That Penarium demo was quite fun, tight controls and nice music.
I hope to see it on PS+ some day.
I hope to see it on PS+ some day.
Breaking News
Decided to finally try Grow Home. Very simple, but charming game and I'm not sure why it gets so much hate on here. I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Water is wet.
Grow Home is hated? what? I actually like it a lot for a small budget game.
maybe you're thinking about Gone Home?![]()
Yes on GAF people constantly bitched and moaned about the controls.
I know you've guys said it already but did anyone actually think we would get a Vita2 or PSP2?
Breaking News
I know you've guys said it already but did anyone actually think we would get a Vita2 or PSP2?
Finished VVVVVV. Definitely a great game with awesome music and design.
Need another game. I love small games like Counter-Spy, Steamworld Dig, The Swapper, and VVVVVV. Recommendations?
If anything, I could picture a Vita 3000 for JP markets within the next year or two; higher specs to make games have higher frame rates, some extra inputs for remote play and maybe adding 4G or LIGHT support (the phone internet service) for remote play everywhere. Outside of that.....I don't think we will ever get a Vita 2 :l.
Finished VVVVVV. Definitely a great game with awesome music and design.
Need another game. I love small games like Counter-Spy, Steamworld Dig, The Swapper, and VVVVVV. Recommendations?
Rock boshers dx, aqua kitty dx, dead nation,spelunky, dustforce, kung fu rabbit,shovel knight, rogué legacy,alíen breed, la mulana ex, txk,fantasy hero and binding of isaac to name some really good little games on the vita( well at least to me , little as an small by size indie games , under 800mb )Finished VVVVVV. Definitely a great game with awesome music and design.
Need another game. I love small games like Counter-Spy, Steamworld Dig, The Swapper, and VVVVVV. Recommendations?
how's everyone doing? :3 it's been a long long while!
Maybe you guys can help me out. I've had a PS Gold Headset for a few months now and have had no issues until today.
Got up this morning, turned on the headset and nada. Dongle has a blue light when the headset is on, the headset itself turns on and makes all its normal noises but it seems the PS4 itself is unaware of the headset's connection and thus - no sound goes through. I know because sound doesn't leave the tv either.
Any suggestions? It's a real bummer this dude just stopped working
how's everyone doing? :3 it's been a long long while!
Tried Xeodrifter yet? I'm really liking it.
Xeodrifter, Kick and Fennick, Velocity, Olliolli, Mutant Blobs Attack, Rocketbirds. Have you already played those?
Thanks for all the suggestions!Rock boshers dx, aqua kitty dx, dead nation,spelunky, dustforce, kung fu rabbit,shovel knight, rogué legacy,alíen breed, la mulana ex, txk,fantasy hero and binding of isaac to name some really good little games on the vita( well at least to me , little as an small by size indie games , under 800mb )
Finished VVVVVV. Definitely a great game with awesome music and design.
Need another game. I love small games like Counter-Spy, Steamworld Dig, The Swapper, and VVVVVV. Recommendations?
The Sky is blue, it rains cats and dogs, the sun is yellow and my face has freckles; mind my language, but of fucking course there won't be a Vita 2 :'(.
Sony clearly showed they have little interest in the handheld market over the years with how they supported the Vita, so them admitting they aren't interested in a new one isn't shocking at all honestly.
How much have they really profited off the Vita, though? Nintendo has clearly dominated the handheld market for years.
Oh, I though that the world end eclipse would come out in October, in reality the vita version doesn't even have a release date :|
Edit: but both tokyo xanadu and yoru no nai kuni is this week(in Japan), right?
Is the Xcom Vita port legit? I saw a PEGI rating and it says it should come out like.... Today.
Nice! Going to watch.
I think he just stopped (after getting some panty shots of the MC girl lol)
but here's some Yoru No Nai Kuni instead
Is the Xcom Vita port legit? I saw a PEGI rating and it says it should come out like.... Today.
I think he just stopped (after getting some panty shots of the MC girl lol)
but here's some Yoru No Nai Kuni instead
Haha, I'm actually watching that one.
Hope we get to see some combat soon.
Lol. Worst kept "secret" ever. it's still a long time until PSX.
My guess is that they're going to announce it during paris games week. Imo the "best" show previous years for vita announcements has been gamescom (tearaway, killzone, minecraft)and this year they didn't have a conference there.
I'm hoping for:
Makai Shin Trillion
Tokyo xanadu
World end eclipse
DQ builders
Net High
Salt and sanctuary
Invisible inc
More indies
*Yoru no nai kuni
Confirmation that these are still coming:
Darkest dungeon
Banner saga
Big fest
*I know I know but still
My guess is that they're going to announce it during paris games week. Imo the "best" show previous years for vita announcements has been gamescom (tearaway, killzone, minecraft)and this year they didn't have a conference there.
I'm hoping for:
Makai Shin Trillion
Tokyo xanadu
World end eclipse
DQ builders
Net High
Salt and sanctuary
Invisible inc
More indies
*Yoru no nai kuni
Confirmation that these are still coming:
Darkest dungeon
Banner saga
Big fest
*I know I know but still
-Sony announces Team Ico Collection for PS4 and Vita; PS4 version gets included demo of Last Guardian while Vita version gets behind the scenes development footage of the title. Comes out early 2016 for both platforms and developed by Bluepoint, Armpature or Sanzaru Games.
I can see it being PSX rather than PGW. I know what you mean about European trade shows being better for Vita, but it's clearly Gio Corsi's team who organized the port and he's more likely to show at a USA show.
(Btw, I'm still looking forward to Bastion too).
As for announcements, I'm after:
- Makai Shin Trillion
- Neptunia vs. Zombie Army
- Hero Must Die
- Yomawari
- Operation Babel
- Luminous Arc Infinity
- Tokyo Xanadu
- Utawarerumono
- 13 Mecha Soldier Defence Force (or whatever that Vanillaware game is called)
- Yoru no Nai Kuni
- Atelier Sophie
- Steins;Gate 0
- Exist Archive
All of which I think have a reasonable chance of coming across (wishful thinking? Probably). Not announced during PGW or PSX though.
I'm expecting a bit of Gio Corsi stuff at PSX including XCOM/Civ and some indie ports. Maybe another western-developed internal port again.
Lol. I don't see them bringing it to Vita. They can't even be arsed with Journey on Vita.
I forgot about Assassin's Creed Chronicles. I guess that's a PSX announcement too.
As for Disney Infinity 3.0, I can see it happening too, purely because Panic Button Games are working on something for Vita. I don't see LEGO happening though.
Gamescom hasn't been that great to Vita last year and this year, but we did get a lot of indie announcements there (with a healthy number of them being dual releases on PS4/Vita), so you do make a good point.
My bet for Paris Games Week is that the following gets announced/shown off:
-Xcom, Civilization Revolution, Lego Dimensions, Infinity 3.0, and AC Chronicles are announced for Vita; Xcom and Civ. Revolution coming this fall, AC Chronicles early 2016 and Lego/Infinity 3.0 coming March 2016.
*Every Lego game has come to Vita so far, so handheld versions of Dimensions has to be coming at some point. Infinity 2.0 came out early this year for Vita, so I could see 3.0 doing the same thing next year
-Announced indies are shown off; Mighty No. 9, Shantae Half Genie Hero, Salt and Sanctuary, Bastion, Axiom Verge, and other Vita indie games shown off and/or given release dates
-More Vita colors coming to the west next year and (hopefully) the 64GB MC comes to EU with those new colors as well *Not likely to happen*
-PS4 gets a big spot light there; western release dates for FFXV, Persona 5, KH 2.8, Gravity Rush 2 and Remastered plus other JP games shown off/announced at TGS this year get release dates for western releases plus new gameplay to show off
-Dragon Quest XI gets officially announced for western release for a stock '2016' date, Dragon Quest Heroes 2 gets announced for Mid-Summer release in the west on PS4 and Vita, DQ Builders gets announced for Late-Summer release in the west on PS4/Vita
-Gameplay demos for FFXV and/or KH3; new world announcements for KH3
-Sony shows off GT7 for the first time on PS4; fall 2016 release date
-Sony announces Team Ico Collection for PS4 and Vita; PS4 version gets included demo of Last Guardian while Vita version gets behind the scenes development footage of the title. Comes out early 2016 for both platforms and developed by Bluepoint, Armpature or Sanzaru Games.
Release date for XV will be announced in March 2016. KH3 I believe will show up at another Disney event. And I don't think we'll be seeing a Persona 5 release date any time soon.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
- Velocity - Played my fill, I think. Enjoyed what I played.
- Rocketbirds - Really? Haven't played it, but don't recall hearing anything that would draw me in.
Not that anyone cares, but I ended up grabbing:
Pretty good fun for under $10.
- Rock Boshers DX - Good, good. Happy to get trophies this time through. And having cloud saving I can (I think!) share with PS4 is kind of neat.
- Heroes of Loot - So much more fun than on my Nexus 7. A real controller is a must for this kind of game, even though the mobile controls were pretty OK. I can see going back to this one for fun nonsense.
It's a dungeon crawler with 8-way shooting. Pretty mindless so far, but cute.What's Heroes of Loot about? I was under the under impression that it's a Zelda-like adventure game, is it true?
Hey, guys. Been out of the loop since May. What have I missed? Was Digimon Cyber Sleuth announced for Vita?
Lol. Worst kept "secret" ever. it's still a long time until PSX.
Lol. I don't see them bringing it to Vita. They can't even be arsed with Journey on Vita.