Will the Vita game be an actual cart?
Will the Vita game be an actual cart?
It should be a cart, as you have to play the game some how. I don't think they will give people a download code; this is aimed at kids/families, so I would imagine that it will have a cart to put into the Vita/PS TV.
Minecraft is aimed at kids as well, yet it's a code in a box in North America. The point here is that this is not a Sony title, but a Disney/Activision one, meaning that there was little chance it'd be a code in a box.
Minecraft is aimed at kids as well, yet it's a code in a box in North America. The point here is that this is not a Sony title, but a Disney/Activision one, meaning that there was little chance it'd be a code in a box.
Minecraft is aimed at kids as well, yet it's a code in a box in North America. The point here is that this is not a Sony title, but a Disney/Activision one, meaning that there was little chance it'd be a code in a box.
With Minecraft it kind of makes sense because it's a small download. I'd imagine Disney Infinity fills the cart.
But Minecraft is a small game so it's not a problem. Disney Infinity is most likely bigger than one gig.
Well, it's the only DPRG not called Etrian Odyssey to sell above 100k in Japan during this generation, bar Moe Chronicle.
Didn't know it sold so well in Japan, that's crazy. I think it's a legitimately good game, though. Too bad a lot of people would be turned off by the aesthetics.
Im still trying to find where the 100k numbers came from. Ive seen the team talk about 200,000 global but not 100,000 domestically. There was the 50,000 mark also domestically. Good number of sales were digital also apparently.
The game was Japan-only up until a few months ago, when it got an asian japanese release and this month, when it got an asian english release. Or are you talking about Demon Gaze?
Demon Gaze. Since you mentioned 100k for Japan.
I have not seen any breakdown actually mentioned past the 50k sales where they said a good number of that was digital also.
Ok found one talking about 80K, so yeah the 100k looks like it would be legit am sure Ill find it eventually.
I wonder how much did the global edition sell overall.
Opening numbers were
[PSV] Demon Gaze: Global Edition (Kadokawa Games) {2014.07.03} - 2.463
Moero Chronicle is a DRPG? Is it good?
Moero Chronicle is a DRPG? Is it good?
I've found the 80k one too. I stopped searching because it was a big topic and it was the last goal I found before the localization announcement.
It is, it should be, we can't talk about it here.
Yeah its unfortunate we have banned titles since that takes 3 things off the list.
At least though there is a good selection of stuff which is growing at the moment.
Currently waiting for the artist over here to finish with their busy schedule to do up the main title artwork for the thread.
Im curious if NISA is going to announce anything else at the E3, seeing how the Op Abyss preorders are almost fully accounted for.
Id imagine that NISA would be releasing SoSC with the OST seeing how it exists in Japan too as both the PC and X360 versions got it. With how NISA is good about getting extras when possible Id see them paying out extra for it. And the music most def is worth it. Considering they did the same for Op Abyss.
you answered super fast but I was at work, not sure what to add anyways. I sure hope NISA announces Stranger of Sword City soon!
I was searching for Stranger of Sword City videos and it directed me to your youtube channel, haha.
Yeah Im like one of the few people that have vids up, I think Dorarnae might have recorded some stuff too. I think there are some JP vids too? Though those might have been more endgame stuff.
I did not make any Vita footage though I think so the stuff that is currently up is from the 360 version? Actually I dont remember if I did record vita stuff or not. D: Might have just not uploaded it?
Stranger looks really good, but what about Cross Blood Infinity Ultimate? Are people just assuming NISA will skip it for Stranger, or? I remember reading about it before and thinking it looked interesting.
Why was there a 360 version but not a PS3 one? just find it a bit weird.
But yeah I don't see any Vita footage from the game on your channel.
Do you know who "Drpg 4ever" is? I like his channel.![]()
Thats Dorarnae. His old channel got flagged by the bots and content messed up from that so he just closed it down and opened up a new one.
Exp Inc generally had a good working relationship with MS. Though most of the other titles made their way to the portable Sony systems which found a decent home as well.
For whatever reason, I was expecting that channel to be of Dorarnae. This world is a small place.
Yeah lol there is not that many of us hardcore drpg players around for the most part. Even less who actually do videos. D:
I think it was a smart move for them to go with the psp / vita though vs like trying to have released it on the PS3. The game itself most def more is an on the go thing esp with their general design with gameplay mechanics. Granted I mean I have the PC versions too, but a lot of the time playing I think Id rather just go handheld. Which is why its nice now that we have the PSVTV. So we can hop over to that if we want to play on a larger screen.
Dorarnae is the one that helped me get to know DRPGs more after I played my first one: Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls, even if it wasn't until Demon Gaze that I really went all out on the genre.
I agree that going PSP/Vita sounds like a way better strategy than PS3, DRPGs on the go are godly. Vita TV giving you the option of playing on the big screen is great too.
I do wish I could get some of these games on PC, there's no JDPRGs on Steam. The only DRPG I own on PC are Legend of Grimrock 1/2 and Wizardry 6/7/8(Steam needs Wizardry 4, my favorite one).
Is Labyrinth of Lost Souls any good? I feel like I should check it out, I've had the demo installed on my PS3 for ages.
Is Labyrinth of Lost Souls any good? I feel like I should check it out, I've had the demo installed on my PS3 for ages.
I agree that going PSP/Vita sounds like a way better strategy than PS3, DRPGs on the go are godly. Vita TV giving you the option of playing on the big screen is great too.
I do wish I could get some of these games on PC, there's no JDPRGs on Steam. The only DRPG I own on PC are Legend of Grimrock 1/2 and Wizardry 6/7/8(Steam needs Wizardry 4, my favorite one).
Is Labyrinth of Lost Souls any good? I feel like I should check it out, I've had the demo installed on my PS3 for ages.
Speaking of Elminage, I wonder what Starfish is doing next for the series. They're remade/ported all but Elminage III, so maybe that's next? The last non-port was Ibun or whatever in late 2012, which they just released again on 3DS. So they totally skipped III for porting since they did Gothic on 3DS before that.
Who was the publisher for the Starfish games in Japan? Do they self-publish their games?
I have literally no idea what Starfish is doing. They did not seem interested at all to touch the Vita either. Outside of doing digital versions of some of their previous titles. still dont get why they ported their worst rated title to the 3ds. lol since changing the graphics isnt going to fix it.
I've heard nothing good about Ibun, haha. Even the art style should at least look good given what they went for, but even that managed to look kind of bad. Elminage Gothic has such a good oppressive atmosphere, I'd really like to see a new game like that on the Vita or even 3DS if that's the platform they want to work with.
I'm hoping Starfish is doing something, it's not like a developer can live long from just revenue of old games, unless it's just a shell company and they aren't developing games anymore. Ghostlight did the Elminage Gothic PC port themselves, so Starfish must be alive in some way to strike a deal with them and let the game get ported to another platform.
Starfish is like the devs that tired to sell STG on PS3 after every STG fan bought a 360. None of their 3DS releases have sold anything approaching okay.
Isnt the actual reason why we didnt get that many STGs on the PS3 is due to Sony being dicks about it for a good first half of things, till the tail end of things they eased off which is why games started to appear on the system?
Yeah, that's why STGs weren't on PS3, but that doesn't change the effect it had. The audience for that genre is small and they were all on 360, so PS3 releases would always sell worse. Same with dungeon crawlers being primarily a Vita thing, outside of Etrian.
New here, do I buy Kiwami or Soul Sacrifice Delta?
Considering how long they have been not doing much plus the went and ported their worst title makes me wonder just how ok is the company doing.
Its not like the last 2 titles in the Elminage series did that well anyways.
If they were smart they would just work on doing ports to Steam themselves for the JP side since at least then they would have the code and resources ready for if a publisher in the West wants to grab it.
Then again as mentioned no idea how well off they are as they are a very low key company. Could be they actually make more money on all of the casual stuff for all we know.
New here, do I buy Kiwami or Soul Sacrifice Delta?
There are demos for both Toukiden Kiwami and the original Soul Sacrifice. The two games are actually very different in terms of combat, so you should try both. SSD (which I prefer) is much cheaper than Kiwami on NA PSN.New here, do I buy Kiwami or Soul Sacrifice Delta?
Welcome! On top of what people have been saying, to try each demo I would ask this since both have a general theme/vibe to the games that ultimately might help you get more engrossed as you play, after all both games have stories to add on to the addictive looting.New here, do I buy Kiwami or Soul Sacrifice Delta?
Looks like I'll be getting Soul Sacrifice Delta since it is praised like the coming of Jesus. It's exactly what I was looking for.SSD has a pretty well done story for the dark fantasy setting, but the game is hit or miss with folks. Most people in this thread praise it like its the second coming of Jesus for whatever reason though. Also pretty interesting monster designs too.