Grim Fandango Remastered is great and the touch controls are the best on the Vita.
Very nice, thank you for the input. Will bite on it then.
Grim Fandango Remastered is great and the touch controls are the best on the Vita.
Ar nosurge Plus, here I come!
It's a tweet from KT teasing an announcement, with a couple of people, some music notes, and a plus sign. It implies, but doesn't confirm.wait what is happening? I can't see the image because I'm at work lol.
If it's confirmed then FUCK YES. Ar nosurge is awesome.
wait what is happening? I can't see the image because I'm at work lol.
If it's confirmed then FUCK YES. Ar nosurge is awesome.
Holy crap, I just looked it up online and the story for Ciel no Surge is friggin massive. I don't know if I have the patience to soldier through all these chapters just for a game :X
Holy crap, I just looked it up online and the story for Ciel no Surge is friggin massive. I don't know if I have the patience to soldier through all these chapters just for a game :X
EDIT: There seems to be a playlist on youtube with the cutscenes translated: playlist here, however it is composed of 45 videos, each one averaging 10mins of length. Damn.
Holy crap, I just looked it up online and the story for Ciel no Surge is friggin massive. I don't know if I have the patience to soldier through all these chapters just for a game :X
EDIT: There seems to be a playlist on youtube with the cutscenes translated: playlist here, however it is composed of 45 videos, each one averaging 10mins of length. Damn.
Looks like season 3 of Pinball Arcade will be a deal...
My issue is not having time to read all of this lol... On the same website that I found all of those chapters there is also a summary of character and plot. I know I will be missing a lot of info, but would reading this make Ar a little more comprehensible?
My issue is not having time to read all of this lol... On the same website that I found all of those chapters there is also a summary of character and plot. I know I will be missing a lot of info, but would reading this make Ar a little more comprehensible?
The short summary sucks.
You really should read everything. Ar nosurge starts off with almost all the characters already knowing each other and assuming you know what happened in Ciel. The game won't really make much sense if you don't know the whole story from Ciel, IMO.
30 minutes and The Unfinished Swan is making me sick, much like Duke Nukem back in January. It's a bummer, because I really want to play the game, but I don't want to feel sick from playing a game.
Welp, skipping on the PS3 version was the best decision I made I guess. So general consensus is that the game is good but you need to go online to read the backstory, right?
30 minutes and The Unfinished Swan is making me sick, much like Duke Nukem back in January. It's a bummer, because I really want to play the game, but I don't want to feel sick from playing a game.
I don't know if this is the ideal place to ask this but with it being a Playstation network thread I guess someone might be able to help me.
So I moved into a new place and I had Internet installed today and everything works fine.
With my modem/router now being right next to my Ps4 I decided it's finally time to connect via a wired connection. But the damn thing won't let me.
When I try to set up a wired connection it just says "Please connect a LAN cable" despite the fact that it's already connected.
I thought that mabye the cable was broken, it was one I got a few years ago and haven't used much after all, but I tried it on 2 different laptops and it worked perfectly fine with both of them.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Some setting I have to adjust in my router or something? Or is the damn ethernet port dead on my Ps4?
Was your port working before the move? Or from the sound of the way you wrote your post that you were using Wifi only before hand?
Yeah I've only been using Wifi so far. (which still works fine, btw)
There should not be some sort of default setting that would block your ethernet cable from working. Even if you had it running wifi first.
Since the other cable already works on other devices this might be a waste of time, but do you have any other cable you can test with? If not dont go out to buy a new one.
Outside of that, unless we have an expert in here which I doubt, would suggest contacting Sony support, though they will most likely run you down a general "script" of diagnostics steps to try and pinpoint the potential issue.
Did some searching and nothing really useful comes up as folks are all over the place with issues / answers.
Yeah, I think I'll try with a new cable.
They are cheap after all and it's worth trying.
Thx anyway.
I'll be very disappointed if we get ar nosurge plus instead of ciel nosurge plus
Very nice, thank you for the input. Will bite on it then.
Just pre-ordered Steins;Gate. It's a bit unfortunate that I watched the anime a few years ago already but I am sure I'll have fun with it nevertheless.
I am still playing Demon Gaze and it's really addicting. Especially like the fact that fights are so fast thanks to the auto-fight functionLooking forward to Operation Abyss now!
The first 30 minutes are the best section of the game anyway.
Side side note: I could read the note wilflare wrote to Shizuka since it engraved onto the note he wrote me. Don't worry, you two; your deep, dark secret is safe with me.
Well, damn. I get motion sick pretty easily, so I'll probably have this problem, too. And I was really looking forward to this game. I used to be able to read books in the car, now going through my song list on my iPhone makes me queasy.
I'll be very disappointed if we get ar nosurge plus instead of ciel nosurge plus
Finally getting around to playing Woah Dave. It's preeeeetty legit.
I think he dislikes videogames in general at this point.
No, I just have high standards for my favorite genre games. Platformers, SRPGs, VNs, and Dungeon Crawlers.
There are no high standards or low standards. There is you standard and the games you enjoy. When they don't align with what other people like, that doesn't mean other people have a worse taste than yours.
My two cents. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Normally I'd agree with that. But then I played Mind Zero for almost an hour. It...changed me.
Hey VitaGAF, just wanted to say that the Chiaki figure is awesome and I love it very much. Highly recommended to all Danganronpa fans.
(PS. Sir TapTap: Have you managed to fix her?)
Normally I'd agree with that. But then I played Mind Zero for almost an hour. It...changed me.
It's terrible and you shouldn't buy it is the general consensus here.Interesting... I've been eying Mind Zero but... I don't know, I'm not sure if its my cup of tea. Can you elaborate on this "change"?
Interesting... I've been eying Mind Zero but... I don't know, I'm not sure if its my cup of tea. Can you elaborate on this "change"?
Awww, snap! Look what just came in the mail!
I gotta give 5 out of 5 Vita stars to wilflare. com (Edit: lol, there actually is a website with that url) for excellent customer service and shipping. #vitabro Thanks a lot, man, I appreciate it, and let me know if I can return the favor if the need ever arises.
You plebeians who don't have this but want it and are curious, it cost about $100 CND (which is about $82 USD). Though it's probably sold out now, and you need to be one of the elite few to be accepted into wilflare's circle to get in on it.
Side note: Damn Sony for censoring that sweet hometown.
Side side note: I could read the note wilflare wrote to Shizuka since it engraved onto the note he wrote me. Don't worry, you two; your deep, dark secret is safe with me.
Well, damn. I get motion sick pretty easily, so I'll probably have this problem, too. And I was really looking forward to this game. I used to be able to read books in the car, now going through my song list on my iPhone makes me queasy.
The store update today is kind of weak. Flash sale please.
Interesting... I've been eying Mind Zero but... I don't know, I'm not sure if its my cup of tea. Can you elaborate on this "change"?
With Demon Gaze and in a month Operation Abyss and not too long afterwards Dungeon Travelers 2, you should have your bases covered in the DRPG genre on the Vita. Save your moneyInteresting... I've been eying Mind Zero but... I don't know, I'm not sure if its my cup of tea. Can you elaborate on this "change"?
^Well to me, it'd be whichever doesn't take the most space on my 64 GB :V
So 2 things
A- My ranking of the Ys games is currently as follows
1- Ys 3 (OiF)
2- Ys Seven/Origin
3- Ys 1, 2, 6
B- for those that can play YT videos on their Vita, how amazing does this look on dat OLED?
Guys, if you had to pick one, would you get DJ Max Portable 3 or DJ Max Fever?
2 in the same rank as 1 and 6? I'm offended.