Actually I messed up tooOh yeah. Whoops. Thanks for clarifying that!
One of them is Dungeon Travelers 2, which Atlus localizes this summer. To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers is different game.
Actually I messed up tooOh yeah. Whoops. Thanks for clarifying that!
I dont mind paying $15 extra for the Collector Box and a physical copy, to support one of my fav devs.
That said, i'd take a lame 15 page artbook or 4 track sampler CDs over fucking stickers lol
I posted this in the other thread. This should probably help you out.
From an anon on 4chinz:
For those playing it on Vita;
>pick the first movement system
>change L stick to D-Pad inputs
>change the R stick to L1/R1
>change shoulder buttons to L2/R2
>turn off the rear touchpad
>enjoy playable Tron Bonne
Looking forward to Neptune U this month.
Looking forward to Neptune U this month. Two Compile Heart/Idea Factory games in one month, plus I just finished Omega Quintet the other day. It's like Christmas.
Need advice on this:
Backstory: when people mentioned they were getting this shipped already, I emailed [the company I preordered from, who I'll refrain from shaming right now] because they didn't have the release date till the 7th. Instead of correcting their mistake, they essentially gave me a form letter telling me the release date was the 7th. I replied that they were wrong, using other sites as reference, and never got a direct response.
Instead, I just got this email:
In reference to the item Genkai Totsuki Moero Chronicle (Chinese / English Edition) (Asian Version) from your order XXXXXXXXXXXX, the expected ship out date has been changed to May 31, 2015 due to reasons received from our suppliers. We will continue to try our best to source the item for shipping as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
How do you guys recommend I proceed? I don't believe they allow order cancellations, which means it's either going to be a potential nightmare with customer service or I'll need to get my cc involved.
Is it Play Asia? If it is, they do allow cancellations, unless you paid with Paypal, then they'll issue you store credit.
No, not playasia. And I'm pretty sure the site doesn't allow cancellations, and even if they were to give me store credit that's pretty much unacceptable to me since I pretty much never import stuff and so it would effectively be keeping my money [or, at least, keeping it locked up for what might be years].
After complaining, I received a follow up email that essentially blames their supplier for not supplying all import sites at the same time (why? I have no idea) and that they'd look into it.
To make this extra annoying, I had no idea this game was a sequel to [game] and would prefer to just cancel it anyway. So freaking annoying.
I'm debating filing an issue with Paypal, who I paid through. I think delaying a preorder by a month rises to the level of unacceptable service, even if it actually was a mysterious suppliers fault and not theirs. They should have offered me the option to cancel and/or some other recompense, not simply changed the release date on me as if nothing happened.
I was wondering why the digital versions of the 4 games are listed to release today in Japan on gamefaqs. They weren't available digitally before as non-PSM titles?Apparently, the Chaos Rings games all have trophies now in Japan.
I was wondering why the digital versions of the 4 games are listed to release today in Japan on gamefaqs. They weren't available digitally before as non-PSM titles?
Sad news, Operation Babel breaks the trend of anime girl face icons for Vita DRPGs.
Since Mirai DX for 3DS is delayed in EU, I think I'll pre-order IA/VT instead. AmiAmi or Nippon-Yasan? I remember reading bad things about one (or both?) of them.
Since Mirai DX for 3DS is delayed in EU, I think I'll pre-order IA/VT instead. AmiAmi or Nippon-Yasan? I remember reading bad things about one (or both?) of them.
I had no idea this game was a sequel to [game]
I use Amiami, and I like them since they include all the random pre-order bonus stuff I usually don't even know about.
But yeah, as SirTapTap mentioned, they don't do cancellations, and they'll only give the shipping quote (which is reasonable in my experience) once they have the item on hand and ready to ship.
Amiami will do cancellations if you ask nicely via e-mail and don't make a habit of it. I've cancelled an order with them before with no issue.
lets not get this thread locked ok
This makes this seem so much worse
He is too old for those 2 games, hence why he blurred them out
He is too old for those 2 games, hence why he blurred them out
"Disgaea" and "streamlined" are just 2 words that don't go together lol.I'm enjoying Disgaea 4 Return much more than previous Disgaea titles, best since 2.
Love the chara, dialogue, etc. The game could be a bit more streamlined though.
"Disgaea" and "streamlined" are just 2 words that don't go together lol.
Oh yeah, definitely don't get me wrong the games are a lot more accessible than they used to be. Still, Disgaea is just one of those series with a lot of meat to the bone. You could honestly get lost just exploring the levels within items lol.Actually Disgaea D2 streamlines a great deal of things, almost every game in the series has majorly improved some aspect. The Cheat Shop in particular allows you to focus your grinding efforts much better and lets you change enemy levels with a slider instead of those infernal bills.
just noticed how long ago I pre-ordered this no show, and the order is still technically open
Welp. I bit the bullet. YOLO
Now I don't have to have worry about collecting this anymore.
I have four Vita games incoming, that's more than enough for now. I'm just waiting for wil to ship the other two and I'm done for the month.
sorry! (and to everyone else who got me to help)
I'll ship your games out soon enough.
just been a very hard few weeks with my last few papers to graduate ._.
Wait what? I beat DR2 and thought everything was fine. If you own the game already that's a pretty lame excuse for not starting it since it's not going to change.The only thing I heard about DR2 is that NISA slapped together a horrible script riddled with translation errors/bad editing.
And that's actually keeping me from starting the game.
So many games to buy...and I still want to get a PS4...the wait is torture. @_@
So I started The Unfinished Swan today, and it's both compelling and very odd. It's nigh disorienting to run through a blank white environment, all the time trying to fill in the blanks with paintballs - but it's also very endearing in an "I want to see where this leads" way.
Not too far in yet, but... I think it may have its hooks in me.
I have a PS4 but I have to agree. Feels like my PS4 sees a bit of use whenever something AAA drops, to be played for a few days or so only. My Vita and N3DS are always on fire.I'm glad I decided to go for a Vita 2000, a PSTV and a N3DSXL instead of a PS4 a few months back.