita.
I think theres 100 games coming out this year across the Vita platform. I think its a great platform for independent developers. Theyre seeing a lot of opportunity across that. And its certainly a very vital and vibrant platform in the crucial Japan and Asia markets. So, yeah, were still in the Vita business. Were still using it to bring new experiences. I think the cost of entry for a developer is probably more friendly than doing a full-blown, triple-A PS4 title.
Mighty Switch Force 1 and 2 better be next in line for release on PSN, as both are becoming available on Steam.
Where is my otome Freedom Wars game?
I just found out there already is an OT
maybe we can revive it now that the game is out in EU and US
Here is there song.
I have that on PC but barely played it. Easy to pick up?
I have that on PC but barely played it. Easy to pick up?
Idea Factory International is teasing an exclusive limited edition of Amnesia: Memories to their Iffy Store... I love where this is going.
Didn't have time for it yet, I'll try it later. I'm just championing it because it's a japanese indie and we need waaaay more of that!
Idea Factory International is teasing an exclusive limited edition of Amnesia: Memories to their Iffy Store... I love where this is going.
Wait teased where? My PR email clearly states exclusively digital
Your summer romance begins this August! Amnesia: Memories will be available digitally on PSN and Steam in North America on August 25 and in Europe on August 26! It will be available for the PlayStation®Vita and will be compatible with PlayStation®TV.
Check out our Iffy-cial trailer!
Will we unlock a secret route to the heart of Iffy's Online Store...!? Will memories of an exclusive be revealed!? Stay tuned for next week's newsletter!
HDN 3 is coming out next week?! I still need to play through the first one. And man, the prices for the second have not dropped. At least not for a physical copy, that is.
Yeah I heard the PS4 version had some slowdowns. Are we safe to assume the Vita one does too ? I don't know, I have a soft spot for Vita gaming, andddd I already have the insanely long Samurai Warriors 4 on PS4 if I want some hack 'n slash experience.
I'm just wondering if the PS4 version add enough graphical quality to be the version to choose.
How much new stuff is in Toukiden Kiwami?
Originally wanted it for PS4 but might go for Vita again since I can't picture playing a hunting game shackled to a home console all the time.
There's some asia-based vitabros here that might help you. They'll have to scour the local shops and then ship it to you. Depending on your location + the game's price it might be a little bit steeper than usual.
I'm also here in asia, but work + school makes me go out so early in the morning and then too late in the evening.
I always check amiami, playasia (very rarely the best) and ebay. For older games that aren't on eBay I wouldn't know where to look though. There's some japanese auction sites but they're often very hard to use without knowing the japanese title for what you want (I guess FF is probably the same title though). Maybe Buyee? I don't know what the case you need looks like but these seem to be it
Even Buygame2 have it back ordered now. You might've missed the boat unfortunately.
However, keep an eye on that site too - I've used them before to get my copy of Oreshika, absolutely no problems whatsoever.
So there is no chance of Nis porting over Disgaea 5 for Vita, right?
So they've said. I would expect less console -> Vita late ports from Japan personally, if they don't take Vita into consideration at launch I expect a lot of games to do stuff that's not easy/possible to port down.
So they've said. I would expect less console -> Vita late ports from Japan personally, if they don't take Vita into consideration at launch I expect a lot of games to do stuff that's not easy/possible to port down.