Sony clearly gives two shits about the Vita and this conference almost confirms that but thanks to a lot of Vita announcements (thanks for making the list mellan_Konsten

But this TGS kinda hammered home to me that that's just not gonna happen. And it wasn't even Gravity Rush jumping ship... it was DanganRonpa going multi-plat.
I snipped a lot from both of your posts... but I think you guys are slightly misreading Sony here. Think of it from the perspective of a multinational corporation that has had financial trouble in the past but have found massive success with the PS4.
It's not that they "give two shits" about the Vita... it's really not about the Vita at all. It's about the PS4, and a concerted effort to get the Japanese gaming public buying consoles again.
Why? Well, a lot of reasons. For one, some of the games produced in Japan are actually important to the Playstation brand world wide. It's not a specific game, or a specific franchise, but just part of the general Playstation appeal that the west gets some localizations that the X1 would never get. That's one of the things that defines the Playstation brand/experience.
And so they don't want to see console gaming die out in Japan -- because that would be the true end of an era. Now, with the success of the PS4 they are attempting to help leverage things like GR and Danganronpa to shift Japanese gamers to consoles too. That shift, if successful, will further expand the PS4's library/brand/worldwide appeal.
Of course, that's not the only reason, or possibly even the biggest reason, but it's there.
There's the secondary issue that Vita simply isn't the success they were hoping for. It has a diehard base [raises hand], but it's not like putting a TLOU or another Uncharted or whatever on Vita will suddenly 'save' it. They've tried all that, and it never worked. Letting indies and 3rd parties and localization teams do the heavy lifting -does- work. Keeping that in consideration, it's not the they 'give two shits' about it, it's that they recognize that pumping money into new properties wasn't working, but pumping [less] money into grabbing indies and localizations and supporting third parties -was- working.
If anything, I think Sony has shown they do care about the Vita (See: indies and localizations)... and the move of GR to PS4 shouldn't be seen as some attack (or 'ignore') on the vita, but rather a simple, direct, business decision that is trying to get consoles into Japanese living rooms for a variety of fairly important reasons.
It's not dissimilar to Uncharted: GA coming to Vita. No one suspected Sony of abandoning their consoles when the Vita got an exclusive 'console' game -- rather, it's simply an obvious push to sell Vitas (or, PSPs beforehand) to console owners that like certain established franchises. Moving GR/etc to PS4 is just the same thing, in reverse.